This has to stop, its too much!!!!!!!

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First of all, I want to thank each of you for all your support while going through this torment.

Seriously,ladies i cant take this anymore. I woke up this morning, panicking and sweating, my heart beating out my chest, internal tremors, my legs felt like i couldnt move them . This is daily with the legs. My symptons have gotten worse intead of better. My body seem to be in a state of shock. It is constantly shaking and when i walk i can barely keep balance. I have no control whatsoever. It has me thinking it could be something else. I've been having palpitations ongoing , aches hitting me everywhere, internal tremors. This nagging pain sensation thats been in my back for weeks now, nothing helps it. I Am Losing It! Ive tried everything, everything nothing seem to help me. This has been 7 months now and every single day its been this way. No minor but severe symptons. If i dont do something real soon i may end up in a nut house. Tomorrow i will call my gynecologist and see if i can have a hysterectomy, I only have one ovary and uterus anyway. I dont know if it would make me feel better but its a chance i will have to take.

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    Mary, it’s taken me a year to start feeling half normal again. I saw no less than 10 specialists to figure out what was wrong with me. Is your back pain upper left by your shoulder blade? I think worrying that I had something fatal also made things worse and sometimes it can take a long time for your brain to undo the damage which anxiety brings on. I also found out that I had a virus that resurfaced and that was probably causing a lot of problems as well. I know it’s awful. Having a hysterectomy won’t help because you will still be dealing with the onset of meno. I’m only starting to feel half decent since my period stopped two cycles ago. And I’m taking B6 and B12. I still feel very achy all over and willing get that back pain on and off, but the heart palps are gone and only once in awhile I get shaky and flu like now. It really is a living hell. Not sure how I made it thru.  Sorry you are feeling this way too. My whole last year consisted of doctors appointments, that was my life. Don’t make it yours
    • Posted

      Hi Suzanne

      A few months ago (June & July) the back pain first started a burning sensation in the lower back mostly, but only close to period time. Then it began a pain sensation but still lower back. I had ct scan in June and what was noted was slight athritis in lower back. I skipped Aug no back hurting, mainly acid reflux, stomach issue. From sept until now , its been hurting daily, it first started in the upper left but now it kind of moves around. Someone on another forum say that Gerd does that also. Ive had fibromyalgia years ago, and that is what it reminds me of. Whats weird is my symptons usually subside in the evening and night time until i wake up.

    • Posted

      Suzanne gosh what is this pain u see shoulder blade in back?? I have it it comes and goes and I've also read many other women on here complaining about it?? Honestly I thought I was going crazy until I found this safe place lol 😂😂

    • Posted

      Who the hell knows why it hurts there??? It can hurt really bad at times. I used to not even sleep on my left side because I felt like I couldn’t breathe, but then I got bad frozen shoulder and couldn’t sleep on my right side. Spent months propped up on a sleep wedge totally miserable. Oh it’s been a fun year.

      I was wondering if maybe the upper left back pain could be spleen pain. Of course I never get any answers from doctors, so I’ll never know.

      In the beginning I thought maybe it was silent reflux or Gerd, I also was having a hard time swallowing and hard time breathing. Maybe all anxiety related? 

      All I know is that this is all a bunch of caca and I’m over it!!!!!

    • Posted

      Lol who knows!!! But in saying that the last few months I choke quite easily it's as if the food just goes it's own way and I really have to calm myself and try and take a deep breath through my nose and then cough otherwise I'm sure I'll really choke badly!!!!! What a joyride😂😂😂😂

    • Posted

      Yes!! Me too! 

      In fact today I got a piece of cheese steak stuck somewhere and could feel it in my chest. It’s still there. If I think about it I could probably start to panic. 

  • Posted

    Hi Mary, feel bad for you I know what your going thru these symptoms are awful😭 you said in some of your other posts that your thyroid tested overactive and that in itself can have a lot to do with how bad you feel even if it's only slightly off! Did they ever check you thyroid antibodies that test you almost have to demand as I did none of these clueless doctors will just do it for there own reasons insurance purposes I'm sure, but anyhow your symptoms sound so much like mine and I'm dealing with a lot of autoimmune issues hashimotos rheumatoid arthritis all high antibodies and going thru this peri/meno crap, all feels way too much for me to handle and I do know with the hashimotos doctors won't give you meds they just want your thyroid to burn out on its own, and you can swing back and forth between hyper and hypo thyroid and it isn't fun feeling wired and tired and like your just losing it, for me I don't take any meds I just try and control all symptoms with diet, and even with that I'm losing to much weight and trying to slowly add more foods back into my diet without upsetting my system.. Also I had none of this until peri/meno started so I'm thinking hormones are controling everything. It sucks but that's the way it is, just one day at a time and one symptom at a time.. I know you also mentioned in another post doctors won't give you thyroid meds but maybe you need it and can insist, for me it made me worse, so not for me but everyone is different! Hang on for better days, and when hormones do settle everything else may settle too and you'll start to feel much better.. I'm sure hoping and waiting for that

    day.. ??

    • Posted

      Sending you a BIG hug. I think you are deinately right. My girlfriend has a thyroid problem and she keeps insisting that it is the thyroid thats making me feel so.awful. She also say as you that she bet im swinging back and forth , hyper to hypo. That explains why i continue to lose weight but always hungry. I did a free consultation with a naturopath dr. after listening to all my symptons he tells me that he bet ths

    • Posted

      posted by accident. well the naturopath tells me that he bet that im dealing with an autoimmune disorder. I had no issues at all until peri.

      What kind of dr. should i see to test antibodies? Whats your diet like? i noticed i drank gatorade last night and i woke up shaking, palpitstions, etc. it was horrible. Ive waken up before and had symptons but this morning was different. Do you have palpitations? Mine has been ongoing daily. Its scary. My pulse and bp has been good. Sorry about all these questions, but i feel so much better knowing that someone else understand. I was told that i have some athritis in low back. What do you take for that?

    • Posted

      Thanks for the hug mary! Honestly it's probably all a big combination of everything, if your blood test confirm thyroid is off then thyroid most definitely causing some of your symptoms, but at the same time it's not uncommon to be going through peri/meno and your thyroid be thrown off, and adrenal glands and cortisol, just a big ole combination of everything, but I do hear and read that once hormones settle from meno we start to feel more balanced, so I can only hold on to hope that that's the case.. And as far as that unpleasant dizzy/off balance feeling that was one of my 1st symptoms I don't have it as bad anymore but still do get it from time to time just not constantly thank God anymore...also I buy a lot of those menopause test strips off the internet that you pee on and take them tests at different times through out the month, since I don't have a uterus anymore I have no idea where I'm at in peri/meno, except for when I use these sticks, and let me tell you my hormones do fluctuate because when I'm feeling like I'm dying with symptoms I take one of them tests and it shows positive, and when I'm not feeling so bad I take one and it shows negative. So that helps!! Stay strong and you'll be fine , remember nothing lasts forever, just breathe and relax through each and every symptom as they come...

    • Posted

      An endocrinologist can test for thyroid antibodies, and maybe your naturopath doctor not sure never seen one but I bet they can.. My diet is very plain ground turkey eggs veggies fruits I cook everything from scratch and it's causing me to lose to much weight . my dad was in hospice and passed away and we just had his wake and funeral this weekend, I almost couldn't go either I had so much anxiety I thought I was going to die, I couldn't handle any of it.. All my family from all over came and all I heard was wow lost so much weight what are you doing to lose all this weight, so I know exactly where your coming from when you say you couldn't bring yourself to go to your sisters wake/funeral.. This is a very bad time mentally/physically in our lives and all I can say is it's tough really tough, I cry a lot I pray alot, and I hope one day I can just be alright enough to live what's suppose to be the best years of my life! GOD BLESS YOU🙏

    • Posted

      Gypsy do you have heart palpitations? These things im having are really affecting me. When it happens i get short winded and chest hurts.
    • Posted

      Hi Mary

      Hi Mary

      Hi Gypsy

      I relate to you so  much about the weight Gypsy..ive lost a bit of weight and people ask in a way that makes me annoyed like.."wow you are too think"..blah blah blah. 

      I have zero appetite then in spurts i eat when i am hungry but mostly my stomach is messed up and im nauseous..i mentally dont like to eat because of my dark mood, depression killed my appetite even more than it was.

      Im curious about the Thyroid issues myself..ive mentioned to my doc that my reverse T is always really higher than should be. Its called: Euthyroid Syndrome

      when everything is normal EXCEPT the reverse T

      Has anyone heard of this???

      Because clearly menopause brings out the already compromised problems weve had on the back burner iin our past..this is how im seeing it.

      i had aches and pains and bowel problems, underlying mild mood issues..i dealt with ok..

      BUT NOW??

      Its as if everything that i was able to manage and not pay too much attention to Nnow is brought to the forefront and we are unable to keep up and it all comes crashing down, the heart palps, the aches, the moods, the everthing..

      Does anybody relate to this???HELPP...




    • Posted

      Hi Gypsy and Ladies:

      I wanted to give you all an update..well today i met with endocrinologist about the possibility of having a thyroid issue because bloodwork 2 weeks ago showed t4 out of range. Well, today endocrinologist result show t3 out of range. The thyroid antibodies were normal. So, she insist that i dont have a thyroid issue and that the results are good. She said she didnt want to give me thyroid meds because for t3 it would mess up t4. But, my question is then why am i having symptons of thyroid and numbers arent in range. Why are they changing weekly? So she suggest that i take a beta blocker for palpitation , or anxiety med. Because she thinks its all anxiety. Last week i could not sleep, but this week sleep is all i want to do. What exactly is going on here? She noticed that i lost more weight since i was last there, but i did gain 2 pds. since last week. Yeah!!

      (Then again it was probably the tennis shoes i had on that added the weight because i just weigh at er 2 days ago and it was lower)

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