The "pains of hell" as my mom would often say

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So hear goes my story. About out of ideas. Maybe someone has had the same thing and can offer a solution. Let me add that I was always the kind of person who could eat anything.  Nothing every bothered me for 50+ years. 

About two years ago I had a breakfast sandwich at MickyD's. Steak, egg and cheeze on a bagle. Did this every Friday for years. No problem. This time felt funny after finishing. Went to my office and still felt mild stomach discomfort. Got worse and had to lie on the floor. Felt like I was going to pass out so I went home. Eneded up lying on the floor on myu side in the bathroom trying to vomit... but could not. All I'd get were dry these wrething dry heaves. This lasted for several hours tillI fell asleep on the tile floor. When I woke up is was fine.

Thought little of it. Next Friday same meal and same exact thing happend. Had to go home and again on the floor in the bathroom for hours.

Other than that I had no issues. Ahything I ate at home was fine. Actually wrote an email to MickyD's telling them there was something wrong with their meat!

Then it happened again at a Wendy's (had a chicken sanwdich and cup of chili) an hour from home. Had to drive back to the house with the most severe pain in my gut you can imagine. How I did it I do not know.

Again, never an issue at home. Spicey food, barbeque potatoe chips, bloody mary's, all kinds of cheeze and dips... bring it on.

This is over a period of years. Every once in a while it woulfd happen and always away from home. Turkey dinner at a restaurant and one a year later at my couzins house did it. Had to. The final straw was from an omlet with home fries at a diner one night. Spent from 10pm till 6am between the motel bathroom and the bad. THat was it. Went to the doc. Here is what has been done so far:

Ultrasound of gall bladder- negative

Two blood tests- 1st one high pancreas levels, 2nd a month later normal levels

MRI scan- normal for everything but enlarged prostate : (

Upper GI w/biopsy- "erythematous mucosa in the antrum" they said tyrned out to be "reflux"

I just cannot believe this is all this is. This pain is nothing like I have ever felt in my life. I'm doubled up on the floor completely incapacited for hours on end because I ate a piece of turkey and this is just reflux?


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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello I'm 55 and know what your feeling, keep going to doctors until someone finally is willing to help and listen, because if its cancer it maybe to late, I know first hand
  • Posted

    Hello Jay. Sorry to hear of your plight but can I ask you...

    The C word was second on my mind after stomach ulcers. My dad had them for years. Said my sister and I gave them to him : )

    Seems if it was cancer it would be more constant. Not once every two months.

    How did they diagnose you and who (waht kind of doc) finally gave you some answers? BTW: It would seem to me a good blood test screening would show ones values were skewed if it was cancer, yes?

  • Posted

    Hi george74517

    When all tests come back negative I suggest to people to get checked for HPylori a bacteria that lives in the stomach and duodenum and causes bad pain and reflux. It is treated with antibiotics. It is usually tested via endoscopy, breath test and stool test or blood test but a blood test is not always reliable for HP....ask your doc for one of the tests endoscopy is the usual wishes for a speedy diagnosis.....

    • Posted

      Yes, I am aware of this test. Correct me if I'm wrong but is this not the #1 test for stomach ulcers?

      At any rate I assume (maybe wrongly) this lame GI doc did that with  the biopsy workup done last week. I do not know that for sure since she has not called me back. I will persue this, though.


    • Posted

      Hi george74517

      Yes it a test for stomach ulcers but by the time ulcers are diagnosed HPylori has been in the stomach and duodenum for some time undetected...hence ulcerated stomach...

    • Posted

      The GI docs "secretary" called me back today.

      I asked her if they tested for HPylori from my endoscopy biopsy samples and she said "yes" and it was negative for HP. She again reiterated "reflux not Berrets" was what they found.

      She also said I can try calling the doc next Wednesday between 3 and 5 and maybe she can speak with me then.

  • Posted

    I finally had a great gi doctor that was great and he said he couldn't find anything wrong that would make the pain bad, but he said that didn't mean there was nothing wrong, I am going to the mayo clinic in jacksonville florida and they have been great they treat you like a person and they truely care about you
  • Posted

    Jay68400. I have been thinking about tge same thing. I have been struggeling with stomach disorder, lupus, fatigue, palpitations, and they keep saying it is anxiety. My BP is usually 105/68 and heart beat 72.  I have constant pressure in my upper stomach under the rib cage, lightheaded and   Just not feeling good. Been in the ER twice, cardiologist, psychiatrist, had ct scan dine of brain. Ultrasound of female parts, ekg, echi, holter monitor,  no one checked stomach. This has been seen beginning of January, and I am sick of it.  I hope everyone finds out what they have going on.  Hugs
  • Posted

    George, I was tested fir hpylori years ago and was positive.  My dictor saud not to worry, because almost everyne has the little bug.  
    • Posted

      Well, the next time I'm lying in the fetal position on the bathroom floor for 5 to 6 hours with cold sweats and pain so bad I want to end it all...

      Really want to read the rest of this reply?

      I just cannot accept that is the answer. Not after spending close to 5K for docs and tests with nothing to show for it.

    • Posted

      I have to agree with you George. I have tested positive for H. Pylori back in September. The GI doc I went to said it would take months to heal which may be true but BS. It hasn't gotten any better for me an in fact it appears to be worse now. I have gone to another GI and have to wait 3 more weeks to see him before I can discuss my results of this round of tests. I have tried to not eat grains, am trying now no dairy and seems to be just about anything I eat is causing this pain/bloating in my stomach. I can't get a restful night sleep and I feel like I ran a marathon the next day with zero energy. I really need to get this fixed and if it the gallbladder need it taken out to get me back to what I was a year ago. Don't give up and keep trying to find a doctor who will fix your issues!
  • Posted

    I'm starting to think this has more to do with some type of food intolerance that has triggered an imune response. The only connection I can see to what has set me off is each food has a high link to fat either by the cooking process or the food itself.

    This all began when I swore off sugar two years ago and switched to using Splenda (sucralose) in my coffe twice a day. This was before I knew how bad it was for you. Read somewhere the chemical formula for Splenda is closer to rat poisen than sugar.               

    Anyway these pains from eating certain foods all semed to crop up at the exact same time and I wonder, now, if there is a connection. That perhaps this product did some damage to my stomach lining and now I have this intolerance to, apparently, fatty foods.

    Anyone care to weigh in?

  • Posted

    I hear you george, I am fortunate that I do not have pain, just terrible pressure and nausea and feeling faint.  I am looking into autoimmune diet since I have lupus, and nstural meds. I am sick of tests and dr appts and feeling sick. I live in Florida and they have a Mayo clinic, I also heard that USF has great doctors I might try that. Do you have any duch clinics wherr you live?
    • Posted

      I live in Connecticut so I guess they have something in Boston or New York and of course we have Yale Medical here in New Haven. The good thing about Yale, and I know this from taking my mom there many years ago for a skin issue she had with her hand, you get a whole team hovering over you. The teaching doc is the leader but the students, all brilliant or they would not be there, all chime in. Anyway, they cured her when all the other docs could not.

      I'm not really in a position to go "outside the box" right now. Will have to explore other avenues. This forum being one of them.

  • Posted

    I'm about ready to start self-medicating to try and find some answers.

    Are you folks up on the current treatments for peptic ulcers? It involves a three-pronged approach using an acid pump inhibitor, bismuth subsalicylate and an antibiotic.

    Prilosec for the acid pump inhibitor to allow the antibiotic to do it's job, Pepto Bismol for the bismuth solution and Flagyl (metronidazole) for the antibiotic. The only one that requires a script is the Flagyl but since it is both a human and canine stomach med I have plenty of it for my dog.

    Two weeks and it either will work or will not. I feel it's worth a shot. Not getting anywhere using the trditional routes.

    BTW: I know this forum is hosted in the UK so maybe some of you are aware of a more concentrated bismuth product made in the Neatherlands that is used for stomach ailments. Apparnelty they swear by it. Not sold in the US but can be ordered from there.

    ..and please no lectures on buying meds from other countries. Been doing it for years for my asthma and nasal alergy medication and saving thousands of $$ and I'm still here. Never had a doc give me a hard time faxing scripts to Canada.

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