Terrible menopause symptoms
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I'm 47 and started menopause at 39. It was OK for 2 years just no periods and hot flushes. Then the migraines depression anxiety breast pain all kicked on at once. Now I have constant chest pain and gerd. I feel like I'm going mad or going to die. Has anyone else suffered like this while menopausal. All thoughts be greatly appreciated. Thanks feeling desperate like this is never going to end.
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Edell7329 sandra87208
Yes, it's awful. I have felt like you on and off for 1.5 years. I have had terrible bouts with chest pain and gerd and a bunch of other weird symptoms. Currently having joint and muscle pain. Have to keep focused on the good Lord Jesus cause many times I have felt like I'm going to lose it
Finny2018 Edell7329
Amen to this, Edell. If it were not for the Lord I do not know how I would have made it these last few months!
Sandra - I have had a lot of the symptoms you are describing. I do not have the migraines but I have experienced the others. I started a monthly journal sheet for each month and list the symptoms by the day each month - I printed off these sheets for free online (you can find them easily). I have charted many of the symptoms I get that are all NEW at 49 when periods have really started to change etc.
I noticed that I get a lot of congestion/ear plugging/post nasal in Week 4 of what would be a normal cycle.
I get GERD, chest pain, reflux in what looks like Week 2 and into Week 3 of my cycle for the last 3 months. Sometimes my symptoms can be all over the board. But I am noticing with many - they are cyclical. I hate these things - but when I start noticing a pattern I am able to tell myself over and over that most likely it will end like it did last month.
I've done a LOT of research that describes the functions in our bodies that shut down when our Estrogen drops or our Progesterone drops. These hormones drive our esophagus sphincter, fluid to our joints, our moods - everything! I'm hoping I continue to have success with a natural progesterone cream I bought online and I've also seen at my local organic grocery store. Take care!
patriciawil3 sandra87208
sideways67 sandra87208
vicky77852 sandra87208
Claire4474 vicky77852
It's taken my doctor a year to come to the conclusion I'm at the beginning of the menopause, after lots of tests for various symptoms and me mentioning "could it be the menopause?" he's finally agreed with me. This started just after my 43rd birthday and I've suffered for a year with various symptoms. My doctor hasn't once mentioned the possibility of HRT to me, is this something they don't do now on the NHS? I can't handle feeling like this for several more years and the only help they offered me is Anti Depressants.
vicky77852 Claire4474
Finny2018 vicky77852
Vicky - it's great to read that HRT gave you your life back. Gives me hope!!
angela52830 sandra87208
I've been going mad with all the above, saw a young male doctor who was not helpful at all, sent me of with leaflet so had a good read went back to see my doctor of 30yrs who checked me over and agreed that HRT might help and since last Thursday I feel like my old self, I have got my life back and feel wonderful, my husband family and friends can't believe the change, but more importantly I can't believe it , I know it's not for everyone but giving it a go has made me live again, I hope you find the help you need and deserve.
sandra87208 angela52830
My gp won't give me hrt as my mam had breast cancer. I feel like I'm never going to be my old self again. I long to have a nights sleep and wake up the old me.
MoodyNoire angela52830
tam34579 angela52830
chrissy69015 tam34579
Hi Tam,
I’m 46 also, and my Hormones are making my life difficult, I was put on an antidepressant that has helped, but after 5 months I seem back to square one, terrible anxiety, negative thoughts & overwhelmed I won’t feel better
Guest chrissy69015
Shana_P sandra87208
I'm 43 years old and all throughout the day on and off my face flushes. I have a pale face, my stomach bloats all the time.I never had allergies before and all of a sudden they came out of now where!!! They got so bad that I cant breathe the outside air without wearing nose filters, a N99 face mask and being on the highest dose of Allegra and nasil steroids!!! I have insomnia every night and I have hot flashes throughout the day!!! I am going through a UTI as we speak. My Dr. is running tests for cysts and for tumors. I really don't believe that I have those!!! I think the Dr. is missing something!!!! My Blood Pressure was never high!!! I have always had awesome blood pressure...I also have bad headaches and bad anxiety!!!!.I have 34 symptoms of Menopause and no one is saying this!!! Its driving me crazy!!!! Can someone please tell me if they have experienced these symptoms????
MoodyNoire Shana_P
Hi Shana, I feel for you.I also experienced many, many horrific peri symptoms. The worst by far were the depression, mood swings, anxiety, insomnia, migraines and almost continuous uti's. I dealt with them (unsuccessfully} from the age of 40 by taking supplements, exercise and clean eating. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, (nor justify putting my husband and kids through it) and went on bhrt in January 2017. I wish I had done it years and years ago. I realize not everyone can take it....my mother died from breast cancer, so I was so afraid of all hrt. Now I realize it was her unhealthy lifestyle, (even her oncologist said it was) that probably caused her cancer. She was on the synthetic hrt for a few years in the 1980's. The big, scary WHI research results, (which we now know were inaccurate as well based on the synthetic hrt) convinced many women that all hrt was basically a death sentence. However, speaking for myself, I don't EVER intend to stop taking it as it has improved my quality of life so much that I (most of the time) feel, (and many say, look like I'm in my late 30's and I'm 51 years old.) I do exercise, don't smoke, and avoid tanning as well as take vitamins and supplements, so it's a combination of lifestyle as well as the bhrt. I hope you can find some relief soon. Again, I'm speaking for myself and I don't condemn women for using or not using bhrt. We all are unique and this is a very turbulent time of life for many of us. Good luck!
Shana_P MoodyNoire
Oh wow!!! I am so sorry about your symptoms!!! Thank God you are feeling so much.....better!!! what is bhrt? I'm so sorry not good at abrevietions.
Finny2018 MoodyNoire
Moody - your post gives me so much hope! I've read so many posts about the BHRT like yours that say "I wish I would've tried this years ago".
I have a wonderful doctor who is 60. She has been on BHRT since aged 50 along with Prozac. AS of now, I am trying a non-prescription over the counter progesterone cream and I am seeing marked improvements. I told my doctor that I'd like to start with this cream first and see how I do and then consider the BHRT if needed when I turn 50 (in November).
Can I ask what BHRT you are using? Or can you private message me when time permits? Thanks so much!!!
It's great to read a success story!
CarolKelso Shana_P
I went to bed in the afternoon to sleep and my headaches have subsides.....i know what you are going through so hang tight. You aint alone xxx
lori93950 Finny2018
Finny2018 CarolKelso
Carol - I am curious how you experience adrenaline surges. I am having these off and on and it's short and I connected them to my hot flash. But then today, for almost 3 hours, I felt like I had 15 cups of coffee - that's the only way I know how to describe it. I checked my blood pressure and heart rate and that was totally fine - but I felt beyond wired. I went for a walk thinking maybe it would settle and then finally went to lie down and watch a movie to see if it would calm me and thankfully it went away. I guess now I have to add that to another new symptom. I am also starting twice now to experience nausea/intestinal cramps with a hot flash. I'm glad we all have each other to talk about these experiences. So thankful for this group!
Finny2018 lori93950
Lori - yes it's amazing how so women can react quickly and positively to the hormones. I'm trying 20mg in morning and 20 mg at night of the otc progesterone - so a loading dose. I had started with 10mg morning and 10mg at night and then increased it. Are you noticing some improvements with your current plan after taking the patch off? I hope so! I want to hear another success story - that gives a lot of us hope!!
Shana_P CarolKelso
Thank You Carol!!! My Dr. right now is pulling at strings!!!! He now saying I might have Endimitriosis!!! He had me tested for 2 different types of Cyst and I asked him Dr. what do I have he said I don't know then I came to him and told him that I think i have menapause!!! He then ran a Blood test right then and there to see if that is the issue....I went for a PET Scan yesterday and couldn't do it because my doctor and the clinic failed to communicate how to prepare for the test and give me literature on what to expect!!!! If your Claustrophobic you need to be sedated!!!!! I have been going round the mountain with this dr. messing up!!! He's a wonderful Allergist but I think he has too many patients!!!!
CarolKelso Finny2018
Hi Finny.. The surges ...they tend to happen when im in bed. .. My heart begins to palputate and ive a sudden need to go to the loo..sometimes up to 5 to six times.. I can also feel like my blood sugar drops and i have to get up and eat a bowl of porridge...went to the gp to check blood level and thyroid and all fine . i also can feel shaky inside like an internal tremour...with this can often bring the overwhemling thoughts or you put it doom and gloom....the surges can feel like a slight electric shock and my bladder gets a signal to go to the loo...and always when im relaxing in bed....these have subsided alot but were regular before.
Your last post was very insighful for me about hot flushes... I too get waves of neasea and in my last post had a headache for three days with neasua...i think all sinus related or hot flash as the pain in my head can come in waves.. Very very strange....i developed ibs which for me has been one of the worst for me...the neasea and wind, constipation and burning feeling in my tummy. Had camera down and all fine. Caused me awful worry and ruined my holiday in rome last september...but thank god it has settled...
This ride is something i and others have not been prepared for and i think in the states you have better knowledge than us in the UK. But im coming out the other side i think....
Finny keep the posts coming as very insightful.Great we can share and i hope you too feel better soon....lots of love and the grace of god on you. CK
CarolKelso Shana_P
CarolKelso Finny2018
michelle97919 CarolKelso
That is such a great description of how you describe menopause.
A tug ship turning with great magnitude but very slowly.
Well done you!!!!!
And i too am yrying very hard not to let menopsuse become me.
Im post meno now and jad a 10 year peri hell.
Lets see what post meno has in store x
MoodyNoire Shana_P
Bhrt is bioidentical hormone replacement. They are manmade hormones derived from plant estrogens that are chemically identical to those the human body produces. I'm so glad, too!
MoodyNoire Finny2018
Finny2018 CarolKelso
Thanks for sharing your experiences, Carol. I was doing such a good job writing down my symptoms each day but lately I've not been doing so well. The benefit for me is that when I write each day, I can look back and see the timing. When my Estrogen "should" be rising in my normal cycle and is NOT - these are my experiences. When Progesterone "should" be rising and is NOT - these are my experiences etc.
Last night was odd electrical/tingling in my chest /neck - then some inner trembling in my neck/chest as you described. I'm due for a period today (I've started skipping) and that is when I noticed the inner shakes the last 3 months during this week. With each weird and new symptom I am constantly having to tell myself - it's PERI!!! I'm having bloating now and gas - been with my hubby going on 20 years and I keep saying to him - isn't this weird??? I've never had this until 49 and the periods started radically changing. I'm belching?? And embarrassing sounds are coming from me on a regular basis. Trips to the bathroom before hot flashes - all of it is a day to day experience of my body reacting to the changes.
Thanks again, Carol. love and Grace of God upon you! HUGS!
CarolKelso Finny2018
Finny2018 MoodyNoire
Thanks so much for sharing this info, Moody! I will make note of it in my Meno book.
I've been keeping notes on the things we women on this forum are trying/have tried, etc. So thankful for this place!
Finny2018 CarolKelso
Hi Carol - I read somewhere that it is helpful to keep track of symptoms even if you do not have a period. "They" said you can have these same symptoms into your 60's and 70's and "they" claim that you will notice patterns of when you would've normally ovulated back in the day, when you would've had a period back in the day etc. I find that very interesting. For me to keep track is to "calm" me down, lol. I can put a little check on my chart and then look back into the prior months and see that I had that same thing during the same timeframe and not to worry about it. The anxiety and depression have all but lifted in the last 8 days and that feels like a miracle to me. I'm 49 and will be 50 in November. I'm thankful for this place of refuge. Blessings to you, Carol!
lori93950 CarolKelso
CarolKelso lori93950
CarolKelso Finny2018
lori93950 CarolKelso
CarolKelso lori93950
Lori im so sorry... Is your husband no longer with you? Like you the joy went out of my life....i saw nothing but doom and gloom and yet had a supporting hubby, lovely home ect.. Last year for me was the worst..lost my cousin suddenly and my tom cat of 16 years who we loved so much....i cried for 6 months and my body thought was dying....but i began to notice getting some joy back a couple of months ago...i still get bleek days and last night the same adreleine surges...wanting to go to the loo very quickly and becoming axious and at times i battle awful negative thought. But there is still positive changes....im moving house right now and relocating to a new area as well as my job.
Myself and my hubby needed a change and I didnt know if id cope well through all the stress of the move but it all has fallen into place and we move to our new home 4 weeks yesterday.
Im so sorry for all of us that we go through this and im sorry lou if you feel alone, but you are not...ive had to fight this perception with a loving husband and others around. As a practicing Catholic, my rosary has been my greatest weapon and ally.....my faith in god has kept me sane and this forum....during the night especially and id always recieve comfort.
Lori lovey, hold tight....even in the thick of it as you will come through this very challanging time and when you do, nothing will phase you. Peace and blessings on you today....love & CK hugs. X
lori93950 CarolKelso
Yes he divorced me but we’re still friends and we get on very well . He mostly did it because he and the family were hiding assets from me . Sad situation .
Can’t believe you’re moving during all this ! I can barely make it to the grocery store and wash the dishes ... hopefully will come out of this dark period soon or now ! Would be great! And yes! Going through this has been awful ... trust me to get it really bad 🙄
Hopefully good times are on the horizon 🌞
CarolKelso lori93950