TED Stockings really uncomfortable

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I'm now on Day 10, post-op. I'm finding the TED stockings increasingly uncofomfortable  even painful. It's mainly because of the huge amount of swelling in my operated leg. The other one is OK. I've been so tempted to rip them off, but have managed to resist so far.  Did anyone else struggle with this?

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi angela

    The teds were too tight for me too so the nurse said not to wear them but I always rotated my feet when sitting. You should ask the district nurse or your surgeon for advice. In some parts of the country they don't give them out at all. But get advice from the correct people before you rip them off. Every day gets better from day 10

    Take care

    Kate x

  • Posted

    Another thought...I was told to lie flat for 2 hours every afternoon to help get the blood circulation going without constriction. There will be swelling in the groin area because of the op. A bag of peas in a cloth can help bring swelling down in this area and so increase circulation.

    Mine went by day 14. Hope you are feeling better soon x

    • Posted

      Thanks Kate. I'm not about to rip them off (tho' I was at 3am this morning!). I'm going to ask the nurse. I've been trying to lie down in the afternoons too, though didnt do this yesterday - probably why things got so bad. I've no swelling in the groin. It's all in my operated side from the knee down to the foot. Good idea about using ice. I'll give it a go on my foot.

      Thanks, Angela x

  • Posted

    Hi Angela,I too did not have stockings they did not do it at Doncaster Royal,my leg and ankle was very swollen and they sent me for x rays for blood clots,but all was ok,they just said to make sure I exercise and rest every day,hope this helps,Good luck and health Michael.
    • Posted

      Thanks Michael. It's amazing how different the advice can be - just down the M62 from you in E.Yorks.
  • Posted

    dear angela, 

    I think that TED stockings are no.2 after sleeping on back post THR surgery -

    No stockings for - I live in Holland but I am sure it is up to surgeon ... 

    I do have to inject myself with Fragmin for 6 weeks though - 

    I had swelling of operated leg for about 3 weeks after 1st THR but hardly any with 2nd one ... 

    Good to see you here - How are you doing otherwise ?and how is your husband?

    Be gentle with your self, you are still in the early stages of healing ...

    warm hug



    • Posted

      Thank you Renee, I know that the stockings are a bete noire for many, and last night I finally got it. they really do take dvt seriously here: Fragmin injections for three days, tablets thereafter for a month. I also had the inflating leg cuffs in hospital until I could walk and, of course, the stockings!

      It's good you had litttle swelling second time around. My leg looks monstrous!

      How kind that you remembered my husband. Actually, the initial cancellation of my surgery for 3 weeks was really helpful (though I didn't think it at first) because it enabled him to get an investigation done, a diagnosis and treatment before I was out of action. So, he is much better than he was, thank you.

      I've been planning a post-op update since I came home (Monday evening) but have been too weary. I will aim to do it today.

      All best wishes for you and a return hug.


    • Posted

      Hi again Angela - 

      I asked for pills instead of the fragmin injections for 6 weeks - surgeon had a long and kind of vague explanation how the injections are the best anti DVT meds ... 

      Right before I went under (GA) at 2nd THR surgery I asked him to be more gentle with manipulating my leg .... I guess he was, because I had so little swelling an just a bruise around the wound - first THR I was black and blue with handprints all over operated leg plus frightening swelling as well ...

      cool cool huh 

      take it easy sweetheart - 



  • Posted

    I found them so uncomfortable, especially on operated leg at night time....it felt like my leg was throbbing.  I managed to last 3 weeks and then took them off, I was on injections for 4 weeks and like others kept using ice packs and I found sipping chilled water soothing. 
    • Posted

      Yes, that's exactly what I had last night, with the edges digging into my swollen flesh. I'm giving the ice packs a go and see how long I can last. I'm not on injections, but on tablets, so there is some back up to the stockings.
  • Posted

    Yes! I know exactly how you feel! I'm on day 16 now, healing really well, no swelling, nice clean scar, but I still have to inject myself and wear the stockings for another 3 and a half weeks!

    They drive me crazy, so restricting.

    At this rate I will be back at work and still wearing them and injecting myself.

    I know it's for my own good, but what makes it more frustrating is knowing that another surgeon, another place, I might not have had either.

    I feel your pain, but I suppose it will all be worth it in the end.

    • Posted

      Thanks for your empathy, billiemaw. My right leg is OK, so the stockings don't bother me on that side, but the swelling on the left is the problem. The stockings on that side are a size bigger, but it doesnt seem to help. It's a case of keeping your eyes on the prize, isn't it?
    • Posted

      I didn't have any in France. I was not able to sit as I developed

      iliopsoas tendonitis

      and rising up after sitting was very painful, so I either laid on the sofa or laid in bed for basically the forst 4 weeks to llet that heal. It did Heal!

      Within 5 days of it healing I was walking without crutches.

      iliopsoas tendonitis (the symptom is groin pain) is pretty common after a total hip replacement.

      You can google

      iliopsoas tendonitis after total hip replacement

      for more info on that.

      I didn't have the stockings my doctor didn't prescribe them and the nurse came every day to my home and gave me the shot. I believe ther is less risk of a DVT if you lay instead of sit and of course the very BEST prevention is walking.

      What you can do is ditch the stockings and have your partner oil up your leg and give you a leg massage, push towards the heart while massaging + walking. Google Deep Vain Thrombosis after a Total Hip replacement for more information.

      I sure an glad I didn't have to wear them.

  • Posted

    Hi Angela, my thigh and ankle swelled like a balloon and the teds were really digging into my skin as a result. I was told to use ice on it and also raise your leg using plenty of pillows so that your ankle is higher than your heart which will slow the blood flow to the swelling. I also ended up buying some compression socks from the chemist which were not a tight but did the job but were a lot more comfortable to wear.

    Best wishes in your recovery,


    • Posted

      Hi Mark, thanks for the tips. My swelling is pretty grotesque too and its the cutting into the swelling that's horrible, as you know. A few people have suggested icing, so I'll have a go with that today and raise my leg higher than I have been doing.

      I hope you are doing well.


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