symptoms of high bloodpressure

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Hello all, just wondering what symptoms people have experienced with high BP, I was diagnosed 2 yrs ago and have since developed a phobia of the BP machine! I am awaiting phobia councelling but as I cannot take a reading then I am relying on symptoms, my bp was 200 / 110! but also had a reading of 129/78 when relaxed. I suffered headache daily and had sinus pain and dry blood in my nose but never a nose bleed! I take ramapril but some days worry its high as I feel lightheadedness and have developed an eye floater but had eyes checked and all fine, I would appreciate hearing what symptoms others experience

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    To be honest this sounds like white coat syndrome if it is normal when you relax how about a 24 hour monitor mabe you do not need medication !! its only if it never comes blow 140/90 !!  good luck
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    Hails ,Id say white coat syndrome ,that's me also.,guarenteed I see that machine sets my anxiety off,Im on Losartan .I get Sinisitis ,which goes on into migraines ,another thing that will set off tad BP on bad day ,again anxiety from that .What illnesses of any kind will do ,it's finding a way to relax is key .Beetroot juice organic  excellent for BP ,get it in supermarkets ,I have it like  I would a BP med .Go get some .

        Got any worries outside a drs surgery ,ring up British Heart Foundation ,a nurse will Im sure answer any worries if the need .Life in general will give your BP a battering .

    • Posted

      I love the answers to this post, sounds like white coat to me too, I'm terrible at taking it but know anxiety raises it so a viscous circle, good luck
  • Posted

    Yep, sounds like white coat syndrome.  I had the same problem.  I purchased my own BP machine and take my readings at home.  I try to relax as much as possible when taking BP readings.  I take and record one reading in the morning and one

    I take two readings each time, approx 5 minutes apart.  GP and surgery etc. said to record the second of the two readings as the 'correct' one.  Almost always the second reading is significantly lower than the first.

    The only thing that 'distorts' the reading is when I have a coughing bout caused by the Lisinopril medication.  Invariably, the coughing raises the BP and heart rate.  Sods Law / can't win. :-)


  • Posted

    Thanks guys for all the replies, I hope white coat syndrome but not sure! Thanks for all the comments, I drink 100ml beetroot juice everyday now and take magnesium, hope fully I can be cured! Such a worry high BP, still don't know what symptoms people experience though. Xx
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      Funny isn't it that there are no symptoms, anxiety gives more symptoms and people think it's high bp, I thought headaches were a symptom but partner told no it's not
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      Well I can say anxiety plays havoc with blood pressure,  its not a good idea taking it at the doctors home readings only please lol!
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      Yes Iwas so lightheaded this a.m..  Sure enough by BP was up because I was going to heart office for an Echo cardiogram.  It was 164/102 when I arrived.  The bottom number came down to 74 but all day today that was mostly my top number.  Hate this....  I must do a tread mill stress test this week & I have been dreading to do this.  And we have a high co pay with our insurance.

         My mom had heart disease & that sticks in my head.  Now I am getting up in age & have an anxiety disorder too.   When I see the BP machine even at home I get nervous!!

  • Posted

    My previous post this evening had to be scrutinized because I used a famous source in the text - first time I knew about this caveat - so for now I will say that HBP often has NO symptoms at all in Most cases. White coat = a once in a while  anxiety provoking experience...... whereas taking your BP at home every day and recording it in a booklet to SHOW your MD will alleviate all your fear  - and your doctors ASSUMPTIONS of any irregularity in your BP. Get a GOOD QUALITY BP machine and get to work - no fears - and you will feel much much less anxious and more confident when you go for that visit with your 'once in a while MD', whose ONE reading is totally UNRELIABLE. 
    • Posted

      Good reply, I do find that if I become a little absorbed shall we say in my fear of bp taking it can sometimes rise at home and I find that it takes mind over matter to get myself to relax and get it down, I think we are actually more afraid of the meds than of bp, why when millions are on them quite safely.
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      Home  bp monitors do not get rid of white coat syndrome what do ohers think?  i should take sledge hammer to mine sometimes lol
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      I think we can have one bad reading and fixate on it and we then get spiked bp which then makes us more anxious LOL
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      Are we twins LOL my Dr shouts at me for being obsessive, she knows me too well, are you Capricorn
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      No Alexandria Aquarious but that is very close I think?   the 28th Jan lol

      yes we obsessive twins  mine is 115/73 second go first was 133/80 but done 30 min excercise before I took reading, just yesterday I bought a MARS BP MONITOR that also tells you your mean reading not a good idea should return it for a refund of the ten pounds I paid in a local charity shop before start with mean bp aswell  hav.nt got a clue what that even is someone on here might know? should have bought a mars bar instead would have done me more good  lol

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      I get nervous at home to ----I hate the sound the machine makes-----isn/t that weird.  ALso my numbers are higher at the Cardiologist appt.  I know that is from when I took my mom----& the memories.   She had an enlarged heart --I wasn't told I have that but....I have an anxiety issue---health related things can get the anxiety button turned on. Up goes the BP  also have something called mitro valve prolapse.

      Nice to hear from other people.

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      thanks for your reply what is a mitro valve prolapse  and good luck with it all
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      marie, I was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse some years ago but not needing any intervention at the time.  Was re-checked a few years later and still stable so hoping it is still that way.  It means that one or more of the flaps on the mitral valve to the heart is flapping around a bit rather than just opening and closing evenly.  If you haven't got any symptoms then I guess you haven't got anything to worry about.

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