Thank Heavens, I've found you!

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Hi Ladies

I have been on my own dealing with peri menopausal symptoms for a very long time now.  Indifference from medical professionals and a strict clamped jaw policy from any woman I have tried to discuss this subject with has left me feeling utterly isolated.

I wanted to introduce myself and hope to be part of the community so I can share my experiences, give and receive advice and support.

I feel better already just knowing there is a community of women out there who are willing to be open about the fact that menopause is happening.  I have already learned a lot just scanning these pages.

Looking forward to more chats.


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    Thank you ladies.  I.....oooh hang flush!!!   That's better....where was I?  Oh yes loss of libido.  I am seriously considering HRT which is partly how I stumbled across this site as part of my primary research.  It is a big decision and I have a lot of trepidation, so it is interesting to read about the experiences of others. My doctor is about as much use as a chocolate fire guard so there's no point in asking them.  I am fortunate to have private health cover with my job, so I might go and see someone privately.

    Hmmm the a way I was rather hoping they were related in so far as I could expect the condition to level off post menopause.  I think i will just have to accept I have epilepsy then, but at least they are controlled now with medication (fingers crossed).  It does however become problematic because I am really restricted to the other remedies I can take...most herbal stuff is off limits.  I was taking magnesium at one point until I had a seizure.

    I wear a Mirena and have done for over a decade having had a terrible time with periods. I have been period free for nigh on 14 years now which is brilliant but does mean I don't know where I am at in the menopause.

    Anyway I am rambling.  I guess I just have a lot to say because I have been holding it inside for so long with no-one to share it with.  Most of my female friends are colleagues or more acquaintances than deeper friendships, so I just can't talk about these things.

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