Terrible fatigue
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Hi ladies just wondering if anyone is going through having fatigue to the point you can get out of bed because just walking to the kitchen leaves you with no breath this is a on and off situation one of all those wonderful symptoms that I'm going through today i was playing with my grandson and i had to stop because i was out of breath it's just so overwhelming I'm 45 and feel like 80 i can't do anything because this has taken over my life when it's not one thing it's another but the fatigue is to much if any of you ladies have any advice i would really appreciate it...😞😳
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hope4cure marisol06794
Well it's seems mabe a good idea to have a yearly physical tomout rule anything serious.
lena53512 marisol06794
I suffered from fatigue some years ago (i am in peri since 2009, and fatigue appeared around 2013, 2014). Before peri I used to take dance lessons two times a week in the evening, and I also attended language classes in the evening. When fatigue appeared I was unable to do anything. Just came from my office and went to bed.
Later, my fatigue lifted a bit, but still I cannot imagine to attend any evening classes. I miss dancing a lot, but I am still too tired to practice, and I am also "afraid ". Irrational fear is my ever present companion now.
angieB48 marisol06794
Yes I feel the same. Have had fatigue on and off for about 4 years now alongside a range of peri symptoms. I have had heavy periods which caused low iron which the docs said explained the tiredness but the fatigue hasn't gone away since this has been sorted. Some days I fall asleep almost at my desk and others I physically ache with tiredness. I've had all the physical checks and there's nothing wrong but I see lots of ladies on here commenting on being fatigued so I really do think it's another peri symptom!
ImagineOneDay marisol06794
Same here. I am 47 and have a crashing fatigue. All of a sudden any time any whereI feel so tired that I could just close my eyes and sleep. It is so depressing and inconvenient.
I feel torslly unable
lena53512 marisol06794
I have also a low iron and I take Fe pills. It helps a bit, but the level of iron did not seem to mirror the level of fatigue. I sleep 8 to 9 hours at night, still I have night sweats, but not so heavy as before.
I think that fears, debilitating musing about my past, constant worry about "making mistakes ", also a new peri symptoms for me, cause this physical and mental fatigue.as if I wanted to sleep it over.
ImagineOneDay lena53512
marisol06794 lena53512
Hi lena I also had low iron which he prescribed me to iron pills and everything seems fine now I've noticed that I can shortness of breath when I'm bloated I don't get the night sweats but I do get it during the day once in awhile I feel like my face is heated an then I get a little dizzy but it's not all the time it's not as bad as it used to be I used to wake up drenched I like you Been thinking a lot about my past and been thinking even having these weird dreams and the fatigue it's crazy sometimes I just want to be in bed all day and then when I do get out of bed to start doing chores around the house I just want to crawl back in it's just so frustrating i really do hope you feel better I just pray to God this is over soon hugs
jane5216 marisol06794
Hi Maris, yes I get very fatigued and have to really manage my energy. I don't get breathless though - I think it would be worth getting that checked out if just walking to the kitchen leaves you breathless (unless you have an absolutely enormous house!! ;o)) xxxx
marisol06794 jane5216
Hi jane this happened to me once before and I ended up in the ER having every test known to man kind everything came back okay thank God but I've noticed that it happens to me only when I'm bloated I went to my doctor and he prescribed me famotidine 20mg hopefully this helps makes me feel better with being bloated it's just frustrating it's always something different it's like there's 500 symptoms to menopause hope you feel better with God's help hopefully wheel get through this soon hugs
2chr2015 marisol06794
Hi marisol. You are not alone. After I took my son to school this morning, I came home and went back to bed for about 3 hours. I slept decent last night so I don't know what gives. I can say that I have been through weeks at a time like this and then it will get better for a while. I just keep telling myself it's the hormones!
marisol06794 2chr2015
OMG.. I no what you mean this is so frustrating as I write this I'm in bed right now I began thinking that has to do with my bloating in the stomach because the only time that It really happened to me is when I feel bloated that's when I feel the shortness of breath and exhaustion and really scared to eat anything because I don't want to feel worse it's just a never-ending roller coaster when it's not one thing it's another hopefully with God's blessing will get through this soon I miss my old self hope you feel better hugs!!!
elaine62759 marisol06794
I have CFS with the menopause fatigue on top - it's awful!! I've decided to just do what I think is essential as I just can't cope with any extra things just now. I've started having a lie down for 20 minues and listening to a relaxation CD when I'm exhausted now and find I get a mini energy boost afterwards so might be worth trying.
cindy1957 elaine62759
I too have fatigue, burning mouth issue, hot flashes,all I guess to do with menopause. Been to the doctor on both fatigue and burning mouth, folic acid was very high and b12 was high too,so I stopped both but maybe the burning mouth is from high folic acid, hopefully it'll go away. Anxiety levels are high too, probably high because I hate the burning mouth thing and fatigue. Anyone have the burning mouth too?
marisol06794 elaine62759
hi elaine sorry you to are going through this difficult moment it's just so hard to cope with this I can be fine and then all of a sudden it just hits me I've noticed that it's more when I get upset stomach like bloating that's when I really feel out of breath it's something different every time I started out with fatigue dizziness joint pains brain fog mood swings forgetfulness and tightness in my chest and shortness of breath which I ended up in the ER I got every test known to man and everything came back fine thank God but now it's just this bloating in my stomach that it just leaves me out breath it's just so hard I don't exercise anymore I've gained weight I can't do anything for long period of time because I get exhausted easily and out of breath hopefully we'll get through this I wish you the best and I send you lots of hugs!!!
elaine62759 cindy1957
Yes - I have the burning mouth syndrome too. I've had it about a year though it hasn't been quite so bad lately. Am hoping it will go away eventually. Fingers crossed!!
elaine62759 marisol06794
I ended up in hospital last year too. Tried a mouth wash to see if it would help burning mouth syndrome and had an allergic reaction to it. My tongue went swollen up and I could breathe properly and have to call an ambulance - it was terrifying! Will be glad when I'm through it all and can hopefully have a normal life again!!!
hope4cure elaine62759
I had BMS and my dentist recommended a mouth wash for dry mouth. And a lot of sugar free cough drops to keep mouth moist. Not good for teeth to have this also causes tooth decay.
Thats what helped me thru my experience. It seems like drinking a lot of water helps, keep hydrated as dehydration was a major issue thru menopause.
Hope xxx😊
hope4cure marisol06794
My rise to get thru M was to make protien shakes helps a lot . Exercise get adrenalin going just a walk is all and get u movin always makes me feel better.
It it is tough to get thru and we all manage to one way or another.
Peace & Healing
Hope xxxx😊😊😊
ImagineOneDay hope4cure
elaine62759 hope4cure
I've had a lot of problems with my teeth over the last couple of years. I seem to have suddenly ended up needing loads of fillings and next week I'm due to get a tooth taken out which I'm absolutely dreading!!! I was wondering if there was any link with the BMS or the menopause. I'd also thought the teeth problems might be to do with lack of calcium. I think you're meant to increase your calcium with the menopause. Have you had any problems with your teeth? I do try and drink a lot of water.
ImagineOneDay hope4cure
Excise, last thing I want to do is exercise. How do I motivate /force myself to see if it really works for me?
elaine62759 hope4cure
Was interested in your protein shakes comment. I've been trying to increase protein in my diet with things like chicken and nuts as I thought it might help my CFS. What sort of protein shakes do you have? Is it ones you buy or do you make them yourself and if so, what from?
cindy1957 elaine62759
cindy1957 ImagineOneDay
Yes hope so, I've had it for 2 months now, just wonder if it has to do with menopause/ hormones?
ImagineOneDay cindy1957
I hope it's not a sign of diabetes, that's my worry but doctor sort of pushed that aside so I guess I better get my anxiety under control over that one!
elaine62759 cindy1957
Yes I'm in menopause and everything seems to be falling to bits since it started!!
cindy1957 ImagineOneDay
Did you go in for any blood work or didn't it worry you as much as it sure does me?my folic acid and b12 were super high,so I was wishing that was why I had it but guess not because I stopped vitamins and I still have the burning
cindy1957 elaine62759
Well I had a partial hysterectomy so I have no clue when my menopause started, all I know is anxiety, fatigue, hot flashes, mood swings and this annoying burning inside my lips and tip of my tongueand some on top outside of my lips too,the fatigue isn't fun
Sally4x elaine62759
elaine62759 Sally4x
I thought my CFS had got worse and couldn't understand why until I started reading comments on this forum. I didn't know that fatigue was a symptom of the menopause. It's like having another layer of fatigue on top of the usual exhaustion!! You might want to also try gentle yoga - I sometimes get a mini energy boost after this and always seem to sleep really well after I've done it with less hot flushes. I'm only able to do it once a week but at least I manage one better nights sleep which is a bonus!
Sally4x elaine62759
hope4cure elaine62759
I make my protien shakes as I do stay away from sugars causes more fatigue. There are OTC protien shakes available. They also have great energy and vitamins. I also take supplements for my individual needs.
I use Greek plain sugar free yogurt protein powder and non fat milk. Easy peasy. Add fruits like blue berries, raspberries . I also keep a supply of hard boiled eggs, nuts and smoked salmon & Fruit for snacks for energy.
Make own own energy bars with oats honey protien powder and natural peanut butter. Put in freezer freeze until read to eat once shaped in small cookie shapes or squares.
I stay away from all processed foods have hidden sugars , breads, pasta.substitute with pasta's made from spinach, carrots, other substitutes with no white flour or sugars. I don't eat out . I suffered from IBS for many years and probiotics eating yogurt has helped that issue no fatty foods sugars, which all made me bloat and stomach cramps, and exhaustion.
For exercise I take my dog out for walks sometimes I can hardly move . But when I get back, I feel better just moving outside rekindles my spirit.
This is what has helped me tru a lot. I have found eating clean has made a big difference .
Many of us have suffered with the blues too and that should be addressed. As any of us going thru the Big M we can suffer from depression that also leads to muscle and body strength issues and sleeping a feeling of tiredness.
Some me days are better than others it's not always a bowl of cherries but I have watched others in my family give in and as a result suffer from various diseases rather that working at staying healthy. We know so much more today about foods and menopause to help us get to a better place . It worth the effort.
Hope xxxx
Its really a life life style change.
hope4cure elaine62759
yes Elaine suffered teeth loss and many issues form BMS it also was from dry mouth. causing tooth decay. Many root canals and once I got the dry mouth under control or BMS with sugar free lozenges and using alcohol free mouth wash same tooth paste is simply baking soda simple. Finally worked.
also stayed away from antihistimes for allergies known to also dry out eyes and mouth.
There are many new products on the market for BMS/ dry mouth, just have to try what's right for each individual's needs.
elaine62759 hope4cure
Thanks for all the advice. I'm thinking of trying to reduce my sugar intake too. I've been trying to eat a healthy diet but am now thinking that some of the things I think are healthy probably have a lot of sugar in them too. I drink a lot of fruit juice and have been eating dried fruit but it might be making my teeth worse. I have a new dentist and am going to ask her advice about my diet and teeth problems once I've had my tooth out.
?I'll definitely give the protein shakes a go when when mouth has healed up and will have another think about my diet to try and improve it. You've given me a lot of good ideas about (sugar free!) things to eat. I really like the energy bar idea too - sounds like a great health snack - will definitely try these too.
?I walk my dog too for exercise - it makes you go out even if you don't feel like it but I always feel better after the fresh air even though I usually collapse in a heap when I get home!!
Thanks again
2chr2015 hope4cure
hope4cure 2chr2015
Protien shakes help with energy and get me up and moving as well as not feeling so tired and drowsy. I also eat a hard boiled egg in the afternoon when I get sleepy. Protein shakes were also recommended while I was in the hospital for the same reason. I don't take any meds. I drink homemade protein shakes and take different supplements recommended by my doc for my diet. Helps me not always a big help for everybody. Just wondering if you have tried them?