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So sick of all this, almost 4 years on - total hysterectomy. Thought I was feeling better which was a cruel trick from Mother Nature . Nausea, achy joints, terrible fatigue, anxiety, depression, health anxiety, spaced out, racing heart, palpitations, tummy troubles, thin skin, dental problems, thinning hair, the list goes on. Feel worn out , lethargic all the time, can't sleep without diazepam, racing thoughts of doom and gloom - no HRT . Am i ever gonna feel any better ? If not I don't want this any more, im fat and ugly and most of all I hate myself and hate my life like this - it all feels crap and what's the point if this is it !

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    Louise,  I'm so sorry you are going through this. Removal of uterus and ovaries brings it's sort of hell.  You might consider seeming s doctor who would help you with HRT. Four years is a long time to not feel well. 

    • Posted

      thank you for reply, yes I would have HRT , was told no due to migraines . Four years of dragging myself through hell day after day and then a diazepam to knock me out at night to wake and face another day of misery is no life. Ive tried every supplement on the market and nothing helps, nothing - it's oestrogen I need so why can't I have it, is there another reason apart from the migraines I wonder - oh I don't know what to do xx

    • Posted

      Look for a physician who will at least give you a trial of HRT. There are plenty out there. 
    • Posted

      Thank you I will, can't go on like this so what's to lose - nothing ! Xx

  • Posted

    You are not fat and you are not ugly! But I know it's hard to shake the feeling. I was four years post menopausal before I started having symptoms. I went from fearless and happy, without a care in the world to doom and gloom, health anxiety, scared worried mess. It will pass. Everyone is different and I think being thrown into it via hysterectomy makes it worse. But know we are hear for you.

    • Posted

      bless you for your kind words but I don't believe I will ever feel better without help, 4 years and no improvement proves to me that this is how im going to be until I die , im so sorry you have similar symptoms it's just rubbish - I'd do anything to have my life back xx

    • Posted

      There has to be something to help you feel better. I'm doing pretty good now. I take a multivitamin for women over 50, fish oil, magnesium(good for anxiety), I use turmeric in my food(also good for anxiety), but can get the tumeric in pill form. I also take garlic oil, four sips of what I call my energy mixture(honey, organic apple cider vinegar,it has to be the one with "the mother", and water). I just put it in one of those water bottle things runners carry and shake it until it's mixed. I take a tablespoon of unsulphered blackstrap molasses, it helps with energy also. I take a mild antidepressant/sleep aid called Trazodone. I do have some Valium, just in case I have some really crazy doom and gloom thoughts. Meditation also helps. I'm only taking the Valium about once or twice a week now. I hope you can find the right combination of whatever you need to get though this. Much love to you.?

    • Posted

      Hi Juanita. Good tips there for Louise. I also take magnesium and Vit D. They help with a lot of symptoms, energy and anxiety and body aches. I take passionflower too for mild stress and anxiety. 

      I'm interested in how you take your energy mixture. Good idea to mix with honey. I have organic apple cider vinegar in the cupboard and when I've tried it, it burned my throat. I worry it will bring my gastritis back. But I want to use it as it could help with my fibroids. What are the quantities you mix and do you add water? Do you sip through the day or all at once? Thanks

    • Posted

      Hi Maisie, yes I do mix it with water. I don't measure anything, I just mix to taste. Since the ACV burns your throat, makes sure your mixture has more honey in it. One time I had too much ACV and it burned my throat too, so I just added more honey and water. I take four big gulps before I leave for work in the morning. But I'm sure you can sip throughout day if needed. I have no idea why this works for me, but it does. Lol! If you have any other questions you can message me personally or just ask it on here. I generally check this website everyday and it notifies me when some replies to my comment.

    • Posted

      Thanks Juanita. I'll just try a little teaspoon to begin with with honey and water.  Thanks for the tips. x

  • Posted

    Hi Louise,

    You have basically described all of he symptoms I had! Please don't despair, I will tell you that it does get better.  I still do have some symptoms but they have lessened considerably and the episodes are coming further apart.

    I am 56 and I guess my major issues started about 4 years ago with generalized fatigue and often crashing fatigue,  anxiety (especially health anxiety), chest tightness, lightheadedness and feeling like I was going to pass out, doom and gloom thoughts about the future, spacey head and disconnected feelings, just plain worn out.  My most severe and debilitating problem was with gastric issues which started about 3 years ago. I battled with burning in my stomach, and just a feeling of uncomfortableness in my stomach all the time with some acid reflux.  I couldn't eat anything without my stomach flaring up. It would be ok for about a week and then for the next few weeks back to the problems.  This was what made me want to give up the most. I lost weight and became depressed and even more anxious which caused the stomach issues to worsen and my chest tightness to get worse.  I had every cardiac test done, including a CT scan of my heart with dye...all were normal.  I also had colonoscopy and endoscopy which were normal except for showing chronic gastritis in my stomach. 

    Also, 2 years ago I had partial hysterectomy with uterus, Fallopian tubes and cervix removed.  My ovaries were healthy and zero history of gynecological cancer in myself or my family.  Well I was ok for about 8 months and then I swear I could literally feel my ovaries failing and my symptoms got much worse...adding hot flashes through the night to the mix.  Saw my gynecologist a few months ago and had blood work done which proved I was now in menopause with estradiol level 6.3, FSH 80.8.  I am also not a candidate for HRT because I have had hypertension since age of 25.  My doc said that HRT makes the red blood cells sticky and thus I would be more prone to clots and stroke.

    I know this is a long post....but what im getting at is....suddenly, about a month and a half ago...my symptoms have decreased dramatically!  I am feeling more energetic, my gastric issues have decreased by about 70%, my anxiety has decreased and I feel more grounded.  I still have some days of fatigue.  I still have to take Ativan 0.5mg to help me sleep and I still wake up a few times during the night with hot flashes but there are nights that it's not so bad.  I take a good, natural multivitamin for women over 50, CoQ10, Fish Oil, Vitamin D3, extra B12, Tumeric in capsule form and I get magnesium and calcium in med I take most nights to prevent reflux while I sleep.  Exercise is key too...even though we don't feel like it most times.  I try to push myself...but I am lacking here.  Even if I just do some stair stepping each day I think it helps.  I try not to worry about the future ( my husband is 18 years older than me and my only child passed away 10 years ago).  The only thing worrying about the future does is to prevent me from enjoying the present.  

    Again, I apologize for this long post but I want you to know that there is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel.  I know it's hard to think that when our bodies are feeling so miserable and beaten down.  Hang in there and I promise it will get better!  I hope you can get some help from your doctor.


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