Tingling from head to toe
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Has anyone in peri or menopause experience tingling all over, i seem to be getting this quite a lot at at the moment. It also gived me an upset stomach, nausea and make me feel off balance. Do you think this is something to do with the menopause i'm 51 years old. many thanks x
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i was given some tablets yesterday for anxiety, i took one and two hours later, my head was thumping, i felt awful, really sick, and couldnt walk straight, was banging into wall when leaving room, Doc gave me
Escitalopram 20mg, I had headache when i went to bed and all night, no way am I taking any more , i have to drive so no good for me those...
also even though I had no period I would still have symptoms, and think I was going to have one, but didnt.
i been like it for 8 years, but only now has the anxiety kicked in badly...
i had just two periods in 2013, and three in 2012, when you are one year with none. you have reached menopause, mine is taking forever.
yes i did work and found it helped, kept me focused on something else, but I don't at the current moment..
glad I don't at this present moment..
have you had the menopause blood test ... take care... hugs back xx
maybe try one if you want to know for sure...
well we have to stick together, i too have no one to talk to, my mum went through hers at 42 all finished..
Your mum was young going through her's wasn't she. My sister who's 4 years older than me has never had a single symptom but then again she never had PMT like i did and mum died when she was 45 so i have no one close to talk to either, i'm sure my sister thinks i imagine it and it cant be all that bad. (i wish
). i'm still feeling tingly and my stomachs upset like PMT sort of or its as if i want to go to the loo but i don't, do you know what i mean by that. You'll be sick of me today cos i'v never stopped going on but please be aware you've been a tremendous help to me and i hope i can give that back to someone some day soon. xx
i live in Spain but i know you can get them in uK as I did back in 2006.. i just checked boots on the net and they do them, maybe you can get cheaper ones too..
yes i had that too. always at the loo, felt like a full bladder and it wasnt...
i know exactly what your saying, i had years with the sensitive bladder always needed a wee when out and shopping, drove my partner mad, he said stop drinking so much, but i wasnt...now its alot better..
i use to get up once or twice in the night aswell..
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it was for Boots, they do menopause tests, are you in UK ( i am in Spain) but i know they do them, i had them in 2006..
google menopause tests or type it in boots website and have a look
hey, i don't mind at all that you talk its nice to share... i too use to feel like loo all the time, full bladder when it wasnt, my doc said i had sensitive bladder due to hormone changes and gave me some tablets for it and they were good. you need to find a better doctor one thats going to help and give blood tests and a menopause blood test, maybe a well woman clinic or something...
just thought i would let you know, UK amazon also do menopause tests, just spotted them when i was on there , hope your okay... 😃
before a period i did feel tingly, terrible headaches could last for days, and sick, so sick i felt..
but maybe not as severe as you the tingly feeling..
do you have a family plan clinic near you, as they do well woman clinics ( use to ) get a free check from them, your doctor sounds terrible, normally they offer full blood check and a menopause blood test, my doc did in 2006, you need some advice and a check....
Tingling sensations can be caused by b12 deficiency which is far more common these days than people realise. I would get a blood test to check if you read list of deficiency symptoms for b12 and they all ring a bell, as it can cause irreversible nerve damage and is such an easy fix... you can either get b12 shots or take subingual b12 if you think there is a problem.
Sometimes that deficiency can make you feel chills... this is how I felt as well as having tingling sensation in my fingers and extremities as well as loss of sensation in some areas.
Best yet my GP ran iron tests which showed me as anemic, treated me for anaemia with iron and vit c, but after a few months I was still anaemic as b12 is needed for you to properly absorb iron etc. I was feeling quite fatigued a lot of the time with pain in joints, tendons, and as I said had the chills in bed at night and could not seem to get warm when lying still.
It can also make you feel depressed and cause irregular digestion and the symptoms of IBS, so really does need to be checked and corrected if this is your problem.
hevb laidir
Just came across your reply..Â
Very interested to read that B12 deficiency can cause digestion problems.. Along with all my peri symptoms I also suffer with horrible stomach problems.. Indigestion.. Â Upset tummy etc daily.
About to start on Busy B supplement so hopefully it will help this side of things too!