Teetering and Tottering
Posted , 9 users are following.
Hi ladies,
Have any of you experienced this unsettling feeling of being off balanced? It feels like I'm swaying when I walk. Although I am not actually swaying and it sometimes feels like I'm leaning forward when standing or like I'm leaning back even though I'm not moving at the moment. I don't know if I'm making any sense. But this is very disconcerting. It used to happen before but now it has returned. I don't like all these symptoms popping up and then disappearing like some sick game of peek-a-boo.
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anxiousface sharcerv52408
I’m just the same as you’v described and have posted many times about it, I think the last one was on the heading Off Balance. I had it first in peri about 6 years ago and came on and off then went away but it came back this year with vengeance and appeared much worse lasting for months but I must say since Saturday it’s gone so iv had 4 good days. I know how your feeling, it takes my independence from me and makes me feel nauseas. Iv been in menopause since 2015. Where are you up to in this horrendous transition. I’m hoping it passes for you . Sending you a comforting hug 🤗 x
Guest anxiousface
All begin with because of my vertigo...
does looking up increase problem, feel frustrated, restrict travel, aisle in supermarket increase problem, restrict participation in movies parties, etc, difficultly reading, Household chores, afraid to be at home alone, embarrassed in front of others, quick movements make it worse, avoid heights, turning over in bed increasing problem, you think others may think you’re intoxicated, walk in the yard alone, difficult concentrating, walking in dark, bending over increase problem, interfere with job, activities...
sharcerv52408 anxiousface
Thank you for responding Anxiousface. I am glad to hear that I'm not alone with this madness.
anxiousface Guest
Hi Lou good to hear you’ve got your appointment. I went through several balance tests at the hospital back in 2013. I did the tilt table test, the one where you lie on a table in the dark and they short water in your eye and another when they put little electrodes on my head. All must of been ok at the time as I wasn’t called back. After reading all these posts I’m beginning to think mine is r3lated to migraine and the weather but having said that I think something different every week. I can relate to most of those questions in your post. Good luck with your appointment and hope you get some help, let us all know how you get on. 🤗 x
Guest anxiousface
Thanks! My appt is at the end of Nov. In the meantime I am hoping that the amitripyline will help. In combination with the Birth control pill...once I am finally able to start that! I’m sure we’ll be chatting about our dizzies again. I really have to say I am stunned that so many of us get this. That’s why I do not freak out anymore...it’s just a feeling...a real lousy feeling! Thank god for this forum! 🤗
Guest sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 Guest
Yes mine is definitely weather and migraine related. I kid you not, every time it is cloudy, rainy or Murky-looking outside I get migraine related symptoms. Today I have the vertigo coupled with odd sensations in the head and Nausea. Couldn't really eat much. If I had to just stay home it wouldn't be so bad but I have to pick up my son from school and it is pouring buckets here in NYC. Since the beginning of September the weather has been rainy and cold and my sinuses have been whipping me from pillar to post. What can we do?
Guest sharcerv52408
You can do it! I drove in a rain storm last week at this time. Cold and rainy again here too! Anxiety for me triggers the vertigo too... who wouldn’t have anxiety thinking they are going to have an “ episode” and fly off the road! Just do the best you can....breath...you will make it. I live out in the country. Driving in NYC...wow! I couldn’t do that even on my best days! You got this! 😀
sharcerv52408 Guest
Thank heavens I don't drive in this crazy metropolis but getting around on the subway and buses are maddening too. I moved back to NYC. I used to live in Kentucky. I met my husband and had my kids there. I've only been back home in NYC for 3 years now and I regret it sometimes. It's like six in one hand and a half dozen in the other. What I mean by that expression is that when we lived in Kentucky we had no relatives around us. It was hard trying to raise children with no family support. I began having all these crazy symptoms and wanted to be closer to family so they could help me out with the kids. So we move here but I'm finding that NY has changed drastically. There four times the people here than when I lived here before and we're finding out that our extended family don't really lend themselves to be a support like we had hoped. So I have to muddle through my symptoms while taking care of my family. Thank God for now I don't work. My husband does. It is not easy but with the grace of God, I'll make it.
Guest sharcerv52408
I hear ya on the lack of family support. Mine has their own agendas too...unless of course, they need me for something! I have a special needs child, that in itself can be isolating. That and feeling like ass all the time! Ahhhh! Hang in there! Better days will come our way! 🤗
sharcerv52408 Guest
That's exactly how it is, family doesn't know that I exist until they need something. I don't want to pull on my mom to help out because she's 87 years old. My sister lives very close by but doesn't know us unless she needs a favor. My other sister who is more like my best friend lives in New Jersey and we only see her when we can. It's almost like was it really even worth it to move to where family is?
Guest sharcerv52408
I think at this time in our lives, it is important to embrace the power of NO. Also, take inventory as to who brings joy and value to our lives. I did this recently to a family member that seriously thinks my husband is her personal handyman. never would have done that prior to all this! I love my mom and tolerate the rest. Have a couple of wonderful friends in town. I really just want to work again...miss the daily interaction with people and of course the money. But, a dizzy dog groomer just isn’t cool right now! I like my clients to keep their eyeballs 😁I would not go out of my way with regards to moving closer to family. We might move when my son goes off to college. By that time I should be nice and healthy to bug him...and hey, there are dogs everywhere that need haircuts! Have great night! 🤗
Guest sharcerv52408
ladies, I have also narrowed down my triggers... weather, my cycle (anxiety), lights, sounds, smells. Whether or not I actually have a migraine...the vertigo comes on. Ok if I am sitting up in bed with my head propped and still. Driving sucks, but I push myself if necessary...just feels scary. 🤗
sharcerv52408 Guest
Yes it is very scary! 😨 You feel like you're in the twilight zone or something. 😢 I feel like I'm on a crazy amusement park ride gone awry. Like where is the big red button to turn all this off?
kelly55079 sharcerv52408
Yes.. off balance vision blurry (I use reading glasses) it's awful. I find myself stumbling a bit more too which is scary. Just makes me want to stay inside more so I just do the absolute errands outside of the home. I also enjoy water fitness as I can stumble all I want and it's fine!! : )