Tingling hands and feet/Wooziness
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I've had the tingling in hands and feet and dizziness/wooziness all before but the way I've had in last few weeks is different. it's all of course really concerning and scary But goes away after awhile. I seem to get all this weirdness after exertion or last night, I.m getting while I.m sleeping. after exertion i sit down and start feeling really woozy and have tingling in my hands and feet. I just have to sit and feel like hold on for dear life til it passes. then last night I woke up to it...feeling woozy and the tingling in hands and feet. still getting burning in my hands arms, legs, tongue. and when I got up last night to go to bathroom, I am so off balance and whole body is woozy...it's like I.m a rag doll. what's making me all even more terrified is that even my BHRT Dr thinks it's more than hormones. so....im so scared and confused. I.m off work today and having such anxiety I.m scared to leave my bed. I am 41 and know that I've seen so many others suffering this way and know 1st least some of its hormones, but still think it has to be more and so scared. it's completely ruining my life and i have kids, especially a daughter I need to be there for 😦
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jo67532 Lkl2019
I get the woozy feeling first thing in the morning when I'm getting up and need to be getting my day started. It doesn't happen everyday, but often enough that I recognize when it's happening. I've been trying to track down whether or not it happens a certain time of the month or if its just random. I believe it is related to peri menopause. I think the tingling comes on when I start to worry about the dizzy/off balance feeling(anxiety). I've been to the doctor more times than I care to admit and everything comes back normal. I ask lots of questions at my appointment and my doctor tries her best. The more I learn the more I can get through this peri hell!! You arent alone! Just keep asking the questions and eventually we will have answers!
pamela2016 Lkl2019
im dealing with everything you just said too its all bizarre and tiring hang in there your not alone
Guest Lkl2019
Did start or get worse once you started the BHRT
Lkl2019 Guest
I've had all this before BHRT but it seems more intense recently. I've been on it for over 3 months now. some things have improved like anxiety and insomnia, but it's def not miracle cure. I have had more energy tho and been more active. that could also have impact? idk it's just all overwhelming and confusing. I don't think I will ever feel normal again.
Guest Lkl2019
Did start or get worse once you started the BHRT
AG13 Lkl2019
I get tingly in my hands and feet also - I talk to myself and tell myself not to worry but try and keep it at the back of my mind... hang in in there i know its not so easy.
sending you loads of love.
lisa95354 Lkl2019
Hey LKL.... I have had the extremity tingling for weeks now but it’s at night, it always feels like my feet are hanging off the bed, as I’m tall… LOL but they’re not hanging off the bed, to me it’s the most maddening symptom ever. I’m three years post menopause so... I don’t know... it’s a crapshoot… try to keep a journal ....you may find that it’s worse at your ovulation/cycle. However I’m really beginning to think that not only do the hormones affect us but we women going through this that the change of seasons have everything to do with it as well. I also feel like the barometric pressure has a big effect on us meno ladies as well. did you say though that your doctor thought it was more than Menopause ? i’m off-balance a lot, my husbands like... what is going on, I’m like I told you 10,000 times Menopause 😉 by wooziness, do you mean off balance? we are in this together 😉 xo
Lkl2019 lisa95354
wooziness is like where I feel like i could fall or pass out...but still can get the sensation even if I.m sitting or Even laying down. it's more of a sensation with my head. but if I am to stand up, yes, I would feel off balance. it is so hard to tell other people and even when we do, no way they could understand. i feel like such a freak these days.
lisa95354 Lkl2019
morning LKL .... did you know that the crystals in our ears can get off balance? Maybe you could have them check just to make sure they’re ok. you are not a freak, repeat that 20 times 😉 it’s like that game whack a mole right 😉 get rid of one symptom another one crops up. The ear crystals is just food for thought, hang in there, things will get better 😉 xo
HopefulTrina Lkl2019
You're not alone.. I've been feeling your exact symptoms for the past few weeks. Had a cardiology appointment today and the doctor didn't seem concerned. He suggested maybe a migraine or anxiety 😌😌
My head also feels congested. I'm taking medicines and using nasal spray for relief.. It's gotta be hormones .
Feel better xoxoxo
sara97862 Lkl2019
I'm sorry to hear about this wooziness, and I know exactly what you're talking about.... been through this several times in my peri journey... this time right now has been longer than usual, and it freaks me out.
I just scheduled a consult with a bhrt dr myself for the first time today. Will let you know how it goes...
How often does your bhrt doc test your levels? And do they test just the female hormones, or also thyroid, adrenal, etc?
Maybe a levels check would reveal some info...
I've been reading a blog by a woman named suzy cohen... her basic premise is that since all the hormones interact, they should all be taken into account, not just estrogen and progesterone.
Maybe some clues there?
Hugs to you, let us know how you get on.
sally15609 Lkl2019
I know exactly how you feel. Last night for me was the worst. Anxiety, anxious feeling, shaky inside, off balance body, legs feel off, head feels weird, feeling of doom. I too took the day off, no way i could function there. I am laying on the sofa so tired, my body is so tired, no sleep , constant worries. Limited on food intake because of bloat, bad indigestion , constipation and gerd. I will just relax today and try not to worry. Wishing you a good day.
cindy17746 sally15609
I'm having one of those days too. Hormones can mess with so much. This forum always helps me to relax, and not fret as much about my symptoms. I am lying down with my dogs, waiting to feel better. hope the day improves for all of us. xo
lisa65434 Lkl2019
Yes these are scary symptoms for sure, I think when we go through this menopausal stuff we are tense and maybe not posturing right or sleeping right, it does sound like maybe after exertion you are dealing with some pinched nerves or mis alignment maybe that will cause the tingling sensations in your extremities - have you had your Primary care Physician look into it? I also know too that sometimes when we exert ourselves our sub conscious may create some anxiety which will also cause the tingling. I am not sure where you live but where I live the allergens have been real high causing that light headness and woozy feeling. I am low with my B-12 and D3 and the low B-12 can cause these symptoms you have ...maybe as your MD to some Blood work to check it out? You would be amazed what low Vitamins can do..Good luck!!!!
Carolyn09280 Lkl2019
I get the tingling in extremeties from time to time as well. I just ignore it and believe it is just peri. I just keep exercising and eating healthy but the symptoms you are all talking about come and go. It sucks. I get the anxiety too- lately it comes in the morning for no reason. So annoying. I am trying to control things naturally but who knows how much of this I can take.