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Hi has anyone experienced tinnitus? Mine started about a year ago as a constant high pitched ring, I have seen a ENT doctor and he told me I have hearing loss in both ears at high frequency but offered me no solution. Some days it’s louder than others, but makes me very anxious
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gema57497 caroline62395
caroline62395 gema57497
Maud12345 caroline62395
My doctors keep telling me i am depressed and gave me antidepressant this has set of bad healh anxiety . Like you i think the worst .
littleme1969 caroline62395
caroline62395 littleme1969
littleme1969 caroline62395
CBD oil
if you are finding you are suffering with general anxiety due to menopause , health anxiety etc. I find it works best in a vape pen. Been talking it now for a few months and i feel so much calmer, also great for weird headaches and general aches and pains.
gema57497 caroline62395
tina00239 littleme1969
I so agree with you. It is totally infuriating that so many health authorities will not prescribe cbd oil on prescription, so alot of people smoke weed but then get the unwanted and unpleasant side effects that it can give which ofcourse cbd doesnt give you. Why when a dr can give and get you totally dependant on morphine which I have been on for years but am weaning off because no pain relief anymore just physical need, yet the no high cannabis oil is prohibited. To me it is a no brainer. Cbd oils have proven themselves in tests that they can relieve anxiety and give relief from most types of chronic pain without addiction or side effects and the government have their own labs who grow medical grade cannabis to conduct tests on. Those tests have been very positive for patients with alot of very serious health issues such as MS and various auto immune disorders. It surely must also be cheaper than opiate drugs to produce. I'm sure that the powers that be simply dont want to rock the boat for the pharmacutical companies that manufacture the opiate drugs as obviously with opiates being addictive so much more per patient has to be provided so much more profit for the drugs companies! SO VERY WRONG! XXX
catherine1966 littleme1969
catherine1966 gema57497
tina00239 caroline62395
Try not to worry too much Caroline, changes to the five primary senses are common place. I get 'noise' in my ears all the time if that is of any comfort to you. Xxx
caroline62395 tina00239
tina00239 caroline62395
Glad that you have found us Caroline. And you are so right. I have met so many ladies all over the world, I am in UK but I've talked to women in US, Canada, China, Australia to name but a few. Whilst we may not share a country, and live in totally different worlds we all share one common thing. We all have to go through this process eventually no matter what so this forum gives us the playform to care and share which is so important especially to those ladies who are dealing with this alone. You are never alone if you come on here, there is always someone to talk to, to offer love, advice and support, so never ever feel alone hun because you are not. XXX
anon68 caroline62395
I've suffered from tinnitus all my life and was diagnosed with moderate-severe hearing loss in my early 30s, completely unrelated to any peri symptoms.
While it's possible that your tinnitus might be peri related, if you've been found to have high-frequency hearing loss then this seems to me to be a symptom of aging that comes to us all at some stage, like needing reading glasses. If you were offered hearing aids by the ent people then do take them. I find that I don't get tinnitus when I'm wearing my aids, probably because I'm able to hear "normal" sounds rather than my brain making something up to fill the silence (although that might be just my theory), so I hope the same would work for you.
I also find that its a bit of a vicious circle, like so many things. It's worse when I'm anxious and hearing it makes me stressed which makes it worse. Do try to relax and not worry about it. I'm single and so I can get away with this, but sometimes I have music playing as I'm going off to sleep, so I hear that instead of the tinnitus.
tina39899 caroline62395
Hi Caroline, I started with tinnitus about 18 months ago. It is there constantly but is definitely worse when i get anxious about it. When I'm busy at work I tend to not notice it as much but it can drive me mad (if I think about it too much) at night.