The crazy symptpms of perimenopause....
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Hello beautiful ladies! I know all of us are on this sight for a reason...our crazy and at times unbearable symptoms! I kind of wanted to reach out and let you know my symptoms so some of you feel less alone and maybe a bit less crazy (although I think it's too late for me, lol!) Here is my list and I am sure I will be forgetting some!
-Exhaustion! Ladies, I feel like I am walking through mud. Some days even the littlest things make me feel like I climbed Mt. Everest!( I take all my vitamins including iron)
-Insomnia...I sleep maybe 4 hours at the most
-Weight gain..I have gained so much weight, and I haven't changes my eating habits. Exercising is definitely difficult at this stage, but I have been taking walks and am hoping that will help. I feel as long as I am eating right, drinking, and taking my vitamins, at some point the weight will start to come off.
-Anxiety..Oh goodness, this has to be one of my worst symptoms. I have suffered from anxiety and panic most of my life, but it has definitely gone into overdrive. I am constantly jittery, jumpy, overwhelmed, stressed, and all the other lovely symptoms! I honestly want to jump out of my skin most days..
-Dizzy/off balance/vertigo...Yep. Basically I have one of those 24/7. The best part is feeling like you are drunk, but didn't have the pleasure of drinking anything, lol!
-Sinus/ear issues...I feel like my sinuses are constantly acting up and my ears feel plugged/clogged most of the time. So there's that, lol.
-Rib pain/tightness..This is a fun one. It makes you feel like there is a tight banned wrapped around you and you can't breath. Makes for a fun time...
-Head pressure/tightness/cotton head...No explanation needed. This one stinks.
-Dryness...Everywhere...My hair, scalp, skin, eyes, lips, nose, name it. There is not enough moisturizer, eyes drops, nose spray, chapstick and conditioner in the world for this..
-Numbness/tingling...I get it on my face, legs, arms, feet, lips. I have been having this for years. I do have fibromyalgia, but I feel this is hormone related since it seems to be worse during different cycles.
-Pelvic heaviness/pain...This seems worse at the end of my period into ovulation. Every month is different, but I get it to some degree. It's almost like the feeling when you are later in your pregnancy and the head is resting on your pelvic area. Yeah.
-Irregular periods..Right now they are anywhere from 19-31 days. Heavy, clotty and run from 4-8 days. I have had only one light period and that was a few months ago. I feel like I am always bleeding. I usually can get two periods in one month. Also fun..
-Depression.. No energy. Crying. Emotional. Want to pull the blanket over my head and hide. I did have a 5 month period last year where I cried all the time. I didn't want to leave my room. My anxiety was at it's highest then. It was horrible. I never thought I would make it through. It's not as bad as then, but it's still there. Definitely worse with hormone changes.
-Vision changes...My eyesight has definitely changed. My vision can also get blurry and foggy at times.
-Dissociation..I feel like I am out of my body and looking at everything through fog (This seems to be anxiety related).
-Weird smells..I smell things that no one else does. Garbage, smoke, etc.
-Housebound...Basically I am housebound right now. A lot of it is from the anxiety and head issues. I fear that one of my symptoms will be magnified when I am out, etc. When I do go out it's at night since I don't feel as overwhelmed. I avoid fluorescent lights and super large places. It's just too much.
-Burning mouth/metallic taste...This one I get on and off. It's such a strange sensation!
-Allergies/colds...I have always had allergies, but they have definitely ramped up! I feel like I always have a cold!
-Flushed face/Hot and cold...I get a flushed face and ears, and the rest of my body gets hot then cold and back and forth. I dress in layers just to make it a bit easier. Being hot makes my anxiety worse, so I am figuring out ways to keep cool. My hands and especially my feet seem always cold, but I can't put anything too warm on my feet because I will get too warm, lol! Can't win!
-Breast changes...They get more painful and tender. I also get the feeling of engorgement and let down and obviously I am not breastfeeding, lol. It happens more mid cycle, but I have had it last for longer periods at different times of the month.
Heartburn/gerd/bloating...This one is just horrible all around. I always feel bloated and have heartburn no matter what I eat. It makes me feel so uncomfortable and I feel like the gas pushes on my diaphragm (I hope that made sense, lol!) This one I will not miss!
I do have many more, but I have written a mini! I just want you strong ladies to know that we are in this together! Reach out if you ever have any questions! I am lucky enough to have a very supportive husband and children, but I know there are quite a few on here who aren't. Just know I am here for you! We got this ladies, even though we are in the midst of hell right now! Sending all the strength, hugs, and prayers to you! ❤️
10 likes, 28 replies
Troldepus71 laurie19311
Omg Laurie - poor thing...
That was my first reaction reading your post. But I just realized that I have most of the same symptoms as you - add stomach issues, different pains in joins and muscles, acne and much more.
The worst is anxiety. All the symptoms sends my health anxiety through the roof!!!
Fingers crossed it will get better...
laurie19311 Troldepus71
I pray everyday for each of us! I know there is another thread somewhere on here with the 66 symptoms. It is absolutely crazy!
lisa02072 laurie19311
Sitting here right now feeling nearly all of the above with tears rolling down my cheeks and the most awful metallic taste which lasts for weeks at a time.
Why is this not taken as a serious debilitating condition?
laurie19311 lisa02072
I honestly wouldn't wish this on anyone. It is amazing what our bodies go through during this. I try to get through it with humor, but some days it just isn't funny! I think we get so disheartened because doctors just seem to dismiss how we are feeling. They chalk it up to anxiety and stress. Of course we have that with all that we are going through! I am so glad for this site. We need to help each other through and especially reassure each other!
NothinforNothin lisa02072
That's my question too Lisa. Why is this not taken as a serious debilitating condition? How has this happened for so long and woman aren't screaming for the proper help, support and research. Why have they put up with this for so long! How come no one talks about this or prepares woman in there 30's for this? Why is that on line but, no doctor screens you for anything and most won't even acknowledge anything unless you've gone through menopause. I'm so disgusted. I think more woman's groups should be up in arms about this. It's 2019. Feels like the dark ages. Is this population control like I feel cancer is too? This just blows my mind. I got hit severely by this. I know others have to. Makes no sense to me that anyone should have to suffer like this. Just over a year and still fighting for my life back. I know how hard it is. Along side with you!
sharon03238 laurie19311
Hello Lovely,
well i could have written this myself! wow i dont feel like im cracking up now lol xxx thank you ❤ xxx
laurie19311 sharon03238
You are welcome! I do have my sparkly green straight jacket on order just in case! Lol! You aren't alone! ❤️
pamela2016 laurie19311
i have everything you said and more and scared out my mind with fear, i cant take the head stuff its gotten so much worse since Oct, god help us all
laurie19311 pamela2016
I messaged you back! ❤️
unico31026 laurie19311
You have written all of my symptoms ! Especially the anxiety! Hopefully we all will get better soon!
laurie19311 unico31026
We will somehow get through this together! ❤️
Marisa02082 laurie19311
What a Great post!!! Thank you for writing this as reading it makes me feel so much more less alone with all of these crazy symptoms!!! This helps So much to know we are not alone in this and sometimes the symptom changes and then it feels even more awful, because you just got semi/okay with the others you've had for a while..then they disappear and then a new one!!!!...I think thats what gets to me and it plain wears me down. We shall prevail ladies!!! Happy Holidays!! HUGS TO ALL!!!!!!!
laurie19311 Marisa02082
Marisa, I totally understand! The ever changing symptoms. I almost feel like it's a revolving door! We are strong for sure!! Especially together! Happy Holidays to you!! ❤️
sharcerv52408 laurie19311
Hi Laurie,
Thanks for sharing. I can identify with you on just about all of these things with small exception of only a few. This is truly a trying time in a woman's life. I am so grateful to have you lovely ladies to talk and share with and fortunately and unfortunately we are able to relate to this madness.
laurie19311 sharcerv52408
Stronger together! We will somehow make it through. With or without our sanity in tact! Lol! Hugs to you! ❤️