Tired of Feeling Disconnected From Life
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I am so tired of feeling depressed, anxious, and disconnected from life. I have done everything that I can to cope with these emotional states (exercise, staying busy, keeping up my social connections...) Most of the day now, I feel awful, but I persevere because there isn't anything else that I can do. I notice flickers of my real self from time to time, but then these flickers disappear again. It is so hard to keep going, and sometimes I feel that it is never going to end.
I feel scared, and I just want to feel well.
Any hope would be appreciated.
5 likes, 28 replies
2chr2015 bev27429
bev27429 2chr2015
Thanks! It means a lot to know that I am not alone. I keep trying to reassure myself that this state can't last forever. When the depression lifts, even if it is only for 15 minutes or so, I then have an opportunity to see my real self emerge, and I realize that the person that I know and love hasn't died after all. I am still here. Each day I try, once again, to find the strength to continue to persevere and to keep the faith that one day this pain will end, and I will be free.
mauiblue 2chr2015
i understand and relate to you also totally. The sleep is where we have an escape, and do not feel the fear, or the pain of the depression. Then we wake again and it starts all over. One of my sons is also 15 going on 15
They are literally my world.
Im so tired for lack of sleep these last few days that im afraid i wont be able to work and then more fear sets in. So i remind myself that i will do it, and i can do it, and if i cant do it then i did my best.
You are a great support here on the forums, and i am with you too on this. Thank you for being there for me also as well as Bev.
We all need eachother.
2chr2015 mauiblue
lisa68384 bev27429
Ditto everything you just wrote. You are not alone. My beliefs have help me to find purpose in the pain which is what gives me hope. A year of asking God to help me accept and not fight this thorn in my flesh. And oh my did I fight it! A year of asking Him to give me purpose and hope IN it..but not necessarily from it And He has. I feel like I'm part of a local search and rescue
I look and pray to find women who are struggling with this junk locally and i have met many. On our worst days we help each other thru it. Some of them have become like family to me. This has helped me to be more sympathetic to others in pain. Having this pain and nightmare serve a specific purpose in helping others gives me hope....that God can use even this junk. This is my view. Hang in there friend! Streams in the desert is an amazing book on how God gives purpose to pain 😊
2chr2015 lisa68384
lori93950 bev27429
I hear ya! I’m trying too to stay motivated but when you just don’t feel yourself it’s hard being with people and also hard being alone . You could be in a group but doesn’t feel like you’re totally present ? Just not yourself .
I’ve felt some relief from the patch HRT and feel like I’m getting a bit of my old self back slowly . Get your blood work done and consider doing BHRT or HRT the supplements vitamins help but are not enough I believe with emotional and mental issues .
sarah05599 bev27429
Hi Bev
I don't no what to do with myself either, I am on sick leave at moment as job was making me worse and were not sympathetic at all I feel slightly better now the extra stress and pressure of work has gone but still not me and feel scared for the future as to what's gonna happen. I have been prescribed HRT and am due to take my first tablet now but that even scares me incase I get side effects as it's my last hope.
lori93950 sarah05599
I didn’t want to go on it but I had no choice incredible fatigue dizziness and just a weird doom feeling . I could not take it anymore ! It’s really bad .
sarah05599 lori93950
Thanks Lori, I'm on day 2 atm but I am noticing more bloating on top of the already bad peri bloating. Is this normal with hrt.
lori93950 sarah05599
Yes I’ve noticed a bit of bloating but maybe that will balance out over time and from what I’ve read it should prevent you from getting that middle aged spread. Let me tell you it’s a very small price to pay for feeling good !
sarah05599 lori93950
Hi Lori ,yes I'm with you there. I ve not felt any different yet except for bit more bloated but it's only day 3 and I have had a horrible dry tickly throat/cough since last Friday and am feeling really tired and drained from lack of sleep coughing all night I'm just so glad I've got this site to moan about all my symptoms as my partner just glazes over.
lori93950 sarah05599
Give it time by day 10 was feeling normal . Thank God for the patch !
maria76995 bev27429
Hi Bev, it will stop believe you me,been there I know how you feel I use to feel drunk in the head or like I'm going to fall over,.it takes time but that one morning you will get up and it will be gone trust me..it does get to you along with other crappy symptoms once you get through peri it will get worst but as I said it goes sudden nothing is for ever..transition takes along time.
bev27429 maria76995
Thanks for your reply. I know that everyone is different, but how long did it take before the worst of the psychological symptoms ended? Did it end suddenly for you, as you described in your post, or did the symptoms gradually disappear?
maria76995 bev27429
Hi Bev..yes we are all different and there is a timing for it to stop..you don't know when until you realise I don't get that anymore MENO sneak ups on you just how it comes just how it will go..that detach from life is awful it makes you feel your not on the planet I had it in peri for few years, your not going to notice when it goes but then you realise one day oh that's gone...I got through from the support from a friend that was going through this ahead of me by the time her periods finish I was still in the early stages of perimenopause by the time she felt better I was at my worst but we call one another every day to reassure one another that we will get through it..I never thought this was how the menopause was in a million years and nobody tells you nothing or wanted to discuss it either so I owe to her I have never met her and plan to meet her in London Next year...hang on there are you in peri or post.
bev27429 maria76995