Thrush..the bain of my life
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[quote:61330a21eb] I am so fed up. I get thrush every month without fail. It starts just before my period and gets worse through it.When it does clear, it reoccurs as soon as i have sex with my husband.I have tried all the usual creams, pessaries etc but to no avail.My periods are coming every two weeks now and lasting for 9 days or so.....My husband is fed up with the problems, but he wants to try it from my side.I have yet another gyny app next week, but this is really getting me down.....Is there no cure ???!!! [/quote:61330a21eb]
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This is a hormone imbalance I am told and mine has got worse wince having my 3 children.
just been docs again today and they took more swabs which is always just so degrading! but went home with more cream, a pessary for tonight and metronidazole for a week! great. It does get you down my husband gets really annoyed with me because of it my sex drive is practically none existent! and im eith on my period or like you itching and going in sane because of this frustrating matter down below!
just thought I would let you know anyway if you read alot of the experiences you are not alone, I thought i was until I saw all this tonight, it does make you feel a little betetr although a cure would be even better!
keep your chin up!
hope4cure Guest
I have tried EVERYTHING and seems to go for 2-3 months and then it just creeps up again after my period. Its making me so depressed as i didnt get it for 3 months and thought maybe i found the cure with the supplements i have been taking but woke up last night stinging and itchy down below. This is making me so depressed and taking a toll on my relationship. My partner has came with me to so many doc appoinment and been treated and everythingj ust like you girls my partner is fed up and i have lost my sex drive completely , instead of enjoying sex all i can think about it the horrible thrush im going to get a couple of days later. I dunno what to do ! I hate my stupid vagina !!!!!
hope4cure eml92
g300041 Guest
1) every time after using washroom, rinse clean the vagina from front to back and then dry it with a soft towel and use some talcum powder to make sure its absolutely dry. I then used some lansinoh nipple cream on the walls of vagina... It helped me immensely. Though it helped only for sometime its a miracle cream. Relief in 5 minutes and it works for at least 4 hours. Apply good amount of lansinoh. Make sure it stays on the vagina for some time.
2) I make solid pure coconut oil like bullets and keep it in the freezer. Use it like a pessary when you go to sleep or when you have some time to lie down. It helps for a little amount of time but it really helps. Trust me.
Even clotrimazole is not helping me
god only has to save us!!! Good luck girls! If you find any rememdy please let us know.
hope4cure g300041
evert time you have sex with your partner he is infected and you become reinfected. Be sure your clear before sex. May take the 2-3,weeks.
anne02830 Guest
angie81601 anne02830
It's been 2 years has your treatment still been beneficial for you? I'm a long time sufferer of yeast infections and new to this forum
Baking_soda angie81601
angie81601 Baking_soda
How much baking soda? How often? I'm willing to try anything
Baking_soda angie81601
I have gelatine capsules size 00 that I filled up with baking soda. I insert one at night time. Next day it will burn and you will feel very wet and like something is wrong. I did repeat and used diaper cream to protect the skin. After a few days I started feeling much better and could not believe it. It had been years. I now feel sometimes things get umbalanced ( burning/ swelling) so I will insert with finger a paste made of baking soda and water. I find that the ph of sperm messes with my ph. Google cytolytic vaginosis maybe what you have. I was told too keep taking probiotic, fluconazole, boric acid etc and only really made me worse. Now I understand why the doc kept saying all my swabs were negative. I just don't know why she told me to take the meds and treat it for years. Hope it helps don't give up but try something else. Contact me again if you want i understant your pain
stephanie16195 Guest
De8890 Guest
I hope this helps x
Rainbow_Dreams Guest
Sneki Rainbow_Dreams
I was hoping you could elaborate a bit further. How often did you eat vegemite? Daily, a few times a week? I eat Vegemite...not a lot though but I'm open to trying almost anything. I have suffered from recurrent thrush for about 20 years. Treatments are becoming less effective and I'm running out of solutions and patience.
anne02830 Sneki
Try virgin coconut oil ( get the proper stuff it costs between £6 - £10), you can use it on its own but i add a few drops off tea tree,lavender and thyme oil. I too have suffered from reocurring thrush for the past 20 years and this is the only effective cure for me. You must take a strong probiotic and look at your diet to see if you are having too much sugar, alcohol etc. I had got rid of mine completely and i started making Keifer jucie from Kiefer grains and that killed all the good bacteria in my gut i didnt realise the cause for a few months till i did some research.
Sneki anne02830
I have thought about coconut oil but haven't tried it yet.
So are you just applying this to the vulva area?
Is it daily or just when you feel like your are getting thrush symptoms?
I appreciate your help. Thanks
anne02830 Sneki
Sneki anne02830
Sneki anne02830
Thought you might be interested in the outcome of the coconut oil. So I bought organic virgin coconut oil and make little frozen cubes out of it. I found a kids ice tray in Kmart in the shape of little fish lol. So they're not too big. I used one every night for 6 nights. After a couple of days my skin settled down completely. I was also applying the oil to my vulva area during the day when it felt irritated or itchy and it soothed it immediately. So I’ll keep doing this but have stopped using it overnight, so I’ll see how I go from here.
I don't know if I actually had thrush on this occasion as I didn't go to the doctor to get a swab as I’m so sick of going to the doctors. But my symptoms were those of thrush. So whether I had it or not, I'll never know but whatever I had, the coconut oil fixed it.
Thank you so much! Fluconazole tablets don't work and I get allergic reactions to the creams. The pain from the reaction I get to the cream coming into contact with my vulva skin is unbearable so I was really running out of options. So thanks again.
There was another post of someone using oregano oil. So I bought that too but haven’t used it yet as I have had to.
kouic Sneki
You say your skin settled down after a couple of days. What about the discharge? Have other typical symptoms disappeared too?
I am mostly bothered by the thick, lumpy discharge and the itchiness although I am lucky not to feel as itchy as most other women. It is intermittent and moderate in my case but the tests have confimed large quantities of candida albicans so I know for sure that is what I have.
anne02830 Sneki
Sneki kouic
Sorry for such a late response.
My symptoms sound different to yours but thrush nevertheless. I rarely get the lumpy discharge. My thrush is usually just red, itchy, irritated etc. But still so so uncomfortable.
So the coconut oil seemed to fix it last time and I have been free from any such symptoms for about 5 months. However it might be back. I started feeling the symptoms again this morning. I'm trying the coconut oil again so we'll see what happens. I'd try the coconut oil if the pharmacy medications don't work for you. I can't use them at all.
Best of luck x