The HRT man, he says yes!

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After the worst few months and unbearable times, I decided to put my reservations about HRT to one side and see an HRT consultant who was lovely and seemed to know his stuff. So with trepidation I am starting on the journey. I will post progress / observations if it is of any use to anyone??

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    I did a lot of reading before I went for my appointment. We discussed possible risks in future vs quality of life now. Also, various types of hrt. For me, bio identical hrt via gels and (excuse if too much info) pessaries was more appealing than pills which bypasses stomach and liver etc. Definitely didn't want anything derived from horses wee. I really don't like taking anything which interferes with nature but am so low and feel like my head isn't my own, plus huge anxiety, aches in joints, hot flushes, not sleeping, hyper sensitive etc

    I'm also a single mum, just made redundant and anything which can help is good by me :-)

    • Posted

      Thank you carole. This is dibillatating for me...I'm not getting any flushes but this depression and crying all the time is exhausting! !. I'm supposed to be going out tonight but it's almost as if my body does not want me to enjoy myself anymore..

      I'm so sorry for what your going through right now what with the redundancy I know; I've been there :-(

      mums have it hard because you're trying to put a brave face on for the sake of the kids but it's too hard for me right now..I feel lost through my tears...

    • Posted

      I'm the same Denise, anxiety, depression, crying....its not pretty! I've also gone weirdly territorial regarding personal space. It's just rubbish :-(
    • Posted

      Day four of oestradiol gel....(.start progesterone 1June.). No immediate improvement but very early days. Period finished 2 days ago and the tears and anxiety have ramped back up. I'm just hoping to feel some improvements soon :-(. Any positive stories on hrt to keep me going? I hold onto these forums for dear life when i get desperate!
    • Posted

      Hi carole. .did you wait for a period before you started or did you just start when you could..???

      I've now been given femseven sequi with low progesterone 10mcg as I'm intolerant to it.

    • Posted

      Hi Denise

      It was just a coincidence that i was finishing my period the day I saw him. Started estradiol gel straight away. Start progesterone the 1st of every month from 1 June. Just hoping it makes a difference as i feel so low. Anxious. Intense spells of weeping. Doom gloom. It's really the pits and i just want light at the end of the tunnel. I have little energy, sleeping is rubbish and no motivation. Been on anti depressants for three months so this has to hormonal?? Ache like hell, dry skin, dry hair, cant stand noise, and very territorial / need space but also desperate for reassuring hugs. Just fed up.....hope you are ok xx

    • Posted

      I can totally relate to all of your symptoms.

      I'm curious, why did the dr say to start progesterone first of each month? I thought it's usually at second half of cycle you add it in.

    • Posted

      Big hugs to you carole from me ...:-)

      Keep your chin up hunni There are a lot of ladies on here and I know they will be all behind you as you progress through including me, you are are not alone hun.

      YOU ARE STRONG! And you will get through this terrible time. Have faith in your body its marvellous machine; she will sort herself out eventually. It's what I now tell myself. Xx

    • Posted

      Hi CC. Not sure. I was just finishing my first period in four months so maybe it's because there's no pattern to stick to? But he's well known and respected so I'm trusting him :-(.... Been taking Sandrena gel for six days and yesterday the anxiety and crying were back. I don't expect instant results but scared I'm going backwards.
    • Posted

      I see. That makes sense plus easier to remember.

      I totally relate to not wanting to go backwards. I've had these HRT meds on kitchen table too scared to start. I finally found dr to test my hormones so now waiting for day three of period to get tested before starting anything.

      God help us all!

  • Posted

    Hi carole. How are you feeling now???

    I'm still staring at the box in the kitchen.

    At least you've got the balls to try..I on the other hand haven't. . :-(

    Don't know how much more I can take with this..

    Sick of feeling very low as its frightening me; bloody crying for jack shxt. ! no libido. totally flat !!!!!!!!!!!

    It's like I'm jekhel and Hyde because some days I feel ok ;but still not me; and others I'm totally flat and crying sobbing like a big baby!!. Still not me !!!

    Thank god we have each other on here as all my friends are younger than me. .... its absolutely a frightening and horrid time huni keep going with the HRT. I'm going to have to give in to it and take it...Xx

    • Posted

      Hi shelagh

      No i dont mind at all .It's because I've had bad experience with prempack c 1.25.i know it's sounds so silly but i just don't want to go backwards just like carole was saying earlier. .my symptoms are not as bad as some ladies but it's the depressive state I can't stand.I only suffered from this when I had my second child (40)and from there I went straight into peri plus postnatal depression. All I want is to be back to me again..Happy go lucky!! This is one roller coaster ride I want to get off. NOW !!!!

      Are you on any?

    • Posted

      Just to clarify I'm 49 now and up until January of this year everything was great no reason for me to be like this..wonderful boyfriend who's very understanding and two beautiful children of which I love completely they are my world! !!!! No worries nothing then BANG !! it happend....just like that...overnight !!! Not good !! X
    • Posted

      I've been on Evorel sequi 50 for 2 wks, early days as no major improvements but it is still very early days. smile
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      I have been put on femseven sequi 50 and progesterone in this patch is only 10 mcg as I'm intolerant to progesterone.
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      Feel a bit ropey but have been feeling poorly for ages anyway. I start on the 2 nd 2 wks of the patches tomorrow ( oestrogen only), I hope to feel some improvement.

      What symptoms show that you're intolerant to progesterone?


    • Posted

      I've always been intolerant even to my own progesterone since I was a teenager. My symptoms are the crying constantly. mood changes. acne. extreme fatigue.breast tenderness . depression. So the more that's pumped into me the worse ill get. Although some of these are due to the fact I have very low estrogen levels. .
    • Posted

      Hi Denise and shelagh and everyone.

      Well, today is day 8 of estrogen gel (Sandrena) and have spent the day sobbing like a baby. Yesterday was bearable. Day before I was anxious.

      I start the progesterone (cyclogest) on 1st June for ten days.

      I am assuming that it's very early days but I really am at my wits end. I am ridiculously anxious and feel so bloody sad. Have to give hrt a go as I felt like I had reached rock bottom.

      Stay in touch ladies. This forum is such a comfort. X

    • Posted

      Can anyone tell me how to send a private message? X

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