There is light at the end of the tunnel

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Hi guys 

        I just wanted to post this to give hope to recovery opiate addicts ....and allthough ive told some of this before heres the full story 

         for 8 years i was taking methadone of varying amounts ( average 40mg daily ) .. however after a medical scare 2 years ago i was convinced it was caused by the methadone ( which is actualy wasnt ) i decided to quit ...

          as with all opiates but especially methadone this wasnt gonna be easy .. however i managed to taper myself down to 5mg daily and then asked for help from the local drug service ... they then got me down by 1ml every 2 weeks ( they actually wanted to do 2.5mg every 2 weeks but i insisted it was me doing the final taper and they agreed to 1ml every 2 weeks ) 

          well it seemed ok when i took my last 1ml dose but around 4 weeks later i was anxious and had strange thoughts of hostility and some paranoia ....

          2 weeks after i stopped i also discovered the medical problem which made me stop was actually a thorasic slipped disc ( yeh of all times to stop strong painkillers ) 

         well the 5 months after stopping was a struggle ... but around may this year ( 7 months after stopping ) .. things started to get better ... the gabapentin i take for the slipped disc are starting to work and i have significantly more energy... also a neurosurgeon is looking at my mri scan and as allready took a keen interest in it as thorasic slipped discs are rare (less than 1% of all slipped discs )  ... this has given me more reasons to be positive 

         ive seen many posts on here of people having problems quitting opiates and in some cases going back to them as they prefer the feeling to real life 

        and thats the problem .. using opiates especially strong ones such as methadone cushion everyday problems and stress,so when its stopped these problems can be amplified as theres no opiates to make these less stressful 

       so thats what makes the first 6 months to a year so tough ,,,but as the title of this post states "there is light at the end of the tunnel " ... you need to be strong and stronger than you have ever been before ...and seek support from your gp,drug worker and family .. but at the end of the day its you thats important and you need to focus on the future ,, every day will be easier but dont expect to feel better overnight 

          note : .. all opiates react to the body differently and im going off methadone .. others such as codeine may not give such severe post withdrawal symptoms ( PAWS ) 

          but stick with it guys ... it can be done... as they say "CHOOSE LIFE "

          best luck to all who are battling opiate addiction ... i wish you the best 


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    I am so happy for you and what a wonderful post.

    I just got off buphrenorphine and while mty doctor told me to jump off at 2mg  it took me another year and I got down to 0,125 mg every third day for a fre w months and suffered absolutely no WD discomfort whatsover.

    Opiiate WD is almost always unpleasant but the key is to taper long and sloooooow.

    Its not a race unless you make it one.

    My 2cents

    • Posted

      Hi reg.

      Due to my situation being on all the Oxycontin I was on. I have been told now that to deal with my pain that I am in 24/7 that I need to go onto buprenorphine patches.

      Can you advise if this would help with my degenerative disc disease in my lower back & constant sciatica please?

      Thanks mate


    • Posted

      My pleasure. I went on subs (bupe) for 5 years and it was a miracle. 

      I have heard nothing but horror stories about people on bupe and having a virtually impossible time getting off it as the half life is sooooo long that instead of a CT heroin WD lasting 7 days of hell (which I have been told is preferable) you end up with months and months of less intense but virtually unbearble gi distress/insomnia and RLS all wrapped up in a net of overwhelming fatigue and anxiety that goes on for about a  few months only to be greeted with a freefall into months and months of PAWS.

      No for the good news.

      I discovered that deluge of negativitiy was from people who followed their pain mamangement specialist or addiction medicine physician  and jump off way too early.

      Bupe provides excellent analgesic pain relief and is many times stronger than morphine (like 40x) and its long halflife will allow you to be pain free without the need for regular redosing throughout the day.

      I guess what i am saying is that if your dr advises it than I suggest you follow his advice but make sure you get baack to me or dig DEEEEP into researching how to get of it if/when you choose/need to.

      Perhaps your condition is so chronic that you need to stay on it.

      If so I would choose bupe  as it can last 24+ hours per dose. Its also available in a transcermal patch for chronic pain.

      Tolerence to its euphoric efffects subside quickly so its less likely to abuse.=14pxIMHO

      hope this helps..shout out if you need any support or advice.  I found a way to tame this thing.


    • Posted

      Hi sorry to but in but the bupremorhine is also called subutex which I was put on for my codeine addiction so you can see from reg's comment about how much more powerful it is than the codeine and shouldn't have been prescribed. The patch I think must work different from the tablets as they are a opiate blocker and I have always been told by my drug worker if you take opiates whilst on them you get predicated withdrawals I'm slightly confused how they would work alongside your current medication but hopefully your pain management team know what they are doing well actually I really hope they know. My father has just started these patches for being in pain 24/7 after a botched knee operation but they haven't got the dose right yet for him his on 15mg

    • Posted

      Oops pressed reply too soon anyway hope it all gets explained properly and also from regs comments about coming off bupremorhine unfortunately I can't do a slow taper like he has done as the tablet is making me ill so you will see the symptoms I have in store anyway stay strong hoping you get a good result best wishes xx

    • Posted

      Thanks for that reg.

      Currently I'm on no pain relief which is why I'm struggling so much.

      The referral to the pain clinic was refused by the pain clinic due to injections in my back last year that didn't work.

      My addiction psychiatrist wanted him, my GP & the pain clinic to work together to help with the Pain but, having refused the referal I don't know what will happen now???

      Because I've reduced the Methadone by more than half, the addiction Psychiatrist was hoping that the pain clinic would read his notes & realise it's now nothing to do with addiction as he is so very pleased with how much I've reduced the methadone, that I just need some pain relief, realising, and due to the $645million that Purdue Pharma were found in lawsuits, that Oxycontin wasnt suitable for me & to try me on something else, hence the buprenorphine patches.

      I'll keep fighting to get some help & keep you informed

      Thanks again

      Ritchie 👍

    • Posted

      Just seen this Tez.

      More research needed then I think hey!!

      Thank you xx

    • Posted

      Yep I think they normally prescribe the subutex /bupremorhine for coming off methadone but the patches must work different isn't it mad you get addicted to painkillers and prescribed methadone to stop withdrawals then subutex to stop the withdrawals of methadone then lofexidine to stop the withdrawals of subutex then your left a complete mental and physical wreck gosh wonder why xx

    • Posted

      You have to laugh really don't you!!! (Sarcastically)

      What really gets me Is, all the very many 1000's of people that Oxycontin has killed through overdose, (God rest their souls), the manufacturer of which was doing soooooo very very well thank you very much, from everyone's Pain & unlawful murders, they were paying their sales managers over $250k in annual bonuses & have now been found well over $645million in lawsuits to date etc, while I, along with very many others, have lost absolutely everything!

      The USA state of Kentucky where Oxycontin is nicknamed "Hillbilly Heroin" for obvious reasons have lost a complete generation to this one drug!!!

      I was put on this drug from hell by a GP I trusted, as you actually do trust your GP!!!!

      I was at no point ever, told how addictive it was, I was never at any point told of the risks of taking this drug, or, how many lives it had sadly taken in the USA.

      I didn't even know what an opiate was until I realised I had a problem with the stuff!!

      This GP actually told me that all the other GP's at the practice, had been having a right go at her due to the amount of Oxycontin she was prescribing me, but get this!!! Not because it was a danger to me, not because the amount she was prescribing per month was enough to kill many people not opiate tolerant, NO, purely because it was costing them over £3k per month in my prescriptions!!!

      I decided to get off of it because of how it made me feel mentally as, at the time, I had a very responsible job with loads of stress.

      Now I'm off it, I cannot seem to get any help in any form of any other pain relief, as the people that could help me & give me some form of pain relief, don't seem to want to do anything about it!!!

      I know & accept that I did have a problem with Oxycontin but, so did very many thousands of others. And, through no fault of my own!!

      I would very dearly welcome a chat or an interview with any reporter, journalist or a legal representative of Purdue Pharma but, I guess that will never happen due to all of the lies they told to get this drug on the market to kill & destroy many thousands of lives!!!

      Surely there is something out there that could help me with some other kinda pain relief so I'm not in pain all the time.

      This is Degenerative Disc Desease which means it will get worse as time goes by. It took me over 15 minutes on Friday to walk 100metres to my flat, I had to keep stopping due to the pain. I actually thought about ringing someone to come pick me up in their car to take me the 100metres as the pain in my back & legs was that bad!!!

      It very nearly brought me to tears, not only due to pain but mainly, due to the frustration of being unable to do what I should be able to do!!

      And now the Pain clinic have refused the referal from my GP as they don't think they can do anymore for me. Last year I had 3 sets of injections in my back that didn't help, so now they can no longer help me???!!!!

      All they have said to my GP is to increase the methadone, that I worked so hard to reduce, and that never helped me at all as a pain relief anyway!!!

      I guess this is the sad state of this sick, twisted evil world that we all live in today!!

      I apologise for the rant, but sometimes you just think. WTF has this Sad world we live in come to.

      Take care everyone

      Ritchie xx

    • Posted

      Excuse the inapproriate double ententendre but I feel your pain brother.

      It is simply criminal.

      If you are in the states it is a further insult that legitimate pain patients are being denied effective relief simply due to developing a dependency on a previously prescribed medication.

      Makes my blood boil too.

      I, in no way mean to be disrespectful to your condition or to the degree of pain you are experiencing you but I knew very little about DDD so I did a bit of research before I replied.

      Remember, I know not everything on the internet is true and that everyones physiology is different and that you may indeed require opiate/opiod therapy to alleviate your symptoms.

      But this is what I found.

      Despite its name, DDD is not considered a disease, nor is it progressively degenerative.

      Nevertheless, degenerative disc disease is one of the most common sources of back pain and affects approximately 30 million people every year

      Often, degenerative disc disease can be successfully treated without surgery.

      One or a combination of treatments such as physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, traction, or epidural steroid injection often provide adequate relief of troubling symptoms. (edit by me - no opiates listed).

      What little I do know for sure is that if you are experiencing neuropathic pain first line treatment should almost always incude gabapentin or pregabalin as it is often very effective at alleviating symptoms and they have a much much higher safety profile than any opiate.

      My 2 cents and I hope you heard me loud and clear that I am not dismissing your condition or suggesting it does not require opiate therapy for your situation. I hope that is crystal clear.

      Take care and kudos for a well thought out and appropriate scolding of big pharma!


    • Posted

      Thanks for that reg.

      I too have read all of what you put in your post.

      I have suffered with "slipped discs" & "trapped nerves" in my neck & back on & off for many years now.

      I had an MRI scan in 2013 when at that time I was 45yrs old.

      The consultant said the last time he saw someone with discs that bad was from a 70yr old man who hardly had any discs left due to wear.

      How he described it was, there was no fluid left in my discs as it had all gone.

      It was bone on bone & it was that worn, he described it as very rough jagged edges of bone rubbing against each other, a bit like very pointy teeth!

      Also, that the base of my spine was curved the opposite way to what it should be.

      I don't know what that means though.

      I don't walk bent over but, it hurts to stand up dead straight & when I'm in a lot of pain, the slight relief I get is to bend over forward slightly, (I suppose this is because it opens the discs up??)

      I've had everything from Gabapentin, Naproxen (Pregabalin) amatryptaliñ etc etc etc.

      The main reason I came off the Oxycontin is because I hate taking drugs & the effects it had on me, but, it was the only thing that really helped, but, then again, the amount I was being prescribed by my then GP, it should've dulled any kinda pain!!

      So, I guess it's a bit more than just degenerative disc disease. Because when I read up on all the stuff you have quoted above, I thought, "so why am in so much pain if that is all it is then?" as the pain isn't supposed to last that long either! 6-8wks I think it was, then off you go again till the next flare up.

      I can't even sleep on a bed anymore, as when I do the pain wakes me & it's as if I'm paralysed for a while as every time I try to move, the pain is unbearable.

      The only time i can get sort of comfortable is in a recliner, in that reclined position, so that's where I now sleep.

      Thanks for your comments again reg

      I'll keep plodding on until someone listens.


    • Posted

      Sorry i forgot.

      I have also had the steroid injections in my back. 3 times now, you can only have 3 & they won't give you anymore after that.

      These are supposed to give some short term (a few months if I remember rightly) pain relief.

      The last injections I had, I thought it had worked, as for the first time in a long time I had a few hours the next day with very little pain!!

      I thought Yes, it's worked, the next day it was exactly the same pain again.

      Also, since I had the MRI scan, I have been in a car accident that was one hell of a shunt, so I'm not sure if more damage has been done since 2013


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      I am so sorry to learn of the challenges you face. I truly hope someone can help you in your effort to be able to get the medications that work best for you.
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      Thanks again reg

      Me too mate

      Take care

    • Posted

      Keep fighting Ritchie and those pharmaceutical drug pushers should be made to pay it's totally unacceptably keep up the fight best wishes xx

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      Thank you Tez xx believe me, i will sweetheart!!!

      You too xx

    • Posted

      Thanks buddy can't wait till Monday to get started but these inclusion team don't seem to know anything about anything except giving out pills I really hate the pEpson who wrote that script for subutex all those years ago and funny if it's not hard to come off well hey ho how come they detox you in hospital weird which they had a taste of their own medicine' then we would here different story rant over 🌹🌼🌻

    • Posted

      Just wanted to say that in my subsequent posts I neglected to say that I know many people who find buprenorphine to be helpful in situations where other opiate/oids are not.

      I assume you are being told a bupe patch is the best solution for you also as a result of you being on methadone and your previous oxy experiences so you are being lumped into the ADDICTED category whether you belong there or not. 

      Can you find out if that is the case? If it  is unfortunately  then I would ask for some concrete data/independant published double blind controlled research showing why the phamokinetics of buprenorphine are expected to produce superior results to other opiate/oids in your specific case.

      They may just want you on a MMT type drug in a clinic requiring regular urine screens to ensure you are not abusing other things.

      On the other hand, IHMO and experience bupe has far fewer side effects than methadone/has better analgesic properties, more delivery options (patch/film/tabs) and is way easier to reduce and requires less frequent dosing. (some would argue that while it may be easier to reduce/taper it is still a bugger ((for those doing it wrong) to come off of)).

      I droppped from 16 mg (pretty high) down to 12mg in a week without noticing anything (that's a 25% drop). Did not even notice it and I laughed at the anxiety I had created in myself perparing for that first drop.

      Second week, I dropped down to 8mg (even though the  doctor suggested 10mg)  and then because I was so surprised I simply stopped taking it to experiement with the lowest possible dose I could tolerate.

      I waited a day.......nothing...waited another day.........I didn't feel my first hint of WD until the 34 hour mark.

      Popped a 2 mg tab and waited for 3 minutes........80% of impending WD stopped immediately. I am thinking that I just went from 16mg to 2 mg in 3 weeks. This will be a cinch.

      About an hour later it became obvious the little 2mg tab was not goiing to be able to hold its own against my then current level  of depedency.

      So, clearly not a cinch.

      Popped another 2mg tab for a total of 4mg and all WD symptoms disaapeared.

      Now, YMMV and I know people who did not have such an easy intial taper drop but it is almost always easier than droping down a level on methadone. I know methadone patients who were full on dope sick after dropping from 100 to 90 mg of methadone. that's a 10% drop whereas I went down 75% (16->4 mg) without even noticing. Taper got more difficult and slower from that point onward though.

      So, if i was given the option to switch from methadone to bupe I'd do it in a heartbeat if they ere my only options.

      No methadone fog, no methadone  lethargy, no methadone memory impairment, no methadone  weight gain, no more piles of little brown bottles in the fridge.

      Downside is that euphoric effects are very quickly a memory after adjusting to a new higher dose and that it has a therapeutic ceiling of 32 mg so it may not be apprpriate for severe pain  management.

      (although thats still equivalent to 1320 mg of morphine (po)).

      Anyway still chiming in..hope alls well.

    • Posted

      Thanks reg.

      I went from 115mils of methadone to 90, then a week or so later from 90mils down to 50mils, which is where I'm at now. No Ill effects at all!!!!

      As I've said before there seems to be a misconception by many that methadone gives you a buzz or gets you high?? I could have taken 3 times the original amount & it wouldn't have affected me one little bit, what it did do however, was what it's designed to do, and that is to stop the withdrawals from all the Oxy I was taking.

      It didn't help with my pain relief at all, just the withdrawals, which is why I dropped so much.

      If it did help with my pain, I would still be on the original dose!!

      And yes, you're correct with what you say, even though I'd rather come off all the methadone altogether, the addiction Psychiatrist suggests it will be very hard to titrate & would much rather I stay on 50mils of methadone, for now anyway, and use the bupe patches for the pain relief.

    • Posted

      I agree Tez.

      They do need a dose of their own medicine so to speak ;-) xx

    • Posted

      Hi Ritchie how's things going do you know yet what the next move is regarding your pain???? Well this will be my last weekend on the awful subutex and got to lower it for the next 4 days my last dose will be Tues picked up the prescription for the lofexidine today which I start Monday for the withdrawals strangely I don't feel nervous though that may change i know I'm in for a tough time but I really think this time is going to be it it has to be. Really hope things improve for you i really do 🌻🌻🌻

    • Posted

      Hi Tez

      I rang PALS yesterday. I'd never heard of them before.

      Funny enough they're based at the hospital where the pain clinic is that refused my GP referal.

      They are a complaints team. They asked me loads of questions, they said they would look into it & get back to me.

      What I don't get is, everyone seems frightened to death to give me anything. I can sort of understand it in a way But, if I wanted to abuse drugs I would've stayed on Oxy & if I was still addicted I wouldn't have reduced the Methadone by 60%

      Anyway, I think you'll be fine & if you keep telling yourself it ain't gonna affect you & try to stay positive I'm sure you will walk this.

      My partners mum as you know has cancer. I went with her when she had chemo last week. She has loads of faith in the big man upstairs & has always been positive.

      She hasn't had any pain at all in over a weeks treatment. She still goes out walking the dogs.

      She said: "this may bend me But, it will never ever break me"

      I've never met such a more positive person in my life & I wish I had her outlook. I really do!!

      Try to stay positive which it sounds like you are, and you will be fine!!

      Ritchie xx

    • Posted

      Thanks Ritchie situation all changed today and I'm a wreck a total stomach churning sweating ball of anxiety I just keep now remembering how bad not the detox but the after effects of it all were both times before and I'm not lying when I say I couldn't even send a text message the mental fog the insomnia no energy horrific depress ion it's all come back with a wallop just remembering but am still going through with it I've heard about pals so hopefully they should be of some help i can only imagine how frustrating your feeling as never mind all the hard work you've done of your own back i think all GPS see is addict and wow that prescribing book stays shut. Best wishes to your friend she has a amazing attitude I so admire here and you in fact theirs millions worse of than me i really should get a grip sending lots of hope your way 🌻🌻🌻🌻xx

    • Posted

      Please don't look at it that way that you need to get a grip!!!

      You need help, not to get a grip, it's help you need!!!

      There are people in more desperate situations than I am in, but the sad fact is that it never seems to end, the poor people that are in a much worse situation than I am in, just get money taken off them weekly by this lovely caring government of ours who only care about themselves & their rich friends.

      Anyway, did you get the chance to talk to Release? If not then please ring them on Monday & let them know your situation & how you're feeling, they will help you more than you will ever think they can help you!

      Please please please ring them at 9.a.m. on Monday, they really will be there for you while you go through everything & will be able to advise you on the best way of doing it.

      Please ring them. Please!!??

      Ritchie xx

    • Posted

      Bless you, you always take the time to send some comforting words I will ring them Monday I will esp as inclusion my ever so helpful drugs team are so keen to get me off their books as yes I am too but hang on they put me in the position I'm in so I feel they should see me through to the end not keep telling me how lucky I am to be getting this detox which in fact I have the medication a handy little guide and oh they are just going to pop in and do my best blood pressure lucky me indeed thanks Ritchie for all your kind words I so so hope things important for you i really do it just takes some kind words from a stranger to pick me back up again 👌🌼🌻🌻xx

    • Posted

      It is my absolute pleasure Tez.

      All I would love to do is help people In our position as until you're actually in that position, you will never ever understand just how some people are treated.

      At the end of the day, my old GP put me in this position, when you then need help, you get door after door slammed shut in your face saying "sorry My mate, you're totally on your own"

      We get treated like druggies or junkies when I've never touched any illegal drugs in my life and I'll say this, I actually feel so very sorry for "druggies" & "junkies" everyone is human & deserves to be treated as such & not to be treated like something all these so called consultants on 6 figute salaries etc have just stepped In!!!

      I'm serious when I say please do ring Release though as, honestly, they really are so amazing & really will help you with everything you're about to go through

      Ritchie xx

    • Posted

      Your so right i too have never touched illegal drugs but for the past 11 years have been treated like I have too the point my self esteem and confidence has hit rock bottom and fully sympathise with people who have and are trying to recover. When your in that certain que at the chemist every day for months where you have to be sat and watched by the pharmacist whilst that tiny littler pill dissolves under your tongue what dignity do you have left. It makes holding a job down practically impossible as we in that que always are made to wait last even when I was volunteering at the cancer shop and got extra duties opening up it was ridiculous I still had to go to the chemist every morning oh and how do you explain it to your fellow workers I remember once they had made a mistake with my dose but because it hadn't got relayed to them chemist I was forced to take a higher dose than necessary as if you refuse you get the risk of your prescription being stopped they make it so bloody hard eventually you get down to picking up weekly but yippee never again will I be a slave to this pill this regime I will be free another error that occurred when I was prescribed seroxat for depression years ago I was also prescribed zopiclone as couldn't sleep this should only be prescribed for a month the GP put it on a repeat you can guess the rest became tolerant 1 pill became 2 then 3 starting buying it out online was up to a whopping 7 a night when went to the GP begging for help who said your in for a tough ride and stopped the script 3 days later had run out went through hell suffered a fit which could have been fatal to this day i am still on 1 a night but I will attempt to give that one up when been through this journey I must have some kind of addictive personality but would never have happened if the GP hadnth put them on a repeat it's a scary world we live in GPS need to be much more accountable for keep prescribing addictive medication xx

    • Posted

      Just wnted to respond to your commect. I think it was an informative account that accurretly pointed out some of the biased information about bupe in my previos comments..

      thanks Ritchie and well done.

    • Posted

      You're damned if you do & damned if you don't Tez.

      You're so right, I honestly do not know what this very very sick world we live in is coming too.

      There is no way, if I had the choice now, would I now bring children up in this world, it's now beyond a very Sick joke.

      The people that desperately want to do the right thing aren't allowed to, they get criticised for doing so. Either that or get treated, as I said earlier, like something someone on a 6 figure salary had stepped in.

      Keep fighting Tez & everyone in the same position. Even though you think: "goodbye cruel world, you've won, you've beat me!" Please don't let them win!

      Don't give up, keep fighting.

      You are so much better than this evil that treats people like this.

      Just keep on fighting. Karma is a great thing & one day, they will all hopefully get theres!!

      Ritchie xx

    • Posted

      How are you Tez?

      Are you ready for it?

      Ritchie xx

    • Posted

      Hi buddy nurse came round had withdrawal tablet at 10 then been asleep all day woke up sweats and sickness here goes xxx thanks for wishes xx
    • Posted

      You can & WILL do this Tez.

      Chin up Sweetheart, you will beat this!!! It's a chemical that you need to get out of your system. Your body is so very much stronger than this rubbish!!

      Just stay strong & keep on telling yourself you can & WILL beat this!!

      Just get it out of your system so you can start to feel better & move forward so you & your lovely son can finally live the life that You both really do deserve!!!

      I'm with you & your son on this!

      God bless you both!!!

      Ritchie xx

    • Posted

      I know I will thanks so much for your kind words last dose of subutex poison tmrow and big increase in lofexidine I know it will get a lot worse before better thankyou for your kind words xx
    • Posted

      Hi Tez

      How's it going? xx

    • Posted

      keep us posted. you should be fine for at least 24-48h after your last sub due to its long halflfe



    • Posted

      i still am not sure why you are not tapering down to at least 0.125mg subs before jumping off. whats the rush. if you jump off lower your odds increase exponentially. is it because you are not tolerating the subs well . i onlyworry that the wds will be yuckier than necesary.
    • Posted

      Hi reg, Ritchie and anyone else following this story took my last dose of subutex this morning am good today had not much sleep last night then went and overslept this morning but just about managed to get my son to school on time. The next couple of days are going to be hard. I didn't taper right down to the tiny amount as the subutex wasn't really working well and getting too many side effects from it i seemed to be waking up in constant withdrawal which shouldn't happen due to its long half life but was so thought I better just get off it once and for all. Been on it near enough 11 years just feel like my body has had enough. I know the paws will probably be a struggle but it's my time to get off these pills been far too long.Reg can I ask how long you were on them? ?? Hope all OK best wishes 🌹🌹🌹xx

    • Posted

      Hi not too bad had last dose of subutex today not too bad got some rough days too come. How things with you have you had any more news? Warmest wishes 🌹🌹🌹

    • Posted

      Try keep your chin up.

      No news no. Don't know if I told you but I rang PALS on Friday, they're gonna look into it & get back to me xx

    • Posted

      Omg this is a horrendous detox so ill so weak but still alive ❤❤to you all who supporting me ❤xx
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      You're doing great sweetheart & as you know, this phase of it will soon pass.

      Stay strong & keep your chin up. You can do This, you're doing great!!!

      Ritchie xx

    • Posted

      I am so sorry to hear you are struggling. The timing seems pretty much on schedule following your last sub dose.

      REMEMBER>>>>>>>you got throught the physical part before and you Can do it again. 

      It is going to suck no 2 ways about it but you need to decide to ride this thing out or simply suffer for a while then relapse only to have suffered for nothing and know that you willl just have to start from the beginning the next time you decide to get off.

      You sound very motivated and strong.

      It will get better

      I promise if you just stay strong and remember the name of this thread because it is true.

      Not medical advice but lyrica (pregabalin) has a recommended maximum adult daily dose of 600 mg per day in Canada.

      I am rx'd 1200 mg per day and have been for the last 10 years for my ptsd.

      You can safely take up to 6 grama a day.

      It is a withdrawal godsend at doses of 1000mg or more a day IMHO. Allows sleep, alleviates anxiety. has a low addictive potential and aids with RLS.

      Talk to your Doc.

      Hang in there sweetie and let us now how you are...good or bad.

      you are in my thoughts 


    • Posted

      I feel like I'm dying this is the worst detox of my life never never again I am on 300mg pregablin I have some spare do you think it would be ok to up my dose just for a few days to get me through the lofexidine stops tomorrow but I know they must have underprescribed .I am determined to get through my limbs feel like lead weights the sweats are pouring out head scrambled just going to bathroom like climbing mountain but never again ??for your thoughts xx

    • Posted

      Poor you :-(

      I honestly cannot remember what I used to take to be honest.

      Ring 111 & explain your situation to them xx

    • Posted

      This is not medical advice and I beg you to forgive me for responding so late.

      I know every hour feels like a year!

      Best best

      ask your doctors advice before upping your dose.

      Lyrica is fairly powerful for the non-tolerant but wont even begin to touch opiate withdrawal discomfort at 300mg for most. But as it has a massive  LD/50 of about 300mg/kg in rats.. Thats about 30 grams ..sorry if I am being too technical or boring or am insulting your knowledge?

      Ask youre doctor how many times he has gotten of subs

       (zero times?)

      The Canadian prescribing liimit is 600 mg a day but as it is up to the doctor's discretion (in Canada) to go higher and it is off label for opiate withdrawal here though commonly prescribed.

      I can go on for hours about the bioavailability curve of pregabalin but you probably have little patience for arrogance at this pont.

      I am a healthy 50 year old male and take 900mg nightly for PTSD.

      My psychiatrist told me he has patients on 6 GRAMS (6000mg) a day so I can PRN up to 3600mg if necesary personally without further permission.

      My post will  be deleted if I offer you specific medical advice as I have no record of your health.

      =So the following is hypothetical and my  personal humble opinion

      My first opiate detox needed 1200mg to feel any benefit

      If one has no tolerance 1200mg is a dose unsuitable for operating heavy machinery....I'd even avoid a toaster lol.

      It is best taken at 300mg doses at 1 hour intervals and evaluating how it is working as you go. By hour 4 you should be feeling better ...if not keep going up to a max of 1600mg the first day..

      If one has already taken their 300mg daily dose no problem... it ok to begin this hourly schedule at any time.

      It works on Gaba so it will potentiate the diazepam in a nonharmful way (except sleepy accidents like falling asleeep on the toilet which may me a blesssing


      pm me for specifics..hope its not too late to be of some help to you.

      love, hugs , abd thoughts are with you.


    • Posted

      oops 30 grams for a 100kg rat
    • Posted

      This is so hard every minute feels like a hour I hope this is the peak my dog is only 1 still a pup has gone to my parents i see the disappointment in their eyes I feel so lonely that bloody subutex i should never have been drugged up on it for codeine never will I trust a GP again I know you won't either ???

    • Posted

      No I won't sweetheart But, please just ring 111, tell them you're really really struggling & don't know what to do & that you need help & now!!!

      Please ring them & let me know what they say xx

    • Posted

      up that lyrica and know that every minute of your discomfort is a mandoatory step forward in this journey. It will not kill you. Remember that.

      Screw your parents judgement of your efforts to get medical help.

      absolutely every moment you have endured so far will simply need to be repayed in full with interest if you relapse and need to ,start at square one next time. hang in there. PM me and ill give you my email if you want non-moderated advice.

      GO to the RECOVERY FORUMS on drugs-forum com

      There are more people in your situation there right now than exist on this entire website.!!!!!!!!



    • Posted

      How are you today matey? Xx

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We want the community to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the community are not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in respect of any healthcare matters. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek appropriate medical assistance immediately. Use of the community is subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified as being in breach of those terms.