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...So if i feel like this now what will happen when there are changes!?...i went to collect a prescription today and was asked for my address....blank! after a few minutes of nothing and my colour rising i think the pharmacist felt sorry for me and started to mouth it slowly.....like you do when teaching a child to spell!
Then off to the car park to play ( where the hell did i park!) I can't really hold a conversation either as i don't seem to be able to hold information....i don't get a lot of night sweats although i am hotter and my sleep pattern isn't great....im also feeling so lethargic although i do try and get into the gym 3-4 times a week ....i run and do weights.
I'm still getting periods a bit heavier and a small bleed in-between occasionally ......and if you are a 50 something woman that works full - time i take my hat off to you.....i work a max of 10hrs a week and I'm exhausted.....if this is just the start of menopause HELP!!!!!
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sounds like peri kicking in... i am 49 and been in peri for 8 years. almost in year 9 😞 at first periods were a miss and heavy and spotting in between, infact at one stage i bled for 21 months with hardly any break, always either heavy, flooding, to nothing for three days then spotting, it was a nightmare... felt faint, did faint on three occasions, dizzy, hot, woke wet through, brain fog, couldnt think straight, had to concentrate on trying to look like i was listening but clearly i couldnt give a dam 😃 sudden urges all the time to wee, in early peri, that has passed now..
trouble is, the FSH blood test for peri is often normal as hormones are so erratic ... mine said normal in first two years of peri, doc said i was in peri, but the time of test was just when hormones seemed on a level.. i bought the home testing menopause tests ( 5 on ebay for £3 or £4) i then kept an eye on my own FSH levels at different times of month and got the positive result... Jay x
i dont take HRT i try and manage with Naturals, Estroven Max, Maca, Vit B1 and Vit B12 when energy rock bottom, ( Jarrows Vit B12) I also take iron now thats been a god send...
as for insomnia i havent slept for years, been a big problem, lucky if i get 3 or 4 hours, all peri related, i take Zopiclone now, not often, but when i am absolutely shattered, doc gave me some here ( i live in spain now) but they are only for as and when ... Jay x
i think we are well prepared for periods, childbirth etc but the menopause really does seem to be taboo....and just get on with it.....no help/advice is ever offered and of all the leaflets in surgery theres nothing on it....thats why we only have eachouther and our own personal experiences to help.
iv taken on board your advice and will get more bits down me and stick with it.....you take care Aly x
take care too, this site is lovely for support, and always here for you... everyone is lovely and you never feel alone... 😃 Jay x
Just reading these posts. The menopause is horrible and I can remember standing in the garden in my nightdress to cool off with snow on the ground. You can be peri=menopause for many years. Don 't worry about testing for it. If things are erratic then you probably have started the menopause. What stage you are at isn't important. Be careful with the supplements. Lots of people don't realise that overdosing with iron is extremely dangerous. Try to improve your diet and research a healthy diet for the menopause. Eating a sensible diet is more important. Ensure you get out in the daylight when able as this gives you the vitamin d your body needs to make use of the calcium you eat particularly in the winter but your body stores it in the summer so make sure you get out when you can. This will help with bone strength. Avoid sun burn by going out before 11am and after 3pm. They reckon in winter you would need 3 hours daylight to get enough. Not many of us can do that but as our bodies store Vit D we don't need that much just a top up every day.
I found being out and about definitely made me feel loads better. Good luck xx
For women who suffer with brain fog, and memory issues in perimenopause, low levels of B6 could be part of the problem. Depression, confusion, and an inability to concentrate are all associated with B6 deficiency. Vertigo, dizziness, and heart palpitations are also common complaints from women going through perimenopause. All of these symptoms have been associated with (among other things) a B12 deficiency. Vitamin B6 can also help with stubborn weight gain in perimenopause. It is key in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in our diet, and is necessary for a healthy metabolism - both which can help manage weight.
blimey i will be rattling soon... all I take 😮
yes i know what your saying about iron, you can overload and it can be dangerous...
i have managed 8 almost 9 years with peri on herbal supplements, its along time to feel this way...
sometimes it gets too much, and i hear my body shouting for help...
every woman different, i use to think it was mind over matter but realised its not that easy...
I live in Spain, have beautiful winter sun, sun light, always out doors and that doesnt eleviate my symptoms at all . but I enjoy it .
i try my best with diet, but my partner works overseas, so on your own your not cooking like when a family,
we just have to muster on and try and help ourselves the best way we can, protect our bones and bodies best we can..
B12 and other B Vitamins are found in Marmite or Beef extract (I believe Vegemite in Australia is similar, although I don't know if it is high in B vits). I will be using that on a more regular basis from now on. For those who find it too strong, it can be added to cream cheese or butter( if you dare) to lesson its' strong taste. It can even be added to casseroles and soups. Lovely
with cheese on toast. mmmmmm
i have a small appetite, and fussy eater, eat too much cheese.... the vits are best for me personally ....
thats my way through it... its good if you arent suffering and can get by with diet alone... my energy levels are struggling alot and tiredness, no food intake helps me with that... 😪 been trying alsorts food wise for many years... take care ...
jay x
i saw a doc here, he was terrible, his first thought was give me anti depressants, no thanks, i am not depressed, just peri lacking hormone balance, cant do HRT family history etc... sorry your waiting a foot operation, bless you, luckily weight wise i am fine, infact lose it too much, but I am active alot, hence hate feeling tired as you have to push yourself and thats not me all... but... we fight on... and muster on... as expected 😃 ..
glad your off anti depressants they are never good, had them years ago and they made me feel spaced out and not in control, they mask the problem not solve it in my opinion, did with me anyway, as soon as I stopped them ( this was many years ago) I felt like a new person, in control again...
take care Jay x
iv been on them 8yrs i did come off for a while but did struggle......they turned my life around i only wish i had gone on them years earlier.
When i did come off them i struggled! i had a high pressure career and elderly parents, plus i brought both my kids up.....my doctor said that she was prone to depression and always kept herself on a "low dose".....i did and my life is so much better if i stay on them forever then so be it!
I eat quite a healthy diet luv my fruit/veg and i run most days....i weigh around 9stone 10lbs I'm 5-5 so all good x Iv taken your suggestion on vit D to Chrissy.....iv booked to go to Egypt next thurs 30 degrees......anyone fancy coming? Aly x
bless you, enjoy your holiday, I live in southern Spain and the sun is lovely, and it will do you good have a lovely time....
glad your tabs suit you .... they obviously help alot of people, just were not for me, i was put on anti depressants years ago... ' this will make you smile ' they spaced me out and i felt out of control, i was on them for along long time, unhappy etc, low mood... kept changing them etc to find one to suit, the doc asked me to go back with husband, and i was not myself then, he said it best to speak to both of us... then it all came out, i said to the Doctor i am not depressed .... I know what my problem is, its living with him ( my husband ) hahahaha anyway... i weaned off, and we parted... then i got my life back... mine wasnt depression as such i know the problem and then put it right.... bye bye husband ... Jay x
And good on you sounds as though your a strong lady made your decisions and you got a great result
I had a fab husband but that ended 8yrs ago and dispite the odd! fling ....theres not really been anyone.....and llike you i just get on with it, i went to Dubai+Benidorm on my own last year and really enjoyed.....i ended up with a stag party in Benidorm (long story...but the most fun iv had in ages lol)
Im pretty determined not to die wondering about too many things and I'm not gonna let this menopause thing spoil it for me.....onwards and upwards and keep smiling