The old days

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Hi all you ladies out there  having a hard time (like me) im a carer and i work in the community with the loverly old folk ,i went to work today feeling like hell having one hot flush after another it makes i worse all the old folk like to have the heating on full oh my god dont know how i cope sometimes but i do oh sorry going off track ha ha well i was seeing a kindly old lady today and she said are you having a hard time with the menopause and i said yes , she said we had it worse the was nothing to help them then ( she is 96 now) she said the way we got over this was (like she said her mother told her) was to keep saying these words DAY BY DAY IN EVERY WAY IM GETTING BETTER of couse i burst into tears and she gave me a hug ah the wise old owl im going to write it down and keep on my fridge bless her we have so been suffering for so long good luck to you all take care karen x

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Ah Karen what a lovely story, bought a tear to my eye. What a dear older lady - it reminded me of my lovely Grandmother who I lost last September , she used to say similar things and she was also 96 when we lost her. I miss her so so much and her wisdom and strength got me through so much, so hard without her . Take care through this horrible journey and like your dear friend said hopefully we will get better day by day - long old journey though xx
    • Posted

      Hi lou thanks for the reply, it must have been so horrible for them but in those days familys were very close and all the women helped each other i have lost my mother so i have never really had someone to ask questions till i found all you ladies thank you for all your kind words x
    • Posted

      Bless your heart Karen, I used to work in care for the elderly and also head injuries aswell, I understand how lovely some of these older ladies can be, I used to Absoloutly love hearing their stories of days gone by, I say some are lovely as one of the old dears slapped me round the face once it really stung ! I was being nice aswell !! Take good care of yourself xx
  • Posted

    This a lovely story Karen Hope you feel better 


    • Posted

      i will now because when i feel bad im going to read the words she told me and think of better times ahead x
  • Posted

    That is phenomenal. I will certainly use these words of affirmation and remind myself everyday of this. I love the wisdom that comes right when you need it.
    • Posted

      She  always tells me to go home and leave her alone and that she doesnt want a shower ha ha but when she saw i was haveing a hard time she became an old trooper as i new she was  and came to my rescue bless her  us carers in the community need a cuddle to  sometimes x
    • Posted

      You are right about. The caretakers need to some care too. ((Hugs))
    • Posted

      maybe if peri was talked about in the 1900 we might have a cure for menopause the trouble was like my mum and her mum you didnt talk about things like that around  it was a taboo subject shame. My husband was always  cool about going to get my sanitary towels when he did the shopping,  my dad would of had a heart attack , he passed out when i was born at home and the midwife handed him the after birth placenter bless him ha ha 
  • Posted

    Karen, thank you for sharing with us!  I have written her words down to remember, too.

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