Thank Heavens, I've found you!
Posted , 16 users are following.
Hi Ladies
I have been on my own dealing with peri menopausal symptoms for a very long time now. Indifference from medical professionals and a strict clamped jaw policy from any woman I have tried to discuss this subject with has left me feeling utterly isolated.
I wanted to introduce myself and hope to be part of the community so I can share my experiences, give and receive advice and support.
I feel better already just knowing there is a community of women out there who are willing to be open about the fact that menopause is happening. I have already learned a lot just scanning these pages.
Looking forward to more chats.
2 likes, 51 replies
sharcerv52408 DDDivine
Welcome to the forum! One thing you will never have to worry about on this forum is any of us snubbing you . No question is too weird or out there that we haven't heard. The women here are wonderful, warm and sympathetic. You came to the right place.
Let me just say, I joined this forum nearly two years ago and I thank God for it. I started having peri symptoms at age 39 after a c section. I am 41 now and they have intensified. When I started getting them, I thought I had some terrible disease. But I stumbled upon this forum quite by accident. But it has been a blessing. I have had so many questions answered and fears put to rest by the experiences we exchange here on this forum. Once again welcome to our sisterhood!
michelle50768 sharcerv52408
What a lovely post you wrote x
sharcerv52408 michelle50768
michelle50768 sharcerv52408
How are you x
Im struggling with palpitations and anxiety at the moment. Something that comes and goes as you know. The palpitations really get to me. The thing is I say palpitations but when I take my blood pressure and pulse they are all in normal range???
It feels like its pounding to me. Just wonder when it will all end. Sorry for my rant but you did ask lol.
Hope your doing ok x
cazjaz16 michelle50768
michelle50768 cazjaz16
Im beginning to think that is definitely the case. I seem to be obsessed with it in perimenopause. I do have ocd tendencies anyway but seems to be so much worse in perimenopause. thank you so much for taking the time yo reply. Have a good day xxx
susan21149 michelle50768
michelle50768 susan21149
susan21149 DDDivine
Welcome to the group. I know that i have been experincing a lot of menopause symptoms and yes it has made me quite sick can't even eat today. Woke up in the middle of the night with a bad stomach ache had a lot of diarrhea and threw up too. Did not sleep after that was really restless and not feeling good. Nose kept dripping little bit of blood too so today i am just resting.
tina03180 DDDivine
like you i am so gllad I found this site. I am suffering but many of the symptoms a lot of you are but actual;ly think that after reading some posts im getting off lightly at the moment. I get breast pain, cant sleep at times, hot, cold etc etc etc..
Glad to speak to you Take care xx
RhondaS tina03180
manda16171 DDDivine
I have read similar posts on a FB closed group. One too many not so nice answers. This forum feels alot safer & definately more positively supportive.
NuttyNan DDDivine
Heres to all us ladies 💖 see you soon DD, keep well.
ImagineOneDay DDDivine
I am in the midst of a really busy week but look forward to delving deeper this weekend. I am hoping to find out a bit more about;
Brain fog, and how to keep your edge at work (and the younger, sharper people from ripping the confidence from under your feet)
Whether anyone else has experienced the onset of seizures as part of their menopause symptoms, and
How to manage the loss of libido.
These are my three burning questions right now and I feel sure the answers will be contained on this forum somewhere.
Hugs till the weekend,
Highlands51 DDDivine
It may well be that your oestrogen levels are causing these problems, and possibly you need progsterone to balance things out, progesterone has a calming effect (I am sure you know this, so apologies for repeating,) progesterone may just help with seizures, just a thought.
Also what about some nice calming herbal teas; lemon balm for rest/cognative function etc, really excellent. Very soothing. I would suggest the tincture, however I would start with a tea. This will just help with sleep.
I hope this helps.
PS. We have experience/skills - younger set do not have our level of skills/life skills either, they have to keep up with you and learn from you.
RhondaS DDDivine
My brain fog comes and goes so I can't tell you anything about that. Seizures as a symptom oh my. That's a stumper. I would ask a doctor about that one. Maybe your emotions are setting you up for an epileptic event. Doesn't really sound like a menopause symptom.
The loss of labido I can speak to. It is miserable. But the only thing you can do is follow the old saying Fake it till you make it. Get lubrication for any dryness and make yourself dive in. I have that same problem. I feel sorry for our husbands on that one.
RhondaS Highlands51
Highlands51 RhondaS
cazjaz16 Highlands51
cazjaz16 DDDivine
RhondaS Highlands51
cazjaz16 RhondaS
RhondaS cazjaz16