To all my peri friends on here

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So sorry i've not been answering back for what seems ages but proberly isnt. but i'v been having daily headaches from mild ones that i can cope with to intense ones that knock me for six.  I went out this morning for the first time in weeks to a big shopping freeport but had to come home cos the headache intensified, so another day sitting up with my eyes closed until it calms, i take paracetomol but they dont work. another day of my life is passing me bysad sorry feeling really down today i'v had these headaches for at least 5 or 6 weeks now. Anyone else like this? I so wanted to reply to many of your post that i relate to but my head wouldn't let me so ill do it another time.  I just said to my husband i'll just have a little chat to my peri friends then come off the computer but you know how it is i'll want to look if you've replied to me about your headaches.  Mine seem to vary from pain on the left side in my eye or on the bridge of my nose, my head feels its in a vice constantly and gets tighter, my jaw aches and sometimes my ears feel full.  sorry for the Sunday moan, hope you understand.  love to you all xx

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    My daughter had them for years and dr said they were tension headaches and recommended ibuprofen x she had a lot if neck and shoulder pain too which us characteristic of tension headaches x 
  • Posted

    Hi Anxiousface,

    i too have been suffering headaches not as bad as you so sending you a hug , hope it helps. x

  • Posted

    Hi there, so sorry to hear you're feeling so poorly.  And I understand about how you feel like it's another day passing you by.  I get so angry with it. When did you last have an MRI scan?  They keep asking me if I have headaches or blurred vision, which fortunately I don't.  Could it be the prolactinoma is pressing on a nerve or something, causing this...? Xxx
  • Posted

    so sorry to hear you're struggling, anxiousface....i know how horrible it is to start to feel a bit better and then end up right back in the headaches have abated (thank goodness!), but now i'm left with heart palpitations and general shakiness/weakness...not sure which i'd rather have!!! take good care of yourself, cry as often as you need to (i cried in my office this morning...not very professional, i know, but it couldn't be's all so frustrating)'ll be in my thoughtshugs to you
    • Posted

      Feels like one step forward and god knows how many back at times

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