Tense, aching muscles.....perceived weakness.
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Yes, it's me again....I've been having issues with pretty severe tension in my muscles (primarily my legs, upper arms, and neck)....when this is at its worst, my muscles feel weak during the next day or two (which makes sense, I suppose, since they've been in a state of stress)....of course, because I'm a worrier, I always suspect the worst (yesterday I was convinced that I had meningitis)....according to the calendar, I should be having my period this week, but it's a no-show (again).....wondering if the muscle pain is related to my cycle....it was definitely bad last week, but even worse this week...anyone else struggling with this? It feels as though a new symptom pops up every other week, which is wreaking havoc with my anxiety.....is it any wonder I keep thinking I have a terrible disease when my body feels as though it's falling apart? I'm only forty-six but I feel as though I've aged twenty years in the last eighteen months....so discouraged today (I'm still in bed, haven't even managed a shower yet)....just looking for some support xxx
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inessa7 wearykitty
barbara49965 wearykitty
I did have these awful symptoms & understand how much they wear & drag you down!
I take vitamin D310ug – B6 150mg in the mornings. In the evening I take Osteocare original by Vitabiotics it has (Calcium-Magnesium-D3 & Zinc) the magnesium is for muscle pain & D3 is for bone pain. I have researched this as I had pain all over especially in my arms & neck & couldn’t bare the pain any longer it was driving me insane! I am so happy this has worked for me, it took a good couple of months to kick in but I feel like my old self again! Doctors don’t seem to know enough about the change but as long as you get all your blood test done.
I also put flax seeds in my porridge & juice, vegetables only & always with some beetroots, good for the blood!
Hope this helps, sending you a great big hug!
joanna49787 wearykitty
I can sympathise totally with you. I have the same problems with my upper arms, neck, shoulders, back, fingers...I feel like my whole life now has been taken over with "symptoms." I have seen so many doctors that I am sick of the whole thing. I am 48 and had an edometrial ablation three weeks ago, in the hope that it would stop my horrendous periods completely. Guess what? It hasn't. My first one since the operation appeared yesterday, almost a week late. I have to say it isn't nearly as heavy but still painful.
My anxiety has been so bad that I have tried two different antidepressants. They really didn't agree with me. I now take a good B complex which I think is helping. I have so many weird symptoms that I know the feeling of aging so much. This year has been one round of worry, panic and thinking I have some horrible illness that nobody has discovered!
Have you seen doctors and had bloods done? You sound so like me and I know all of this is part of this horrible period we have to go through.
Try not to worry-it definitely makes things worse.
Keep strong. Have a moan anytime. We are all in the same boat!
sharcerv52408 wearykitty
I went to the dr. on Wednesday and she is starting me on an antidepressant for the depression, stress and anxiety. Hopefully this will help bring back my appetite which has suffered through all of this and caused weight loss. I will be so glad when i come out on the other side of all of this. I look and feel like I've aged overnight too. Try to relax though, worrying will only make things worse. Hugs to you.
xx Sharlene
Lara66 wearykitty
sharcerv52408 Lara66
How much B12 have you been taking? I take 100mg of B6 and 1000mcg of B12. Helped in the beginning but doesn't seem to as much. May need to increase dosage of B12 but how much?
jayneejay Lara66
So glad B6 and B12 helps you too.
Made my life much better ..
Seems to improve and help a few ladies symptoms ..
Jarrows or similar B12 5000mcg cherry flavour is the best strength for energy.
The higher the mcg the better.
Also in peri B6 must be at least 100 mg
( i take 150mg B 6 )
Good luck ladies
Hang in there
Jay xx
Lara66 jayneejay
I'm taking 150mg of B6 but my B12 bottle has this funny symbol on it. It doesn't say 100mg, it says 100yg, but the y is back to front. What does it mean? I'm just taking one tablet at the moment but it says on the bottle I can take 1-5 per day. Do you think I need to up my dose?
Going shopping Monday to buy vit E and I think that might be all I'll take for now. Actually though, lately I'm finding I have a pretty much constant headache and thick head, not so painful that I need medication for it, but if I turn my head in a certain way, I can feel it. Does this mean I'm lacking something else?
jayneejay Lara66
vit B12 isnt in MG
it is normally MCG
do you mean yours is 100 ug
i dont know what brand of B12 you take ..
but 1 x ug = is 1 x mcg
so if you say your on 100ug
i can only guess with your info that you have 100ug
which is not much at all..
normally B12 ranges from 1000mcg - 5000mcg
5000mcg being the best ..
usually the low ug ( mcg) minimal amounts are placed in multivits or complexes, and cheaper versions
jay xx
debbie12340 Lara66
many thanks 🙏😊
jayneejay debbie12340
either get just a B6 ( 100mg ) from Biovea web or holland and Barret
or get holand and barret Busy B as that contains 100mg B6
or Mega B 100 Time release complex from holland & Barret that contains 100mg B6
jarrows B12 5000mcg Cherry flavour .. red label is best ..
amazon uk
or another b12 that is 5000mcg
jay x
i get mine from the farmacia and they are Benerva 300mg by Bayer ..
i have to split mine in half so its 150mg daily of B6.
100mg B6 is also a good amount.
take in the morning as it does boost energy
jay xx
debbie12340 jayneejay
Thank you very much for all your advice 🙏😊 very kind of you.
How soon would you say it took to see some improvement ?
Deb x
jayneejay debbie12340
well that varies from person to person..
but for me the B6 took my anxiety, feelings of doom and aches away
in two weeks max
good luck
jay xx
debbie12340 jayneejay
That sounds amazing 😊🙏 if you don't mind me asking would you say the Anxiety was quite bad for you ? I seem to be having a silly thing where I worry about having my hair done ? Silly I know, I think I will feel unwell while its being done . . . I really want it to go.
Take care Deb x
jayneejay debbie12340
mine was awful the anxiety ( common in peri)
hit me near the end of peri i am post menopause now ..
i was becoming a recluse .. Didnt want to go out, kept thinking the worst all the time, didnt want to speak to people, it was like dread of everything .
i had to get a grip and accept it and the B6 helped no end
funny cuz my doc gave me a prescription of B6 in early peri and i didnt bother with it as he never explained the benefits back then..
my partner works over seas so i had to do something as still need to go out and shop and do the usual things ..
its not depression, its just anxiety from peri and menopause
jay xx
Adrenal fatigue, for example, is a common secondary condition for many women going through perimenopause. B-vitamins support healthy adrenal function, along with calming and maintaining a healthy nervous system.
Many women also suffer with mood swings during perimenopause.
Both B12 and B6 vitamins aid in the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, a key brain chemical needed to stabilize moods and promote feelings of wellness and contentment.
For women who suffer with brain fog, and memory issues in perimenopause, low levels of B6 could be part of the problem.
Depression, confusion, and an inability to concentrate are all associated with B6 deficiency. Vertigo, dizziness, and heart palpitations are also common complaints from women going through perimenopause.
All of these symptoms have been associated with (among other things) a B12 deficiency. Vitamin B6 can also help with stubborn weight gain in perimenopause.
It is key in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in our diet, and is necessary for a healthy metabolism - both which can help manage weight.
look for at least 100mg B6
and 5000mcg of B12
debbie12340 jayneejay
Whilst I am so sorry to hear this it is certainly a relief to hear someone else had the same ! Mine seemed to start about 8 years ago, I felt really weird and faint whilst standing in a que at the shops ! So now I won't go on my own if it involves queing up
that then led me to not like going to any appointments like the Dentist ! Again incase I felt unwell whilst there . . . All bought on by feeling anxious ! So grateful for your advice xx
Take care Deb
jayneejay debbie12340
i started peri age 40 .. I bled for 21 months solid ranging from heavy, normal, spotting etc and i was lucky if i had three days clear .
i had three faints .. One in a big store alone and was 60 miles from home.
then i started Maca rain forest food Maca 5.1
and still take to this day ..
in peri your blood sugars drop and you feel like a faint coming ..
always .. Even if you dont want to have breakfast ( toast or weetabix )
and eat little and often..
jay xx
Identifying Dizziness
Dizziness can be categorized into several different medical conditions. The most common type of dizziness experienced by menopausal women is disequilibrium, which describes a feeling of unsteadiness and loss of balance. When this happens you will feel like the room is spinning, or that you are spinning. It can be a little disorienting and even worrying at times.
During menopause, levels of the reproductive hormone estrogen decrease drastically. This change and imbalance of hormones causes many of the menopausal symptoms women experience, including dizziness. Dizziness typically goes away on its own postmenopause. If it doesn't, it may indicate a more serious health condition or be related to certain medications.
Common symptoms include: feeling faint, weakness, nausea, fatigue, loss of balance and lightheadedness. These symptoms can strike at any point in the day. Some last for just a few seconds and others can last longer.
An extreme fluctuation can be one of the biggest triggers of the symptoms of dizziness. Oftentimes, menopausal symptoms have a domino effect in which one symptom leads to another. For example, women who are fatigued or experiencing a hot flash may also feel dizzy.
Other triggers include irregular blood pressure, low blood sugar, medications and dehydration, as well as too much alcohol and tobacco. Avoiding these triggers will greatly reduce the likelihood of a dizzy spell occurring.
How to Manage an Attack
Going through a dizzy spell is a distressing time for anybody, so knowing what to do is crucial.
The first thing to consider is safety – avoiding injuries and falls.
Try to sit or lie down until the episode passes.
Closing your eyes and holding your ears can also alleviate the problem. If you suffer from continuous attacks, consult your doctor.
You may also consider not wearing high heels, not driving while feeling a episode of dizziness, ensuring you have enough sleep, and getting up slowly from lying down or sitting.
How to Treat Dizziness
Dizziness usually disappears on its own and episodes are typically very brief. To help prevent episodes, it is important that women stay hydrated eat a low-salt diet, develop a solid sleep pattern, and limit their consumption of alcohol. Quitting smoking can also help, as well as exercising regularly and getting plenty of fresh air.
jayneejay debbie12340
surprisingly if you tackle it and go out ..
get Vits that help
it gives you a big positive feeling and once your out you enjoy it and
so glad you pushed yourself..
jay xx
debbie12340 jayneejay
Your advice and information is fantastic
I appreciate it greatly and really can't thank you enough !
Big hug to you x
Lara66 jayneejay
Lara66 jayneejay
jayneejay debbie12340
is a must ..
And B6 100mg and B12 5000mcg ( Jarrows)
changed my life personally .. 😃
"Maca nutrients help restore natural hormones in women. Unlike hormone drugs, which are basically resumed in taking synthetic hormones, Maca acts totally different in your body.
It nourishes and stimulates your own natural hormone production, by inducing the optimal functioning of the pituitary and endocrine glands".
Lara66 jayneejay
jayneejay debbie12340
your welcome sweetie
i just base these on personal experience and how they helped me
and always share if it will help others ..
have been researching many things for many years ..
had a 10 year peri so tried many and long trials too.
i am 13 months post meno now
relatively sane 😃 and age 50 now
jay xx
debbie12340 jayneejay
I really hope mine will have ended by 50 if not sooner 🙏 you must be so happy to now be the other side off all these awful symtoms x
Take care Deb x
jayneejay debbie12340
still get blip days hun..
then other post menopause problems then.. 😢
i had a natural ten year peri .. No HRT ...
But not too bad now ..
still have sleepness night issues
jay xx
debbie12340 jayneejay
Oh no there are post menopause problems after ??
oh dear that's not good news . . . Dare I ask what they are apart from sleep issues ?
Deb x
jayneejay debbie12340
you never feel the same as you did ..
better but not the same
but we are getting older ..
after .. Its the vaginal atrophy ( dryness)
thinning of the vaginal walls .. Painful sex.. bacterial Vaginosis .. UTIs
vaginal flora all out of sync ..
thats when Estriol vaginal cream comes in handy
Gynest, Ovestin or Estring
jay xx
hevb jayneejay
Do you take separate B6 & 12 or is it one of the complex's?
Also I take menopace multi vit which has 30 mg Vit E, 5 ug Vit D and 100mg Magnesium..
I know you have mentioned those ones as helping you I think.. Do those amounts seem about right or is separate higher doses the way to go?
You truly seem to be the font of all knowledge with regards to peri!
Heather x
jayneejay hevb
i live in spain so i get different B6 here
i take it seperately..
if you buy a B6 that is 100mg or a mega B 100 complex from holland and barret or Busy B from holland and barret then its a good complex and they both have 100mg of B6 in.
i use to take only Jarrows B12 5000 mcg Methyl cherry flavour
as its the best ..
now i have injections every two weeks..
menopace in my opinion is a little of everything .. And very little ..
i personally wouldnt bother with it..
its that ' you get what you pay for scenario'
i also take Menapol Plus x 2 daily
they are resaonable in price but very good ..
from amazon Uk or simply simplements site
jay xx
Menapol Plus x 2 daily
Nutritional Information Per capsule
Cranberry Extract 1250mg (36:1) standardised to 35mg =1250mg
Dandelion Root Extract 500mg (10:1) standardised to 50mg =500mg
Liquorice Extract 500mg (10:1) standardised to 50mg =500mg
Red Clover Extract 500mg (12:1) standardised to 42mg =500mg
Acai Berry Extract 250mg (5:1) standardised to 50mg =250mg
Siberian Ginseng Root 125mg (25:1) standardised to 5mg =125mg
Chamomile Extract 80mg (4:1) standardised to 20mg =80mg
Soya Isoflavones (40%) =20mg
RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance, µg = Microgramme
mg = Milligram, IU = International Units
jayneejay hevb
i also take Calcium and Vit D in one
called Natecal ( chewable )
you will see the difference as to what you get in the menopace
Natecal D 1500mg
= D3 400 iu ( ug)
Calcium = 600mg
jay xx
debbie12340 jayneejay
This actually doesn't worry me 😊 I'm not that interested in sex anyway ! Ha ha well not at the moment anyway
Big hug x
jayneejay debbie12340
sex ?
was on about vitamins to boost and improve the bodies effects of menopause
- not viagra
have i missed the point somewhere
made me laugh though
jay xx
hevb jayneejay
Crosspatch jayneejay
I just want to say Thank you so much for all your advice and tips. Going through the discussions I noticed how much you answer and I admire your helpfullness and sharing. I thank all you girls too! Menopause is a nightmare and I never imagined that I could be reduced to the pathetic state I often find myself in. Reading your posts does help and I am grafeful.
jayneejay Crosspatch
Thank you for kind words 😊
I like to share as had a 10 year peri and found great vits known to help.
Tried and tested many ..
I research plenty too so always find useful info that may help others so like to try and help.
its Monday again 😃 have a lovely day
Jay x