The physical changes of menopause
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I wish that the changes of menopause would confine themselves to being irritable, hot flashes and not sleeping well, but unfortunately they don't. I guess the one thing that bothers me, almost as much as no sexual desire, is the changes in my looks. Sometimes I look in the mirror and seriously think "Who's that?"
I would love to hear form other woman who are noticing REAL changes in their looks and bodies. ANYBODY???? Sagging skin, thin shin, hair that is disgusting, hair that shouldn't grow in certain spots BUT it is. Bat wings, and can't wear shorts any more?? Tummies that have a layer of fat that can only be described as Santa? AM I ALONE HERE???
So if you have seen some odd changes, please submit your list. I'd love to know how everyone else is coping with this. Cause meno is for the birds.
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maria_03422 gailannie
Hi Gailannie
You are not alone and I'm glad I'm not alone either..
It seems it happened over night
For me first started the extra belly fat then was droopy eyelids hair as you mentioned growing in weird places muscle loss ..can't stand looking my self in the mirror even putting make up on it doesn't apply or look the same anymore..I feel so old just turned 50 and feel 80! I gone from dress size 4 to 8/10 and I don't eat more then usual..
I don't want to go shopping or go out anymore..
gailannie maria_03422
OMG Maria, I can't believe you mentioned thar makeup doesn't apply or look like it used to. I HAVE THE SAME THING GOING ON. Ya know, I always wondered why my mom's makeup looked so bad, apparently it has something to do with this horrible skin we get. Wish I could say LOL, but darn it I can't.
LM2114 gailannie
I don't even know where to start with the physical changes at 46...thinning frizzy dry hair that I finally had to cut short, no more waist, big tummy bigger than my breast now
dry skin, dry everything, droped eye lids and so on so on, like you I see myself in the mirror and don't recognize myself anymore, I have gained 12 pounds in 2 months and I am not eating more than normal at all, I am very short and kind of petite, and always looked younger than my age but not anymore!!! This year has been a transforming year for me...on the other hand after a few months of denial I finally admit that I am changing and I am trying to enjoy the change and be happy that I get to live kids are getting older too, they don't need my constant attention anymore so I have more time for myself and my husband and I am grateful for this change as well...
gailannie LM2114
LM, I am short and petite also. My kids are also grown and gone. But these changes are something that I really didn't want or expect. I was always so active, happy and always on the move. Now it seems I could care less. It barely seems worth it to even try to dress up and enjoy an evening out.
LM2114 gailannie
Sometimes I feel the same way, It happens when you least expect it, I got to the point that I didn't want to smile for a photo or even be in photos anymore, then my daughter told me she wished I could at least smile a little to look happy...that is when I realized that in the future they could care less if I have a double chin (one of the changes I really hate) or wrinkles they would remember if I was happy or in a bad mood all the time (most days I feel that way) when I was with them, so I am trying to change my attitude, is not easy but I am trying...there are times when is harder...that is what I love about this forum, you can vent and also get reassurance that we are not crazy and not alone on this ride!
gailannie LM2114
LM, I know just what you mean about all this. My daughter told me that the sexiest thing about a woman was her smile. The guys in the room, including her husband, gave her a look like she was crazy. (They know better) LOL
But she's only in her 30s, so I'll give her a pass until she personally understands how her once sexy, cute mom is feeling right now.
I'm trying to change my attitude also. But that's going to include removing every mirror in the house! And simply living in a world of pretending.
LM2114 gailannie
Ohh I like that!! A world without mirrors, wouldn't it be perfec!!!!
colleen90305 gailannie
My appearance has really went downhill. I've lost self confidence, and hate socializing these days. My hair has changed too. I hate this
gailannie colleen90305
I know Colleen, it just stinks. Hair is one of the things that bothers me the most. And of course, I have an added fear, because my sister who is nine years older is bald and has to wear a wig full time. That's scary stuff.
The sad part is, I had so many plans when I finally got the kids gone and now had a new husband. Vaginal atrophy and dryness, and feeling like I look horrible somehow wasn't a part of the plan. Again, I'd LOL if I could.
Theres_hope gailannie
I can see myself getting older but my eyelids haven't drooped as such yet. I've only just started to get a cluster of Grey hairs now.
I have always been a big girl, it's getting harder to try to shift a few pounds. I'd say I'm still looking reasonably young first my age, but it is begining to slowly catch up to me physically. I'm 46 next February.
There are changes yes, and I don't like it, especially when younger people make silly comments. My periods are still full on but give horrible side effects such as very bad headaches, back and womb ache. Just generally feel rotten each month and most days......
Oh, have I mentioned the horrible hot and cold flushes! ? 😨
gailannie Theres_hope
Theres, it does come on slowly. But when you hit that certain tipping point, it seems to go down...down...down from there. I was doing great at 46, and actually didn't mind the small changes. But 60 is another story.
Jokey gailannie
Now then Gailannie, you are starting to scare me😂lol!
4 years until I am 60, what can I expect, can't be worse surely!
gailannie Jokey
Everyone's different. But as we have talked about on another thread, it was almost that you wake up on day with crepe paper skin, sagging everything and boobs that hang and are flat. A tummy that grows with horrible fat, eyelids that droop. Ya it's a barrel of fun.
Hope it goes better for you.
becky53379 gailannie
gailannie becky53379
OMG Becky, you hit another one of my hot buttons...CREPE PAPER SKIN. What the heck is that all about? And like you it did happen over night. I wonder if all women seem to see this as an "overnight" thing.
I was using Ahoba (sp) oil mixed with some lotion. It worked really well.
AND WHERE'S THE WOMEN WHO WANT TO COMPLAIN ABOUT SAGGING BREASTS???????? I used to have great ones, where the heck did they go?
becky53379 gailannie
maria____a64048 gailannie
gailannie becky53379
I'd love to give you my "crepe paper". You could throw us all a big party.
becky53379 gailannie
gailannie maria____a64048
I know Maria, that's why I 'm trying HRT. I want the girls back!
gailannie becky53379
Well, NO MEN are invited! How's that for a party?
becky53379 gailannie
gailannie becky53379
Good then, I'll bing the skin and boob balloons, you get the prune juice and sleeping pills we all need!
becky53379 gailannie
gailannie becky53379
Laughing right with you Becky. But at least without the men there, we won't need to worry about all those messy lubrication bottles!
Hey maybe we could have a makeup artist to help us with the makeup that won't stay on our faces!
maria_03422 becky53379
I'm in!! MY daughter bought me as a gift a wax machine LOL.. I bring the liquor also
gailannie maria_03422
A wax machine? Oh that's good! Bring it along I'm sure there are plenty of us who might need to try it out. But don't over due the liquor. Haven't you noticed that you can hardly drink anything since meno?
Oh and here's another good one. Anyone noticed that food doesn't even taste the same? I eat because I have to, not because anything really sounds or tastes appealing these days. I wonder if that will come back.
becky53379 gailannie
becky53379 maria_03422
Omgosh Maria a wax pot.....yay your in lol! I so need a wax pot. I wax my own eyebrows and since I moved I cant find my wax so my eyebrows are out of control lol! Hope you are having a good day
gailannie becky53379
Becky, your eyebrows are out of control? How bout the chin hairs?
I'm beginning to think this party is going to be simply UUUUGGGLY!
becky53379 gailannie
maria_03422 gailannie
LOL!! At least we laughing about it
i know chin hairs!!! my daughter when she visits she brings her twizers in her purse
besides the wax machine!!!
i use to tell my mom what is wrong fix your self a i know wasnt her! i'm afraid to go to the store and try clothes on those mirrors are just a nightmare!!
gailannie becky53379
Yeah Becky, I think that's also why our eyes start to go bad. That way, we don't have to actually see what others can. How embarrassing.
Jokey maria_03422
Yes Maria, wondered when someone was gonna mention the
I will bring some too and some soup cause my mouth is so sore
with ulcers etc (anyone else).
A virtual Christmas party is just what we need.🎅🎅
gailannie Jokey
maria_03422 Jokey
You got it
wish we all lived close to each other
if any one of you ladies ever come to Florida let me know and yes I do get those awful mouth ulcers..feel better. XXXX
Jokey gailannie
I really have no clue but I have had terrible problems with my tongue
about 5 years ago (all to do with this terrible "curse"
. Don't want that back
in a hurry! Went to dentist yesterday with ulcer, thought it was an
abscess it hurts that much, but he said ulcer. Warm salt water is the
only effective help I have found, takes days of it though. Oooh...
Jokey maria_03422
Would be lovely to come to Florida Maria, but started to have issues
about flying/planes now😁😁
I have visited my Aunt and Uncle and four cousins in Oklahoma about
15 years ago (was fine then)lol!
If I ever get brave again and give it a go I would be sure to meet up
with you!
Great talking to you?