The plan

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I literally could not do myself.  I have someone here...but he is not going to continue running around to get me things. So, we are basically fending for ourselves.  But, when I am in a detox state...I need certain foods to get by. Gatorade being one.

​So i left the house to buy Gatorade...and came home with alcohol.  Now I'm stuck with out anything again.

​My stomach can not tolerate all foods after I need Ramien noodles, Gatorade, toilet paper...some chicken cutlets (blan for the oven)....take my vitamins...etc....I felt so lonely yesterday with my recovery and today I was literally pulling hair out.

I have had a couple of beers...and now feel a little better, I'm showered...and thinking I need to go get these things if I have a chance for recovery options tommorow.

​But, since I have had 2 beers...I should wait until the effects start to wear I don't end in jail for drunk driving.  I don't know if I will get any of these things or even drive....but if I don't my recovery is non existent.

​2 beers as a woman constitutes blowing a failure on a driving test....if I wait 40 minutes...which seems unlikely at this time...I will go...and if I don't wait...than I take that chance...for a chance of recovery.  I have no chance either way it seems.

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71 Replies

  • Posted

    What are you going to do to make tomorrow any different from today?

    What plan do you have in place to ensure that you don't buy alcohol tomorrow?


    • Posted

      Not to be short temperated Joanna...but I just stated the plan....get what I detox...which I want nothing more...but I can't do this alone with no "stuff".  My DR called and said sodium was low...told me to eat noodles (broth) and drink a sports delivery...had that been the case...I would not be where I am right now.

      ​Then my mother calls me and wants to "pick my brain"....I told her...I am in no condition for worrying about anything except getting supplies right now...and i couldn't have even gotten to the point of WANTING to without the alcohol I did get.

      ​Now planning where to hide it...etc.  and to answer shelley....I have minimal medication to detox...but the food and drink will help.

    • Posted

      The Drs know the situation and my state of mind of giving up.

      ​But not wanting to give up at the same time. I won't give up...but will continue to take care of myself I always forced to...BELIEVE last desire is to drive to the store...or shop for that matter.

    • Posted

      Forgive me if I misunderstood your post, but it seems to me that your plan you post of above is exactly the same as it was today - go to the store and get the items you need to help you.

      However, that plan didn't work too well today since you bought alcohol instead.

      So, I feel my question is valid and you should look at options for ensuring that you don't repeat today.  There are lots of ways you can do this, from ensuring that someone else goes with a list of what you need.... or ask someone to go with you so you are accountable to someone.

      I am trying to help you look at ways that you can eliminate (or at least reduce) the chances of today's buying of alcohol repeating itself tomorrow.


    • Posted

      My money is on nothing, I'm already counting my winnings.
    • Posted

      You seem very defensive and angry Misssy.

      If you REALLY want this you will do it, you have to either not go to the shops or send someone else.

    • Posted

      The problem I ddn't have the strengh during detox to get list. One 12 pak was easier than what I just did.  your question VERY valid.
    • Posted

      RHGB....all I can say to your right now is sobriety  is not a guarantee...but degrading or belittling or judging posts are always guaranteed in forum when anyone subjects their honesty about alcohol consumption in a forum with mixed sobriety lengths.  Take what you need, leave the rest...better yet move on if this is not a topic you can contribute constructively to smile
    • Posted


      If you had thought your plan through with the intention of protecting yourself, you could have arrived at the shop and politely explained to the cashier that you feel ill, and ask them to pick up the items for you and then brought them to you at the till.  Most shops are happy to help those that are in discomfort, especially if you are only needing half a dozen items fetching.

      So now you see why the same is possibly going to happen tomorrow unless you do something different?

      If anything, tomorrow will be even worse for you because you have the alcohol in your system from today and that will be driving you nuts to buy drink again.

      Can shops sell alcohol 24 hours where you live?  If not, if you were really serious about this then you can return to the shop tomorrow outside of the licensing hours and get the items then.  There are tons of things you can do different if you really, really want to.

      There is always another another 'tomorrow', Misssy - until there isn't! 

      Act tomorrow to really, honestly, and intentionally start to get yourself well again. 

    • Posted

      betting on someones demise...does not prove to be helpful.  Some sort of superiority complex....which I understand as I get the same "problem" when sober...
    • Posted

      I did get to the store and get the items I need so that I will not leave the house tommorow. It is not only people in this room I need to show I can do is mainly myself.  And since I only have myself at this point...I did what I could today. 

      ​Absoultely tommorow will be harder now...cause of consumed alcohol...but today was unbearable...with no food and no supplies for I have changed that excuse for tommorow.

    • Posted

      Brilliant, well done!

      That is the type of action that is needed to keep moving forward.

      Chuffed for you! biggrin

    • Posted

      Well, that got the response I was looking for.

      Have I annoyed you? Are you angry with me? I do hope so. Because if I haven't I'll turn it up a notch.

      I would become unbearable if you came back and I said, I told you so.

      So now you have an extra incentive to get it right. You wouldn't want to give me the satisfaction of being right, would you?

    • Posted

      Am sure misssy will realise the reason for what you said and why. Knowing her she would want to prove you wrong! Which she did, so well done both of you
  • Posted

    No stores that deliver in the area, Misssy? Could you call in an order and have a taxi pick up/deliver? 

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