Tearful ? Is this a common peri menopausal symtom
Posted , 6 users are following.
Hi again on top of all the anxiety I'm now having really tearful days out of nowhere ? Does any one have this ? Just feel really low . . .
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Posted , 6 users are following.
Hi again on top of all the anxiety I'm now having really tearful days out of nowhere ? Does any one have this ? Just feel really low . . .
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cecilia36444 debbie12340
debbie12340 cecilia36444
jayneejay debbie12340
yes it is all part of peri.. ( hormonal emotions)
i had this too, mine was at its worst when my periods stopped .
my periods stopped in sept last year ( 2013)
and for 7 months after the last period i would just cry ..
felt very emotional .. Slightest thing set me off, took things to heart more and would just have tears..
there was a pattern though it seemed to kick in every six weeks .. Like a PMT but no period .
the last episode was in April i cooked Sunday lunch and sat there eating then next minute sat there crying at the table 😳 ( it wasnt my cooking )
i was very sensitive to things that would not normally bother me .
anyway April was when i took the B6 and all got better after..
jay xx
debbie12340 jayneejay
jayneejay debbie12340
its gets better the tears ... They have gone now..
got my mojo back.. It will pass .. 😃
hang in there ..
I called them my special tears 😃
jay xx
debbie12340 jayneejay
jayneejay debbie12340
well the B6 ( 150mg ) sorted me..
two weeks after that my anxiety, tears.. Well being just got better and better .
amongst my other vits ..
all works well
debbie12340 jayneejay
Going to to start the Viamins as you suggest. It's hard to believe that they could cure it ? But if they have worked for you then that's fantastic. Love Deb x😊
jayneejay debbie12340
they work for may of us .
we lack b6 and b12 in meno..
i know u say you have had them a little while but you need to take them ..
whats stopping you from trying them 😃
jay x
debbie12340 jayneejay
i am always nervous to take tablets 😢 I bought them from Holland and Barrett but they still seem to have so many other things in them ? I would really like to find an organic Version that was completely pure ? Maybe that doesn't exist I don't know . . . I'm just silly like that x
jayneejay debbie12340
oh okay ..
good luck with that ☺️
jay x
lisa65434 debbie12340
debbie12340 lisa65434
Thank you for your reply 🙏😊 I'm still having my periods and it sounds as if yours have finished ? Would it be right that I still fell like this ? thank you Debbie x
jayneejay debbie12340
if your still have regualr periods it can take years to reach post menopause
( no period for 12 months)
took me 10 years to reach this .. I am age 50 now and all done 😃
some ladies lit take longer some ladies sail through in a couple of years..
jay x
debbie12340 jayneejay
they are not completely regular sometimes 35 days sometimes 22 and so on. I'm getting a little mixed up on this subject ?? Are you saying you felt all the horrible symtoms during peri menopause or only now post menopause ?
Debbie x
jayneejay debbie12340
i felt peri symptoms for 10 years ..
you just have to accept it, try and understand it and crack on basically.
just try your best with supplements that the body cries out for and lacks, be kind to yourself and not worry about it .. ' stay positive is the key'
post menopause you have different things to contend with .
you need not worry about that until your post meno .. 😊
jay x
debbie12340 jayneejay
you're so kind and have been a massive help to me on this site. Thank you so Much for all your quick and informative replies. I really appreciate all your advice and support sweetheart 😘💨 love Debbie x
jayneejay debbie12340
your very welcome ... 😃
Its nice to be there for one another ..