Symptoms I am having, they have me worried sick
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Well, guys - it's little, ol' anxious me again.
Before I begin, I feel I should tell you all that my anxiety only began a couple of months ago, so it's still relatively new to me. So, please forgive me during this post if I sound ignorant or naive when it comes to certain things.
So, my anxiety stems from health and worrying that there is something constantly wrong with me. It has almost become an obsession. Any twinge, anywhere in my body, sends me into a tail spin. Then, my brain latches on to that twingle, I get anxious about said twinge, and then said twingle is with me each and every single day. Also, I tend to assume the worst when it comes to a symptoms. For example, if I had a headache, I wouldn't think 'oh, gosh, I have a headache', I'd think 'OH, GOSH, I HAVE A BRAIN TUMOR!' And I am presenting it in a slightly comedic way, but believe me it is anything but funny when it actually happens.
And what's weird is that sometimes symptoms of my anxiety are present when I don't feel particularly anxious. I guess I was ignorant in that I always associated anxiety with visible panic. Is it possible you can be anxious without really realizing it?
Symptoms that I am currently experiencing that are really frightening me are all to do with my head. It's horrible, and I keep worrying that I have a brain tumor or that I have motor neuron disease (the latter really began to scare me because my shoulder hurts, and apparently your arms and shoulders are the first to go). I am only 27, and I am crippled with fear that there is something really wrong with me. I am going to do my best to describe what is happening with me, and I hope that my mind could be put to rest. I am going to apologize in advance, because these descriptions are going to be atrocious.
So, it varies - sometimes my sinuses feel blocked, and I am unable to breathe through my nose. It can feel like my head is congested, or that pressure-y feeling when you are on an aeroplane. I don't have headaches, there is no 'pain', it's a strange feeling. My mum told me that tension headaches aren't always associated with pain, and that it could be that because I am so on edge and anxious. Now, here's where it gets weird...
A few days ago, I felt this little naggy feeling on the top of my head. Now, my hair is shaved off, so I'm able to run my hand over my head quite easily. I couldn't feel any sore points on the exterior - I thought maybe it was a little pimple on my head, or maybe a little ingrowing hair. Nothing. So, I'm assuming it is coming from inside my head. It feels like there is this little nagging "pain" (again, it doesn't really hurt, it's more annoying) at the top of my brain (I know that sounds crazy); is this something that happens during a tension headache? I know the muscles can tighten, which could by the top of my head is feeling the most sensitive.
Also, the little pulse in my temples are constantly throbbing around and popping up to say hello, sending me into a frenzy.
Someone help me!!!
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paula81704 david48602
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david48602 paula81704
kayla1865 david48602
david48602 kayla1865
kayla1865 david48602
david48602 kayla1865
frank68910 david48602
There is an indian remedy for a headache and that is to stand in an ant bed for awhile and the headache will soon be forgotten.
Does this make sense? When we fear for our life we are saying I am afraid of dying. It isn't rational unless you have a symptom. So our minds will manifest all kinds of symptoims to prove we are not being irrational. So the trick is to teach yourself that all is well. That you do not have a brain tumor. Our brains are like a record-old vinyl records with rrooves. This is how we memorize things. we make grooves along our frontal lobes so tiny it takes a microscope to see them-anyway that doesn't matter. If we keep saying we are going to die the grooves get deeper and deeper. Sop we have to erase them. We say: I am well I feel good. we say words like tranquility, serenity, peacefulness-over and over and over while breathing in through our noses and out our mouths. When negative thoughts try to come in we push them away. Slowly-step by step these fears will leave us. Positive thught always wins over negative thought if we just keep telling ourselves we are fine. Remember David. There are no what ifs-there is only now. You thought you were going to die yesterday and here you are today. You thought you were going to die day before yesterday but you didn't. Be here now-breathe deep and say: All is well-I am well-over and over and over and you have to believe it as those positive grooves manifest and those negative ones melt away.
okay? try it-you have nothiing to lose but your fear. Next step-find a good therapist who can help you find out why you are manifesting fear of death. thats what counselors do and why we sometimes need help from them when the record gets stuck-like a song that we can't get out of our heads. Good luck-Frank
david48602 frank68910
frank68910 david48602
have a good night
david48602 frank68910
paula81704 david48602
david48602 paula81704
paula81704 david48602
david48602 paula81704