TKR think, think again.

Posted , 20 users are following.

research, read all the comments on patient, not just one persons notes and results..

i can only tell you I have deeply regretted this operation.

its changed my life for the worse.

i would rather deal with one knee pain, bad as it was,then feel like a invalid, and have pain all very my body.

so much regret, and I did research, but not on this page

my big mistake

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57 Replies

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    Sorry you're having so many problems. I had my TKR in April of 2015, left knee, so I"m four months shy of 2 years. At the beginning I was thinking I'd made the worst decision of my life. I thought I'd never be or feel normal again. I wasn't sleeping, I couldn't get comfortable, pain meds made me loopy.  Depression, crying, I was a mess.  I had a wonderful surgeon and a great bunch of physical therapists though and they helped me along the way. 

    I was about 4 months and my bend wasn't as good as I thought it should be. My PT suggested massage and showed me what to do. She would also massage my knee before I did my PT with her. I couldn't look when she'd move my knee cap up, down and from side to side but it felt SO much better when she finished!!  It made ALL the difference in the world!!! Seems the scar tissue wasn't going away and the only way I would get a better bend was to break up the scar tissue in my knee and around my knee cap. She told me to get some oil like coconut oil, Bio Oil, vitamin E oil, Palmers Skin Therapy oil and massage my knee for at least 10 minutes, 3 times a day. Worked wonders. It didn't feel all that great when I first started but after several sessions, I looked forward to those massages. You HAVE to break up the scar tissue in order to get you knee to bend properly. Try it or ask your PT to show you how to do it.

    As for pain in other parts of your body, you are walking differently than you did before your TKR and your body needs to adjust to walking better now. This is a real bear of a surgery and it takes time and patience to recover. After all they cut all the muscles, tendons and nerves when they did the surgery. Then there is all the hammering and sawing to fit the pieces or your new knee.  They all mend at different rates. It takes a good long year or better to feel like you've gone through the tunnel and see the light at the end. Don't give up! There is progress and there are setbacks but in the end we all make it through. By the way I was 68 when I had my TKR. The only thing I can't do is sit with my left leg under me like I used to. I can even kneel if I put a kneeling pad or something soft under my knee. Good luck and keep us posted. We're here for anyone having knee replacements.

    • Posted

      Hello pyesangel

      thank you fir all your info, and suggestions, will try the massages, and keep at it.

      finding the hip and groin pain difficult on top of every thing else

      Take care and best wishes 

    • Posted

      Hi Pye. I went thru most of the symptoms u stated. I now am having terrible lower back pain, shoulder n neck pain n mid back pain. I attribute this from my Tkr I had back in March 2016.  I know I'm off balance or crooked, one leg longer then the other??? N on top of that knee still hurts n have some siiatica going up my Tkr leg thru inner thigh n back of that thigh.  Going to surgeon to show him Mri he ordered last week, I don't know what to expect.  Scared to death of any repercussions but this too I will get thru. I don't have a lot of personal support in my life n sometimes these doctors can be so imtimidating, I have to have questions in my hand when I go to doc office otherwise I lose all concentration of what I need to ask,. stay strong n positive with good spirit, best of health for the new year, k.p. 👼🚴🌈

    • Posted

      Hi Mkhp, Sorry you are having so much trouble and hope you can get some answers soon. I've heard that some people that have had TKR, end up with one leg longer than the other. Guess I was lucky with the surgeon I had. He was a peach. If I should need the other knee done, G_d forbid, I don't know who I'd have do it. The surgeon that did my left knee unfortunately, had a stroke about 6 months after he did my knee. He still hasn't recovered the use of his left arm and hand...not a good thing for a surgeon.

      When I go to the doctor, I too have to write down what I want to ask, or I'd forget! Sincerely hope you get the answers you're looking for. This is a great place to btch, moan, let off steam or if you just want to talk about what's wrong. There is a lot of support here!!!  Good luck!!!


    • Posted

      Thanks so much for those words Pye.  Wil be seeing surgeon next week. He cancelled appt, due to illnes in family. Has taken a little over a month to see him. Well at least I have Mri n report in hand.... Happy new year and good health to u, best... K. P. 
  • Posted

    Although in your case this may be totally irrelevant,  here is my experience with very bad hip pain.  I had every test known to the specialist, and all of them came back negative. Everything was OK. . . so why was I only able to walk with a stick, and in such pain?  Eventually, quite by chance, I went for a massage at a sports masseuse.  I mentioned the hip pain . .showed him my xrays (as I have a fractured spine which has to be treated with resepct!) and he said my problem was shortening of the tendon which runs from the spine and across the hip.  He gave me two rather painful deep massages. . . and it worked!  After thirteen months with chronic hip pain, walking with a stick, and avoiding walking whenever possible, the pain slowly resolved.  I hope you find something similarly miraculous!


    • Posted

      Hello martinarvelo.,

      thanks so much for tips and good wishes, maybe will try with the massage,

      its been so difficult with the knee, and then on top of that, the back,hip and groin pain, looking forward to a better new year.

      take care and keep well

      kind regards

  • Posted

    I had a TKR 3 weeks ago and i think i would have preffered to have  OA than this pain people say i'll change my mind as i get better I am definiteley not having the other knee done

    • Posted

      Julie I'm so sorry to hear you're having a hard time. You need to start a post. Hopefully ChicoMarx and Old Fat Guy will respond. They have the BEST advice. Start one and they can help. My prayers are with you honey. Feel better. Take your meds before the pain starts. Don't try and be a hero. Just go at your own pace. And do NOT let any PT hurt you! They like to do that and make it worse. Just rest and recover and take your meds and sleep whenever you can. Depression is normal! Talk to your GP if you're having issues. God bless you.

    • Posted

      Hi Julie, been there done that SAID that.

      Had my  other knee done last year!

      You will come out of the other end of the tunnel, like childbirth when you say never again, you forget the pain. And the second one is miles easier to deal with, you're an expert by then.

  • Posted

    Stick with it Allison. I had a very hard road (read the response below to another comment) but you will be better than you are now. Keep moving your knee, ice when you can, try to get sleep. I know you are very depressed, I was too. Check with your doc and see if meds are indicated. Best've got this!

  • Posted

    Good luck . It's a hard road; I'm not sure surgeons are realistic to us. Took a long time, I didn't get the knee I expected, but it got better. Give it 6-12 months.

    • Posted

      Hi jeannenp

      I have to agree we dont know what a long hard time we are in for when they tell us how great things are going to be after the op its a long hard slog more for some than others but with determination we can get there good luck to all .

  • Posted

    Hello Alison, I have just joined this discussion having had a Tkr just 3 weeks ago.  Like you I am suffering, it is making me feel so depressed dealing with the pain and frustrations.  Night time is worst of all and I find myself pacing up and down as lying down is so uncomfortable.  I am taking comfort from the positive comments in this discussion but it's difficult to see an end at the moment.  Good wishes.

    • Posted

      Hello Lynda.,

      yes ditto ditto.

      i think the only wat to get through this, is take note the majority of people say in time it's the best thing they ever did.

      yes it's hard though, it's all the other problems that come with it make it harder, fingers crossed it will get better, it has 2 ha ha.

      take care.

      swimming pool really helps, just walking up and down.x

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