Teeth pain
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Hi ladies I'm in perimenapause has anyone experience teeth or gum pain went to the dentist he did a ct scan of my mouth said everything looks good on that side.
Also who has fatigue every day.
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Guest jacqueline06286
Hi Jacqueline, I have had the worse tooth pain for the past three days. I was thinking maybe a tooth was bad, but they hurt on the top AND bottom on that side. I think maybe I clench my teeth a lot and probably grind at night. IDK. Was contemplating going to the dentist to get some X-rays to see what's happening. But I keep thinking that if it were a bad tooth it wouldn't come and go, not sure.
jacqueline06286 Guest
Are you in perimenapause?
I'm having the same symptoms it started a few days ago it comes and goes and on both sides it feels weird I read in the 66 perimenapause symptoms
Guest jacqueline06286
Yes, deep in perimeno unfortunately.
I do notice sometimes that I'm clenching my jaw and I have to remind myself to stop. Could be some anxiety related stuff.
But so weird that you mentioned your teeth since I've been exactly the same. I was going to say something, but I always have EVERYTHING everyone else has, I'm sure people go, yeah, sure she has all that. haha. But I really do! I've had every symptom on the 66 list, except full blown hot flashes.
carmen_22574 Guest
I've had all 66 symptoms too. Crazy I tell you. I would have never thought it would be this bad. I'm just ready for it to be over. My symptoms aren't as bad as they use to be. Thank God
jacqueline06286 carmen_22574
Did you also get ear pain
jacqueline06286 Guest
jacqueline06286 Guest
Just wondering how your feeling wirh your perimenapause symptoms.
Guest jacqueline06286
Anyway, are you sorry you asked? Lol!!
Otherwise things continue to calm down each month as far as the extreme symptoms. I’m hoping the EBV is starting to go dormant and that’s why it’s getting better. Either that or my body is starting to get used to the hormone upheaval. It’s been a heck of two years since this all started with shortness of breath and gastritis as my very first symptoms.
Feeling a bunch of anxiety this week, feeling bad about losing some friends over not being able to commit to things, and just kind of down.
Hope you are doing better!!!
jackie92665 jacqueline06286
Hi,not tooth pain all the time but they're really sensitive when I brush them. I've never had tooth pain/problems before.
jacqueline06286 jackie92665
tina00239 jacqueline06286
jacqueline06286 tina00239
How do you manage your fatigue,
Do you have aches and pain around your body that cones and goes .
tina00239 jacqueline06286
Hi Jacqueline, sorry for taking so long to respond but I've had one of my catch up days where the fatigue hits me sooo bad that I just sleep for 24 hours and then wake up feeling reasonably ok. I just stay awake as much as I can which considering I get insomnia is relatively easy. I feel tired all the time. Sometimes go nearly mad from lack of sleep but then after 5 or 6 days without sleep I collapse into a 24hr coma type sleep then wake up refreshed or as refreshed as I can be. And yes I hurt in places I didnt even know I had almost every day. I am on morphine for constant severe pain but coming off as it no longer works. Been on it for years. Have difficulty finding painkillers that actually work. So wear braces for support and am semi wheelchair bound due to lower spinal arthritis. Arthritis in both knees. Muscle wasteage in both lower legs so very weak which is why I used to swim regularly.. Cant do it at my local pool anymore as not a suitable environment for me so waiting for long term hydrotherapy at local hospital. So you can see I do have alot of pain which can cause fatigue in itself so I need a new pain relief regime. Keep well I am trying to! XXX
littleme1969 jacqueline06286
jacqueline06286 littleme1969
Do you get fatigue, dizzy.
littleme1969 jacqueline06286
jacqueline06286 littleme1969
jacqueline06286 littleme1969
Just wondering how your feeling with perimenapause symptoms.
Hope you feel better.
littleme1969 jacqueline06286