Thinking about reinstating
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Hi guys, after a relative slow taper (not 10%, but still relatively slow) I quit Mirta 8 weeks ago. At first I was fine, untill almost 2 weeks later withdrawal hit me. Sleep started to suffer and my mood took a plunge.
Since then I have been having better days, and nights and sometimes even 2 or 3 days where I sleep 8 hours. But last night I was up again until 4, when I decided to take a benzo. I woke at 7 from a sort of nightmare and was really anxious. Today I could not shake the anxious feeling, and am suffering crying spells, feeling worthless and just very tired.
This is why I have decided that I might reinstate. Thinking about 1.75 mg, which is not a lot, but it was the dose I was stable on last time. If this doesn't help, I'll probably take 3.50 mg. I'm curious if anyone could comment on this scenario. I am curious if someone else has reinstated after being off it a few weeks?
I think for me personally, tapering and quitting is easier in spring or summer. Winter is not my best time anyway.
I am curious about your thoughts!
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granto Whosthatgirl
Whosthatgirl granto
I understand why you would say that, but I'm just not really hopefull that my symptoms will improve. If this doesn't improve in eight weeks, how long does it take? Reinstating might make me feel better instantly, and then I can taper from there. It's not like I will reinstate the full dose. Thanks for your support though! I'm going to decide on Monday.
granto Whosthatgirl
You know your body and what your capable of doing, I am nearly 10 weeks completely off it and still feel rubbish but I can see the end in sight and I feel like I need to keep going. I hope I didn't sound too stern about your situation but I know that your body will recover and all the better for not putting anything in it. Whatever you decide I wish you the best and hoping that you feel better x
vikki87350 Whosthatgirl
I'm hoping this terrible spike has come at week 8 for you because it sure sounds that way, my w/d's at week 9/10 were way worse than any of the weeks before and I too were worried I didn't believe the w/d's could go as far as it did, crying,hopelessness suicidal feelings not thoughts just life coming to an end feelings, panic attacks all day/night Anxiety, it didn't leave me and It's so god dam hard, I'm feeling much better again, it was an awful experience you'll believe it's just happening too you because you feel so hopeless... bless you I've been there. Believe me when I say it's a shock to your system that does leave you for good after this, you've come to far too turn back, your strong and you will survive this. Take care
Whosthatgirl granto
I am going to see my doc this morning. I don't really want to reinstate, but I am going to discuss it with him. I really just want to sleep. I feel fine really, but my sleep is just so messed up and it makes me miserable. Are you sleeping well again, or are you stills struggling? I was able to take a benzo every 2 - 3 days which is fine, because this way I don't get addicted to something else.
granto Whosthatgirl
My sleep was awful but is slowly getting better every day, it does take a while for your brain to adjust but it's definitely worth the wait. I started trying to get a relaxing routine going where I had a nice hot bath and a cup of ovaltine just before I went to bed and it worked really well. It's like telling your body that you are ready to shut down and go to sleep. When you have a lack of sleep it can really throw you out of whack but when you settle down there's no reason why it won't go back to narmal
Whosthatgirl granto
Yeah, maybe you are right. But it's difficult for me to see that now. I will keep on trying though. I still have nights where I sleep 8 hours, so I guess that's something. I also started wearing blue blocking glasses which also seem to help me a lot.
claire58036 granto
Hey there. I'm just curious about your experience with Mirt. I took it for around 10 weeks due to a severe depressive episode due to bereavement and while it did lift my mood I was crippled with joint pain to the point I could barely get out of bed in the mornings and quite cold turkey around three weeks ago and went back on 20mg Prozac. I was just wondering when your withdrawal really kicked in? I'm having a terrible time sleeping and early morning anxiety which pretty much sets me off for the whole day. I also feel a bit off in general like really irrational thoughts etc. Just wondering if you had similar effects from withdrawal or if it's a side from the Prozac? Apologies for the essay!
granto claire58036
Hello Claire and thanks for the post. I'm almost certain it's the mirt that is giving you those symptoms. I never had morning anxiety untill about 3 weeks into withdrawal and then I had it for a good few more weeks after that. The sleeping was horrid for me aswell but it comes back slowly and you begin to get better and better. The irrational thoughts are probably linked to your physical symptoms, when I was getting all these unusual feelings and sensations it really affected my thoughts and I was even suicidal and wondering if this is a life I want to lead!
I can promise you that it will get better and no matter how bad it gets to keep looking forward because it is definitely doable. I am very sensitive to medication and any kind of change so if I can do it so can you. The withdrawal wasn't too bad straight away but it kicked in about 3 weeks in .
claire58036 granto
Thanks so much for your reply, it's much appreciated! I figured it was the mirt withdrawal. I really did think it was a wonder drug in the beginning but I guess everything is usually too good to be true. I'll just ride it out then, I've been through worse lol I hope you're feeling better. It's horrible how your brain can effectively play tricks on you. Cheers. Claire.
granto claire58036
Your brain is the control room unfortunately and untill it's on an even Kiel it plays havoc with your body. You have to remember that you can't do literally anything untill your brain sends the signal to do it so it makes sense really! You will be back to normal in no time Claire, just got to ride the uncomfortable waves untill you get back to where you started. If you need any advice or your feeling rubbish just give me a txt and I'll help you out as much as I can x
granto claire58036
claire58036 granto
Cheers. I've been drinking water like crazy. And no alcohol cos I know that'd finish me off anxiety wise. Have a few diazepam for emergency use but trying to stay off them. I actually feel slightly less anxious this morning even though I was still awake at 6am. Still shamefully in bed though with the tv not even on, which is never off! Can't bear any noise which is weird. Just another day on the merry go round! Let me know how you're getting on too x
sarah70443 vikki87350
Hey... i know its a long time ago but how long till you were over the worst? im on week 3 and struggling to cope with the no sleep and anxiety all nighht
lorraine24104 Whosthatgirl
Same thing with me. Reinstate with what ever dose you were stable on and then forget about it for a few months and then try again even slower.
i am down to splitting a 30mg tab into 8. Feel a bit wobbly again now though I was ok splitting into 6 so I may have to do the same yet again.
I've decided not to beat myself up over this and if I have to stay on 5mg so be it, however I will have another go because apparently around 3mg does not mess with our insulin which is what causes these food cravings and weight gain.
i wish us both luck
Whosthatgirl lorraine24104
Hi lorraine,
Thanks for your reply. Not beating yourself up is always a good idea. I read your posts before on this forum and know you reïnstated. Sometimes it's the only sane thing to do. I really don't want to slip into depression/panic again and I have been waiting now for six weeks for symptoms to go away. I don't want to fool myself.
Winter is a difficult time for me, and it was around this time last year when I was suffering, so it's really not the best period for me to hold on..
Calmer Whosthatgirl
So sorry for your suffering, 8 weeks might seem a long time, so many folk go this way after stopping - what dose did you stop at then 1.75 ???
I think you're wise not to make a decision here and now/after such a restless & sleepless night, sometimes a day or two can make a difference. You won't be the first and certainly not the last to reinstate, just learning to try a small dose as you are is key, I'd say you are right to go back to the last dose you stopped at. But we wary that it might not be immediate - some take a few days some up to 2 weeks ... ugh! So rest at 1.75 I'd say, don't do 1.75 for a few days then go up to 3.75 - the modifications within your brains chemistry that are taking place already may readjust to 1.75 but then to try a higher dose (3.75) might really send you in a spin.
Hope this helps a little.
Whosthatgirl lorraine24104
Hi Lorraine,
Thanx for your story. I am going to discuss it today. How long did it take before you noticed improvement after reInstating? I am still not sure about it, but I can't go on forever like this. Especially with the sleep I'm losing. I've never been a great sleeper, but my insomnia now certainly is much worse then it ever was. I am still coping, but it just makes you soo tired. Maybe quiting in november wasn't such a good idea.