Thickened endometrium
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please can you help me as I'm sat here crying I'm so worried!
today my doc told me I have a thickened endometrium which is causing my bleeding . She was very blunt when she said I would need to go in hospital for a biopsy to rule out uterine cancer!! She said she was referring me as an urgent case as the waiting list is quite long. What's the chances of it being cancer? I was hoping it was all part of my peri menopausal stage! I'm nearly 47 x
2 likes, 41 replies
vibegirl mandy91562
Many natural therapies help for a thickened endometrium, so if I were you I'd start there, by educating yourself for now. Get tests done if it warrants it and for peace of mind - but frankly there are so many abnormalities with bleeding for peri-menopause and menopause - I'd try and stay calm and focused on a positive outcome as much as possible. Stress and emotional upset further disturb our hormones...figures, eh?
Look into some stress managment for the next while, as they can only improve any treatments or therapies you consider to move through this. Keep thoughts on good outcomes as much as possible.
gailannie mandy91562
Certainly have it checked out. But please don't sit on pins and needles. It will probably be just fine, and you might need a little progesterone to keep things well maintained.
Hope this helps.
I had an ultra sound and this showed a thickened lining. This coupled with the bleeding.
I have read a lot which I'm not sure was a good or bad thing to do?
i will go ahead with the tests but my anxiety now is horrendous .
thanks again it means a lot x❤️
denise27692 mandy91562
mandy91562 denise27692
I hope you got good news x❤️
debbie03785 mandy91562
mandy91562 debbie03785
Just wish GPs were a little less matter of fact when telling you something. I would have preferred not to know all the worst case scenarios .
Glad it went well with you x❤️
didi0613 mandy91562
Good to check it out for sure, but my OB said its very common to have a thicker lining when your in peri/menopause. So pleas e don't worry Mandy. You are going to be OK.
Can I just say most drs. are stupid when it comes to menopause. Unless they have experienced it themselves, which the younger ones have not. They either don't know or think you must have something else wrong with you. I stopped going to my PC cause she really has no clue. It's so sad.
mandy91562 didi0613
i kept saying but it's just precaution ? And she was like hopefully in fact she kept saying that word hopefully! 😡 I now hate that word!
thanks again ❤️
emily06016 mandy91562
Firstly id like to echo all these lovely ladies. Do not worry. I know from my own experience easier said than done.
My story replicates yours almost to the letter. But as I was told we are all different, always keep that in mind.
I went to drs having had abnormal bleeds etc resulting in scan showing thickening. Then like you living with the sickening anxiety of waiting to see gynaecologist. I went & was told same as you about cancer potential. I've had hysteroscopy & biopsies plus polyp removed. Diagnosis is edometrial hyperplasia. Mine is simple type. A very very common condition which is currently being treated with a Mirena coil that has recently been fitted. The thickening happens when we don't produce enough progesterone. The Mirena releases gradually into uterus. I've just had a check up & I have to go back in 6 months for another check. Im 50. We are all at that uncertain confusing age.
I know it's really really difficult, but whatever your diagnosis there WILL be a solution.
Let us know how you get on & tc 💜
mandy91562 emily06016
So glad that you are doing well
Mandy ❤️
emily06016 mandy91562
Just a couple more things to remember. The very ambiguous & emotive words often used by clinicians is often to cover themselves! In other words they have to present worse case scenario, otherwise you could take them at their word.
Also there are so many different treatments I'm sure you will be sorted out soon. Write questions down as you think of them to ask gynaecologist. Let me know what course of action you choose to take,
mandy91562 emily06016
so good to chat to you...
yes you you are right I guess. It would have preferred a little reassurance but hey! I do hope we can keep in touch with each other x
emily06016 mandy91562
I have a very no nonsense gynaecologist. I think after you've dealt with the initial shock of everything all the what ifs in your head, you will appreciate someone with a clear message. Please try not to worry. I have a friend who gave me some sound advice. She said remember we are all different. It's important to remember that.
You're currently dealing with the emotional battering of potentials. But you will get through. Have you had irregular heavy bleeds? How thick is your endometrium? Could you be peri? All questions to ask.
You tc
Don't stress (absorb yourself in a book or project) ️xx
mandy91562 emily06016
emily06016 mandy91562
mandy91562 emily06016
Im at the hospital on Thursday so I'll let you know xx
emily06016 mandy91562
I know it’s so long ago now but I wondered how you got on?
I hope you’re well
Emily xx
A very invariably anxious neurotic always on edge 52 year old