Tension headache and ear aches
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I've had tension headaches but never felt this intense headache and ear pain, it makes both sides of my face and back of my head feel numb. Also the anxietys getting worse. Anyone else experiencing this? Could it be another perimenopause symptom?
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Guest ampat1
Hi dramisha, you may have just been promoted to lovely migraines or possible cluster headaches 😣. I get them awful. Neck pain too. Worse around period. Had 1 so bad that my eye twitched for 3 days afterward. I am on an AD, helped the migraines a little. But, I have dizzy and balance issues too. I have been researching Vestibular migraines and seeing my dr next week. I am weaning off my AD now...it’s an SSRI and I think it is making my vertigo worse. Excedrin tension headache works pretty well. Never had migraines before peri. We just get whacked around don’t we!
sharcerv52408 Guest
Haha! Whacked around, that's putting it mildly. Since Saturday, which is when my period started I had a bad migraine which produced so much pain and pressure in my eye socket. It was so uncomfortable. To top it off, it has been rainy, cold and damp outside so that triggered sinus issues. The whole left side of my face has been in pain; eye, ear, nostril and cheek bone. With peri, when it rains, it pours.
Guest sharcerv52408
I hear ya! I am sensitive with weather too...my headaches are more accurate than the meteorologists! I had a bad one too Wed/Thurs...then found out Sat, I had strep throat. I seriously feel like I am being primed to be a warrior if the apocalypse comes! 😂
katyD211 Guest
😂perfect description!! We ARE warriors!!
mel11237 ampat1
Hi, I suffer from this. Comes and goes, had two months of pain free but sadly currently have it now. The pain starts in the side of my neck, travels into my ear , into the back of my head and then finishes in my temple. It's a sharp intense pain . My eye and right side of my face feels very heavy and numb. I think it's due yyo clenching my jaw and anxiety at night. I realized that I reduced my stress levels during the pain free months, but life is never easy. Take care my fellow meno warrior.xx
samantha42264 mel11237
I have pain from the back of my neck to one ear or itt could be from my ear to the back of my neck, I dont know which way its going, it first started with pressue behind my ear now I get the aches. I've had this off and on for a couple of months. I feel pressure at the top of my head but it doesn't hurt. Drives me crazy and of course makes me worry.
Finny2018 samantha42264
Samantha - you are describing what it is like for me off and on. I went almost a week, however, with a feeling of one ear being clogged and tender pain from the clogged feeling non-stop. The clogged feeling totally went away and now I just get the ear pain off and on with a headache behind the ear. I notice not too long after I feel this I will have a hot flash.
I went to have a scan done as well as saw a doctor twice - of course - nothing. It's all related to the hormones plummeting.
samantha42264 Finny2018
It's certainly an easier symptom than the anxiety and low moods I went through bad, but still it's not fun to have a headache days on end.
I gave up on running to see the doctor, but of course if you have headache and head pressure you start to imagine strange things are wrong. It's comforting knowing that others are experiencing the same thing. I figure at some point this will stop and some new surpris
Thank you soooooo much for your reply.
ampat1 Finny2018
Finny that's exactly how I feel right now, my right ear feels clogged and pain behind my ear and headache on right side.
ampat1 Finny2018
Yup that's exactly how I feel. I went to see a TMJ specialist who made a night guard but it's not helping much. Ear feels clogged which causes pain and dizziness. Took a muscle relaxant which helped muscle tension but I couldn't tolerate side effects so not taking it anymore. Taking low dose birth control which is not helping anymore either. So I guess I'm just going to let the body go through it naturally, exercise, vitamins, eatinghealthy. Hopefully, it'll pass soon.
Guest ampat1
debi62095 ampat1
ive been having them too how often are other ladies getting them and why in menopause????
why ear ache?
I ended up in a and e hospital y day due to bad pain during the night that woke me up cant believe just tensn causing this >?????
Guest debi62095
Gypsy014 ampat1
Lovely migraines aren't they??? I never ever had a migraine in my life until Peri/meno hit.... They use to only be on one side stabbing into my left temple, but now I will have that one for 3 days with loads and loads of dizziness, then it will move to the other side ,and last month and this month they have moved into my eye socket worst pain EVER in the eye.. gets me so nauseated like I'm going to puke everywhere... Head goes numb in the back, one side of face goes numb.. Now if that is not enough to scare you into a complete anxiety panic attack as if your dying then I don't know what is.. I'm on my temple migraine now again.. They always go and return like clockwork to the day the following month! Lou I think said we woman get whacked around for sure.. Totally agree with that one...