Terrible anxiety for the last 3 days
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Hey ladies, I hope you will be able to help me. I've got realy bad anxiety now for the last 3 days and i do not know what to do about it. i will give you a list of the supplements i do use, maby somebody can recomend something els i can use.
femolene my live 40 to 65 years it is a multi vitamin and mineral
relicalm meno plus
vit b6 150mg
mag fizzy at night
I realy hope somebody can give me some advice.
thank you ladies
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jayneejay NonnieDD
oh bless you hun..
is there anything else in your life making you feel anxious .. sometime its not always peri or menopause .. it can be other stresses, and worries
jay xx
NonnieDD jayneejay
I am 41 and in peri from the beginning of the year, but i think a lot longer. my periods were always regular but for the last 5 years they became very heavy with lots of clots and then a lot of days with spotting. now for 2 monthes it was heavy for 1 day with clots and then spotting. This month it was not heavy at all with no clots but the spotting is still there.
i did post a while back about intrusive thoughts, that i dont love my husband, i did a bid of reading and they say if the intrusive thoughts causes anxiety the opposite is true but i still can not get rid of this anxiety.
jayneejay NonnieDD
i think some women do feel like this sometimes towards their partners in peri, it is like we resent them and the ' its alright for you thing'
we have alot to accept and deal with .. i had abit if this and even had my own room for a while while i sorted my head and feelings out..
this was a few years ago now... and i also felt unsure about my partner, but on reflection i loved him too, it was the fact i think, they didnt understand how one day you felt great and another felt terrible, and didnt even want to reassure you either as they didnt have a clue..
i think in my case i needed peace with in myself, needed my own space at night, my restful santuary, no disturbances from snorers and moaning gits when you cant sleep and need the loo etc ..
all good now though .. those feelings have passed now ..
maybe you need to be told how much your loved and appreciated more often by your other half and a cuddle and hug always helps, and also sharing your exoerience with your partner along the way, so they understand, its that if you dont tell, they dont know thing too, and they assume all is good but your behaviour towards them isnt ..
jay xx
NonnieDD jayneejay
jayneejay NonnieDD
oh bless you ... you have had alot to deal with... no one will fully understand that, unless they have been through it like you have ...
i am sure you love him dearly.... you have alot more going on than peri hun,
life can be so hard at times... you must be strong and enjoy life and think your beautiful daughter and your mother would want you to be happy.
think you have answered your own question here, you get anxiety from peri and other personsal losses too... try and be happy and love each other ... and be at ease .... enjoy what you have ... a hug every now and again always comforting ....
this may sound so stupid... but sometimes when i feel loss for a person whos passed, i always light a comforting candle at night while i sit in living room, i tell myself that when the candles lit, it is lit with love for the them and its our time to be together again.....
big hug to you ..
jay jay xxx
NonnieDD jayneejay
Tazchurch jayneejay
Loss breads fear of loss so yes it can be a vicious circle of emotion we find ourselves in, but your husband/partner understands and loves you very much.
Snatchpiece Tazchurch
That was really lovely of you to say this to Nonnie I am sure she will find comfort in your lovely words!.
I miss my Dad loads and lost him in 1995 and wish he was still with me to give me my fatherly hugs as he was always kind and loving to me! My Mum is a very cold lady and doesnt do the huggy Mum bit or listening, only moans and is always so negative about everyone / thing so i have stayed away rather than her make my anxiety worst! (and to be honest it has helped loads). I have a couple of black birds that sit outside my back door and I think its my Dad and my very old dog looking over me and making sure that I am ok. I also lost my other dog a short while prior to starting this peri thing and I now have a dove sat over her grave!! I go over and talk to her and tell her how much I miss her too!!
Take care Taz and have a wonderful day!,
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay Snatchpiece
oh thats so lovely .... Blackbirds and Dove story ... i am just the same ...
it gives a mystical and warm feeling ...
if it comforts you then why not ... and it is comforting ...
what time is dinner 😃
jay xx
jayneejay HotDot7
hahahahaha medal of greatness ..thats funny...
it made me smile as for a joke i say to my son, ' well i cant sit here being this fantastic all day ' i must get things done..
we do laugh ...
jay xx
Tazchurch Snatchpiece
Yes they do send creatures to remind us of them. I know of one lady who kept finding feathers lying around in the most unexpected places, her late husband was keen on garden birds and they always appeared when she needed comfort or faced a dilema.
There is a poem that speaks of waving to a departing ship and watching it sail over the horizon, feeling that is it but forgetting that there is another port where it's arrival is anticipated and where it is still as it ever was.
Having done what I've done imagination and flights of fancy are luxeries that cannot be afforded. See what I've seen enough and you begin to say more than we will ever know about
NonnieDD Snatchpiece
and yes thanks you taz for your kind words it does help alot.
marlene i would like some of your quiche, you can post it to me.
NonnieDD HotDot7
Tazchurch NonnieDD
Snatchpiece jayneejay
I guess no females will be working for the vat office as if they would be a little more understanding if I miss the dead line! Just imagine phoning them up in the morning say sorry for the short delay but lost concentration as I am peri and had more fun chatting to a load of lovely peri ladies!! Some how I doubt if I would get away with that phone call!!
Joy xxx
jayneejay Tazchurch
yes i heard feather stories before ..
i have a guardian angel ornament near my swimming pool ... Always have ..
just a comfort incase i am in trouble .. ' shes cant save me but it comforts me'
when i was aged 16 i did drown, stupid lads from school, just picked me up and leg and winged me in a pool and pushed my head under ..and i went... and another lad i knew apparently pulled me up, and i rememeber pain of water coming out my lungs, it put me off pools for years, i could seim but it was a nasty thing to do, lads fun, but not funny, . But now i am sort of over it, i wont go to public pools as the fear floods back ..
I owe my life to Andrew .. In fact a few years ago when I returned to my home town ( he has a car mechanic garage) i made a point of going to see him again, we talked about it and I gave him a hug and thanked him again.
as for motorbikes and scooters... I had a scooter and came off and it landed on top of me .. Well trapped my legs ... All was okay just felt a prat..
so I stick to driving just the car now hahahaha
jay xx
jayneejay NonnieDD
good good ... We wanted you to feel better and comforted ..
jay xx
jayneejay Snatchpiece
hahahahahahahaha thats so funny ..
jay xx
NonnieDD Snatchpiece
Snatchpiece NonnieDD
Only two years ago I lost my other dog Daisy and this is where I feel again it has a true meaning was this Dove sits over her grave and often flies over our barn which we are living in during our renovations. We found a Doves nest in what I call our "Man cave" and had loads of little babies! I know that Daisy is also looking over me aswell and its so warming to know that they are all close by!
Tazchurch jayneejay
Tazchurch Snatchpiece
jayneejay NonnieDD
yes this is true.. I have read about it and a man said to me only a few months ago he had menopause when i was having a hot moment that i always share hahahahaha
I said to him cant be that bad for you .... Not stop you downing the beer ..
mind you he is an odd ball ....
jay xx
marlene21102 NonnieDD
marlene21102 NonnieDD
Glad your feeling better ,xxx
Snatchpiece marlene21102
I agree with you all you sometimes need is a good old girly chat!!
Still no closer to getting my vat done but I have a lovely time chatting to you all aswell and hopefully Nonnie spirits will certainly have been lifted with all of our banter!!
Have a lovely evening!
beth64101 jayneejay
jayneejay beth64101
hahahahahaha thank you.. I am not always .... I have my moments ..
especially with idiots .... 😃
jay xx
jayneejay beth64101
hope your okay and had a a nice weekend ..
Jay xx
beth64101 jayneejay
beth64101 jayneejay
jayneejay beth64101
when did you last have an ultra sound ?
jay xx
jayneejay beth64101
i am doing just fine Beth..
been abit lazy today ... Could of done more chores .. But had abit of a relaxing day..
i will catch up tomorrow... My ironing is shouting my name .. 😊
jay xx
jayneejay beth64101
sent you a private message 😑
its my bed time now ...
Jay jay xx
beth64101 jayneejay
beth64101 jayneejay
jayneejay beth64101
i private messages you again
hey .. Never worry about a D&C i had one years ago and i came home later that day, felt fine ..
and made some pancakes 😑
don't worry
jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay HotDot7
yes thats right...
hope your okay 😑
jay jay xx
marlene21102 HotDot7
You okay today ,or still on your Jet Ski heading towards Spain.? xxxx
Tazchurch marlene21102
marlene21102 Tazchurch
jayneejay marlene21102
I think Dottie has her own cruise liner ...
' The Lady Dottie' ....
Jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
Toddpodd beth64101
beth64101 Toddpodd
jayneejay beth64101
thank you ladies ... 😃
' i am a dragon really ' hahahahaha
jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
jayneejay Tazchurch
now your on the ball... i had to think about that one..
then the penny dropped ....
got me fik ead on
jay xx
Toddpodd beth64101
beth64101 jayneejay
beth64101 Toddpodd