Terrified 😂
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Am waiting for results of a CT brain scan for dementia and increasingly terrified the longer I wait. Â It's been 5 weeks now. Â I am convinced it's going to be bad news because of my symptoms.
For a while I thought it could be perimenopause, but not sure now.  I keep having really really scarey things happen, often out of the blue which just confirm my concerns.  aside from short term memory loss, I keep getting all sorts of things confused.  I've tried to put the front seatbelt on whilst sitting in the back of a car, I though I had lost my mobile phone, but I was talking on it.  And then just now I got really confused between a friend and my sister and who was who.  I just can't go on like this or believe it could be hormones.  All I keep thinking is how My life is over 😂😂😂
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chrissie67964 Bubbins
I am perimenopausal and although I am not as bad as you, I have become increasingly forgetful and finding myself doing and thinking the strangest things.... Like driving along a road that I have been on a millions times but panicked because I thought I was lost!
Have you discussed hormonal changes with your Dr or had blood tests?
So sorry to hear that you think your life is over.... It really isn't, you can get through this!
Bubbins chrissie67964
Thankyou for your reply. Â I was told even before the scan that the results could take up to 2 months to come through. Â
I haven't had hormone tests. Â they've said they will look at doing that if the scan should come back as normal.
I just feel sick with worry 😪
chrissie67964 Bubbins
Why don't you start thinking about what if the outcome is actually nothing at all and that you are likely to be entering menopause.Â
Do you have any other symptoms apart from the ones you have mentioned?
caroleUJ62 Bubbins
I remember one particular ocassion when I turned on the TV ad Eastenders was on, and I could remember the names of hardly any of the characters, even though I recognised their faces, and had watched the show every week for years. Â I was totally petrified. I think I went into a bit of a psychotic state, and the more I worried about the symptons the worse they got. Â Maybe this is what is happening to you. Â When I finally stopped worrying about it - and started worrying about something else! - I started remembering things easily again.
You are obviously panicking - I was - and makes your brain just freeze up. Please dont be convinced you have this - I was certain, and of course I havent.
yolanda85321 Bubbins
susan21149 Bubbins
Your life is not over this is the anxieties playing the role. I have anxieties and I am in menopause there are times i forget things like if i have my cell phone with me or did i turn off the stove or oven. I forget to turn off the lights at times to where my boyfriend reminds me to turn off the lights.Â
I have been having a lot of anxieties myself and anxieties can make you forget things too, and so can depressionÂ
mary95550 Bubbins
jayneejay Bubbins
I got all things muddled and peri and still do post meno
'Brain fog or Meno Brain'
Some days worse than others
jay x
michelle50768 jayneejay
Jusy wanted to ask you do you feel better post meno than you did in peri?
Ive been in peri eight years and its starting to really get me down.
Would love to hear it gets better x
jayneejay michelle50768
well i didnt, but had a Vit D defficiency i didnt know about and now having extra 2200iu a day of D3.
my hot flushes returned so severe that last summer in spain was just awful.
and the severity came again onset of this summer heat..
anyway.. To ease that and after reaearching and reading that low dose anti depressants ease menopause flushes and anxiety ( low dose the new HRT)Â
and i am taking Escitalopram ( stronger newer Citalopram) since taking ( i only take 5mg) my 20plus a day flushes have GONE, my body seems to be more relaxed, my energy is up and my slight anxiety has gone ..
I also take Mega B 100 from Holland and Barret one a day and they make me feel so revitalised ( i stopped taking for 4 months ) and wow didnt i know it ... I also have B12 injections too as my B12 abit on the low sideÂ
so now i feel alot better ..
i always declined anti depressants as not depressed, but if you google Anti depressants for menopause low dose .. Wow they help me no end ..
I dont take HRT as i dont want to postpone menopause i want to ride the waves do it natural and forget about itÂ
jay x
the final two years were the hardest, emotionally and tearful, feelings of doom. EtcÂ
but now i feel okayÂ
i am age 51 and 21 months post menoÂ
confirmed by my wonderful Gyno ... ( none fuctioning / no follicles ovaries )Â
no periods for 12-14 months after peri = post menopauseÂ
jay x
michelle50768 jayneejay
Good to know your finally feeling better x
susan21149 jayneejay
I am 46 going to be 47 in August how long do i have to go through the palpitations that come with menopause it seems that i get them a lot i wore a heart monitor and the heart doctor said everything was fine nothing in there that showed any irregular heart beats. And the E.R. DRs say the same nothing on the EKG and nothing on the cardiogramÂ
So how long do i have to go feeling these and having stomach problemsÂ
Would like to know i am getting tired of them
jayneejay susan21149
wish i could answer that question but cant ..
we are all so different .
i had palps aswell but all have gone now, more or less.
the Esctitalopram (5mg) Â ( low dose anti depressants ) have helped me soo much with palps/severe hot flushes and the slight anxiety.
been taking them for about 2 months and helped no end , no severe flushes now..Â
jay x
michelle50768 susan21149
I too get awful palpitations which have taken me to ER and also had a 24 how heart monitor. All of which came back normal... BUT it dont feel very normal
( ove been in perimenopause 8 years im now 48.
Periods all over the place and every symptom you can possibly have inc anxiety and depression.
The palps send my anxiety through the roof. Had another bad bout from last night and all day today. I keep telling myself it will pass but they are defo getting the better of me right now
susan21149 michelle50768