This has to stop, its too much!!!!!!!
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First of all, I want to thank each of you for all your support while going through this torment.
Seriously,ladies i cant take this anymore. I woke up this morning, panicking and sweating, my heart beating out my chest, internal tremors, my legs felt like i couldnt move them . This is daily with the legs. My symptons have gotten worse intead of better. My body seem to be in a state of shock. It is constantly shaking and when i walk i can barely keep balance. I have no control whatsoever. It has me thinking it could be something else. I've been having palpitations ongoing , aches hitting me everywhere, internal tremors. This nagging pain sensation thats been in my back for weeks now, nothing helps it. I Am Losing It! Ive tried everything, everything nothing seem to help me. This has been 7 months now and every single day its been this way. No minor but severe symptons. If i dont do something real soon i may end up in a nut house. Tomorrow i will call my gynecologist and see if i can have a hysterectomy, I only have one ovary and uterus anyway. I dont know if it would make me feel better but its a chance i will have to take.
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Gypsy014 mary27278
Also a hysterectomy will definitely not help it will make your symptoms worse, with no ovaries at all your system will go into shock and you'll need hormone therapy without the ovaries, at least you have one and it's doing something.. I had the hysterectomy years ago and still have my ovaries, but even though they are there they are pooping out or pooped out some time ago because they say the blood supply is cut off so either way it's not good makes symptoms much worse than trying to go all natural!!!!
Guest mary27278
Mary, I say hang in there! I went like 3 to 4 months straight with everything you said and on top of that my sugar kept dropping and then going high! I prayed for God to take my hand and help me through this other wise I was NOT going to make it. With the fear of all my symptoms I stuff my face almost 24/7 out of pure fear I couldn't stop myself or help it I GAINED a horrible amount of weight! I would feel these strange feelings up and down my arms and legs all day and night! Twitches, spasms, tunnel vision lasted for hours, dizzy spells so bad! Panic and anxiety was through the roof! I thought I was going crazy! Family or at least mine is NO help they don't want to hear you or support you emotionally! I have 8 children and as far as I know over half of them hate ME! My one son hasn't talked to me in years and keeps my grandkids from me because i ADOPTED Jacob and he hated him. I have 5 grandchildren and only get to see one of them every great moon! They just don't understand what my body is going through and the mental and physical torment it is doing! I CRY a lot! Sometimes my symptoms are so bad I think i'm going to faint. I even get internal shakes , vibrations, buzzing and weirs other feelings running up and down my arms and legs! EVERYDAY its a battle to even get through the day and now both day and night is scary! NO ONE to talk to no one to listen to you. My husband is dead and now i'm just exsisting for now. Sweats and hot , and cold and shrivers on top of all of that! Anyways I was only going to say I would NOT get a hystro it will only had to what you already dealing with a complete hystro almost caused my sister to kill herself she went wild! you need that ovary. PLUS with the hystro you will be hot with 100 % menopause symptoms that will hit you like a ton of bricks, You have husband and children that support you?
inge22601 Guest
O dear I'm so sorry you have it this bad!!! I'm going through so much weirdness and this group was a GoD sent!!!! Just to know I'm not going CRAZY!!!!! My husband does not really understand what this is about and have given and explained to him but he doesn't really listen.... Just this morning we had a horrible fight with him telling me how I'm changing and doing so many things wrong..... O well what the hell can I do??? If he's not willing to read what I send him then he has to deal with me as I am lol.... I am taking magnesium which they say will help? Maybe it is but I still feel I don't know who I am anymore......
I also gained a LOT of weight in the last year I am morbidly obese now... I can't stop eating and the more I do the more anxious I become, a vicious cycle!!!!!!
Guest inge22601
It is a vicious cycle and hard to get through! I kept stuffing in fear of a low blood sugar attack, My 21 year old daughter stays up all night and sleeps ALL day and keeps door shut I was afraid I would start shaking and such from sugar dropping to low and I would not be able to feed myself and my b rain would hemmorrage OUT OF PURE FEAR of that I ate all day , I kept food everywhere even slept with it for MONTHS! Fear had its grip on me like well only God knows! I stuffed myself even when I didn't want it making myself sick and shooting my blood sugar over 237! I still deal with it, but I went in prayer asking God to hold my hand and walk me through this and He did and is helping me! All the menopause symptoms are like sugar drops and even hormones can drop your sugar I WAS A MESS! I am A MESS! I wish this group had an instant chat open 24/7 so it could be your safe place to run for support!
susan58415 mary27278
mary27278 susan58415
Hi Susan
Thank you for that suggestion.
Ive had many bloodwork done on me. The hormone doctor last week pretty much told me that its nothing that she can really do, because i am the first patient she's ever had that has good bloodwork . The only thing that was out of range were my thyroid, and glucose slightly
She did say that the thyroid is a bit hyper which could be causing all these symptons. For the glucose, she said she went back and requested the last 3 months of my bloodwork and glucose was excellent. She doesnt think its a big concern. In the past 2 weeks ive had 3 echo/ultrasound , chest xray done on chest and lung for palpitations. I did my mamomgram in April. The last ct scan was done 4 months ago, although the cardiologist request doing another one on abdomen, chest, and pelvic. Ive done ultrasound on abdomen earlier when peri hit. Im due for my well woman soon, I will see what my gynecologist suggest. I dont like putting all of this radiation on me . I feel much better today, symptons have decreased a whole lot. No period yet so im assuming is why symptons were so severe.
Several doctors have said that they think my body is just really sensitive to the change in hormones. One doc said its like my body is "confused". It wants to menopause and then again it doesnt whereas the organs are trying to fight it.
Vix72 mary27278
Hi Mary,
There isn't much as i can say to you other than just breathe....I'm afraid i'm right there with you, my symptoms are quite different to yours but nonetheless are there. Mine is anxiety all the time but it seems some days are a little better. the past two have been ok but the tears OH MY. they never stop...the horrid, turbid thoughts are what scare me the most and all of my poor life decisions coming up for re evaluating.
Just know that you aren't alone, there is help, there are Dr's who understand, have you seen an endocrinologist specialising in women's health? have you had bloodwork or saliva taken? on any medications or supplements? i found magnesium helped for a few months. i am actually using sleeping pills right now as my anxiety was almost manic and it was dominating everything. Catastrophising the smallest things. from what i have read you might want to hold onto that uterus and ovary, while they are dancing wildy right now they are working slightly in your favour...even my mum kept 1/4 of an ovary when she had a hysterectomy and still went through peri and meno although she had no idea it was peri, just thought she was going bonkers and was treated accordingly...
chin up, if you can at all and know that women all over the world are here for you. I'm in Sydney so a sunny Hi to you.
go see and endo/gyne if you can, that's my next move and i wish it had been an earlier one to the mental health Rd I traveled....i did book into a facility in the hope they could help me as i was so scared i would self harm or that anxiety would swallow me....after 5 days i signed out but with my system a bit worse for wear but my wits strongly about me. struggled for a week or two and am just now starting to stabilize into my new normal ( which i have to say is ANYTHING BUT).
CBT, sleeping pills ( yuk but they are serving a bridge right now), and HRT ( if the endo agrees) are my tool kit for now...
Love and hugs to you
mauiblue mary27278
When i began my downhill spiral into being a whacked out woman, i shared many of your symptoms.
Menopause is ravaging on our systems and the physical transformation is REAL>
I suggest you see our doc to reevaluate on the minipill. Your system may not want this or be able to tolerate at this time, as your homrones are probably all over the place.
Aches and pains,
The continuous aches in your legs merits a full workup before you chalk it up to menopause alone. I have had chronic neck pain and shoulder pain right at the time i was going into this, and now its basically the depression and horrible moods that are not who i am. 3 good days 12 bad day, this is how it is with me..
So get tested on your symptoms, a complete hormonal panel (saliva) and get some blood work etc. the doc will know what to order if he/she is good.
Functional medical docs are best where they can incorporate nutritional supplements into your health to help balance. Im on bioidentical progesterone, fish -omega 3, and Ashwaganda.
Im sorry its like this for you, i understand completely. Somehow its works itself out..i dont know how but it does..
If it helps to suffering too.
lana07071 mary27278
mary27278 lana07071
I take tons of supplements, Ive seen 2 BHRT comsultants, they both gave me biodentical progesterone . Seem to work at first but im now convinced that it worsen my anxiety. I did chiropractor therapy, worked great for acid reflux but nothing else. I also seen a naturopath, he prescribed supplements for heart palpitations, anxiety and gastritis, helped but stopped working. I was allergic to one of the supplement. Endocrinologist- she only checked for nodules , and said no need to check hormones since i know im going through perimenopause. Gynecologist prescribed low dosage birth control pills. I had several bloodwork done...i tried accupunture
once, i was given chinese herbs for menopause and stomach. The herbs caused my stomach to burn, i stopped taking them.
I actually feel better today, .lightheadness and dizziness has decreased alot. Pain in back has decreased some. Im still having palpitations not as strong as before. My body feels stronger. So far, no period yet, which could be why the symptons were so severe.