The old days
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Hi all you ladies out there having a hard time (like me) im a carer and i work in the community with the loverly old folk ,i went to work today feeling like hell having one hot flush after another it makes i worse all the old folk like to have the heating on full oh my god dont know how i cope sometimes but i do oh sorry going off track ha ha well i was seeing a kindly old lady today and she said are you having a hard time with the menopause and i said yes , she said we had it worse the was nothing to help them then ( she is 96 now) she said the way we got over this was (like she said her mother told her) was to keep saying these words DAY BY DAY IN EVERY WAY IM GETTING BETTER of couse i burst into tears and she gave me a hug ah the wise old owl im going to write it down and keep on my fridge bless her we have so been suffering for so long good luck to you all take care karen x
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Zigangie karen71465
CCinCal karen71465
jamie53221 karen71465