Thyroid Surgery.
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If anyone has dealt with this or know anyone who has I would love if you would share. Im just curious about how the operation goes (its preperations, and after). I have 2 thyroid nodules and they are pretty big and is causing phleghm, voice changes and other stuff. I have no idea if cancer is present but still hoping. Again, just curious and would appreciate if someone would tell me there story.
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hilary61055 ophelia123
jean34329 hilary61055
Are you in the UK?
If so are you able to advise which hospital you were operated in?
If you do not wish to share this info I will understand. Jean
jean34329 ophelia123
I can fully empathise with you.I have had a bad day with phlegm, hoarseness and a cough plus a feeling of discomfort on the left side of my throat.
With kind regards
sue71351 ophelia123
jean34329 sue71351
Thanks for this information. I have just been diagnosed with a multinodular goitre as an Incidental Finding.
I am being referred to an endocrine surgeon.
sue71351 ophelia123
jean34329 ophelia123
I hope you don't mind my asking but how long have you been aware of these nodules?
I have read that thyroid disorder can exacerbate asthma. I wondered if that had anything to do with the production of phlegm.
Have you been seen yet by a surgeon? If so then again I hope you do not mind my asking but how long did you have to wait to be seen?
kind regards
Jean x
ophelia123 jean34329
jean34329 ophelia123
Sorry to keep badgering you with questions but are you waiting to see an endocrine surgeon or endocrine physician about this lump?
If the lump is causing any problems such as swallowing difficulties, breathlessness by pressing on the trachea then you my consider ringing the surgeon's pa and asking if there is any possibility of your appointment being brought forward.
Most hospitals have joint clinics where the patient sees an endocrine surgeon and an endocrine ohysician on thw same day/clinic visit.
I presume that your GP sent you for the ultra sound scan due to the lump?
I suggest thhat you ring the hospital and ask to speak to the specialist nurse in Endocrinology and see what she says about bringing your appointment forward .
I take it that you live in the UK.
I am going to ring my dr in the morning too to hurry this referral along.
Keep positive hun as Jay says.
ophelia123 jean34329
Well im going to see a endocrinologist.
And well I have the ultrasound cd if that's what you mean.
And no I live in the U.S. Yes this website is called but hey this site is pretty awesome.
Do you also have nodules?
jean34329 ophelia123
Thanks. Yes I have a multinodular goitre thhat was diagnosed on April 27 2015 was an incidental finding on a CTPA scan done to exclude a pulmonary embolism.
My GP has referred me to an endocrine surgeon who works with an endo physician in the same clinic. This means that I will be seen by both on the same day.
I spoke to the advanced nurse practitioner who urged me to ruing the surgery to ask them to mark the referral s urgent due to some breathlessness and a swallowing difficulty.
There is another site caled The Thyroid Patients Advocacy .uk.
elaine14579 jean34329
My experience so far is similar to yours. I also had a CTPA to rule out a Pulomonary Embolism, only to find a Multinodular Retrosternal Goitre pushing on my trachea and reducing trachea by a 1/3. I have largest nodule of 3cm Left side along with others around 1.5cm / 1.8cm/ 2.5cm etc. on both sides. I have had a dreadful few months with high blood pressure and trying to get meds right for that. Coughing became so bad thought I had broken a rib, then GP sent me for the CTPA. I have had lots of Phlegm problems and for the first time ever, sinus problems. I tried everything to clear my airways as I was coughing so much I burst tiny blood vessels in my eye, I was vomitting and thought I would choke as I couldn't get air in my nose or mouth. I was taking codeine to try and stop the cough. Eventually GP has given me Nasonex - corticosteroid nasal spray and it has settled all the congestion and coughing down (I was having post nasal drip), I still have little cough and feeling of 'something' in my throat. I suffer from depression also. I am to have a Total Thyroidectomy and will see the OutPatients pre-admissions clinic next week and the Anaethetists. I think my op will be next month some time.
jean34329 elaine14579
At times I thought I was going mad. Now with the breathlessness, feeling of something in my throat,phlegm problems, feeling unable to get my breath properly, feeling panic stricken at the slightest thing I thought that I was dying.
Then thanks to an A and E dr who believed me he sent me for a VQ scan , following this I had a CTPA scan with iodine contrast which showed the multinodular goitre as an incidental finding. The Report just states that they found a multinodular poitre.
There is nothing written on the Report about the sizes etc.
I assume that you had further scans to establish the sizes of the goitre/nodules?
The endocrine nurse I spoke to over the hpjhone told me to tell my GP to mark the referral as urgent because of the breathlessness and cough plus some problem with swallowing.
Elaine how long did you have to wait to be seen following finding the retrosternal nodules?
Did the sizes of the nodules show up on the CTPA scan?
what other tests did you have following your ctpa scan?
Were they ordered as a matter of urgency?
What did they classify the nodules as being due to?
Jean x
elaine14579 jean34329
Yes, when my CTPA came back and had the findings for Multinodular goitre, it also showed that it was pressing on my tradchea and moved it to the right.My GP sent me for an Ultrasound and I had that pretty much less than a week later. The ultrasound was quite uncomfortable as they are pressing on the goitre as they do it (obviously). However, when the Radiographer said "I don't know why they haven't done anything about this before now" , I knew there was definatley something there! The Ultrasound is what showed up the sizes of the nodules. But the report cannot determine if they are cancerous or not other than they are solid in nature. I do not have to have fine needle biopsy as they will test the whole lot once it comes out. I have to have it out because there are so many nodules (and their size) and more so because it is pushing my trachea to one side and reducing the size of the airway. I have not been advised as to what has caused them, but I can tell you that I have had a neck injury in 2009 and have had multiple MRI's since then as I ruptured my C6/C7 disk and have bulging disks at other levels. I am also concerned about how much pain I will be in post THyroid surgery because of this underlying issue....quite worried actually! My Neurosurgeon has advised me to get in touch with him if I experience any neuro deficits post- surgery.
glennis1947 elaine14579
Good luck with everything, you will be fine.