To everybody with ammonia/rotten smell, a lot if discharge and bleaching of underweae
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Those are not necessarily symptoms of bv!
I had all these symptoms but my test results always came back negative for every form of bv (also mycoplasma/ureaplasma etc)
After six months of searching my new doctor diagnosed me with ectropion of the cervix, it is actually pretty common and doesn't always cause symptoms unless it gets inflamed. This inflammation can be infectious (caused by bacteria) or non infectious. It can be a combination of both. You can have bv and cervicitis at the same time but you can have cervicitis without bv and the other way around.
In my case it was a non infectious cervicitis caused by inflamed ectropion (probably hormone related). My first symptoms:
Rotten smell
Watery discharge
After a while it got worse, discharge would just run down my legs and stain my bedsheets. It bleached my underwear. The smell varied between rotten and ammonia, cat pee like.
The treatment for non infectious cervicitis is not antibiotics!! Treatment is normally cauterization. A small surgical procedure done under local anesthesia. They remove the inflamed tissue so Healthy tissue can grow back.
After my surgery i got bv, that was treated with the right antibiotics (they are not the same for every organism!!!!!). My cervix healed, healty tissue grew back and now i am fine.
I pray to god i can help somebody with this info, i know how you feel...
And please get a GOOD DOCTOR that will check you for cervicitis and treats bacteria with the RIGHT antibiotics
Good luck to you all
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saj72607 stormy1
I read about this but not sure if that's what's wrong. I went to doc and he said I have a bad bacterial infection and put me on antibiotics but I have the ammonia smell when I pee and watery discharge but also a fish smell
jemma1995 stormy1
What anti biotics were you given? Azithromicin?
stormy1 jemma1995
My vagina was never sore or itchy. After the surgery when i got the infection i was given clindamycine. The infection cleared up right away and i have been bv free Since then. That's almost a year ago now. I do take probiotics and have a healthy lifestyle.
Zimm10 stormy1
stormy1 Zimm10
My discharge was minimal when it all began but after a while it got worse.
Doctors should realy look for the type of bacteria by putting the sample under a microscope immediately. Some bacteria don't make it alive to the lab.
My doctor put my sample under a microscope immediatly (he is a specialist in vaginal bacterial infections) AND sent it to the lab for extra testing, then adjusted the therapy to the type of organism.
Trust me i know Some things Since i've had every vaginal infection under the sun. Cytolitic vaginosis, bv caused by gardnerella vaginalis, bv caused by ureaplasma, cervicitis etc.
I've been okay for almost a year now thanks to my specialist.
saj72607 stormy1
How did u get rid of the odor? I've tried everything and I am desperate to get rid of this odor!!! I have never been so embarrassed in my life!!! If u found something that works please let me know asap. Thanks
stormy1 saj72607
Go to a specialist, get your cervix checked.
If you also have bv that should be treated seperately
stormy1 saj72607
stormy1 Zimm10
saj72607 stormy1
Zimm10 saj72607
saj72607 Zimm10
Zimm10 stormy1
Zimm10 saj72607
I don't remember the exact dosage. It perscribed for about a week or so and I tried it more than once. Then I stopped all antibiotics bc I felt they didnt help. Later I quit smoking, never used tampons and always used non lubricated condoms even if I was in a committed relationship and didnt have symptoms for almost 10 years.
juneh16 stormy1
You sound like you've had a hard time. I've never heard of this, but I hope your post can help others. It's good to be informed of these things and can stop the worrying that I guess comes along with it. I have suffered BV for 17 years and have only very recently worked through it and found success without AB's or AB gel. I am on a gluten free, dairy free and very low sugar diet. That includes no honey or high sugar fruits. Also I eat dairy free yoghurt once daily for the probiotics. It's only early days but I am BV free without anti biotics. So pleased. Hope you stay well Stormy1 😊
sol2017 juneh16
Juneh16, I'm wondering how you're feeling with the diet as I have been on the same diet for 2 weeks along with raw probiotics & supplements with no updates. After months of antibiotics/antifungals & some more months of accupuncture, Chinese medicine, & natural methods found on this site I am still at a loss for what's going on. Doctors keep sticking me to Yeast or BV infection routines and I'm not sure how else to proceed. Sex, tampons, & alcohol are completely eliminated from my lifestyle.
juneh16 sol2017
I've been on the diet for about 6 weeks and only had one relapse for a day. The BV returned, but I'm not sure it ever really totally disappeared 100%. It definitely faded a lot. I've finally used antibiotic gel after 3 months and hoping now that it's gone, the diet may keep it away. The diet definitely helps though. I got a sickening for yoghurt so will have to buy some probiotics. I will update you on here if it returns. I'm trying not to be so uptight about it. By the way, it's so sad to read that you've eliminated sex, but I totally understand. I feel like that too but I have a boyfriend, so it's difficult not to have sex. Good luck with the diet, I really have faith that it helps.
sol2017 juneh16
Sounds good, I'll also provide any updates
It's unfortunate that we have to go through all of this but I'm still hopeful.
juneh16 sol2017
So I've been on this diet about 3 months. The amount of odour is very low and no itching so I'm sticking to it. I used anti biotic gel 6 weeks ago and it stayed away then I had sex and it was back again. I wish someone would come up with a cure. It wears you down. I didn't get BV with my last partner but I do with this one. It makes me think does it have something to do with the men and not me. Hope you're doing well and BV free.
sol2017 juneh16
I've been following a Paleo diet along with raw probiotics & folic acid to help rebalance my system and do notice a subtle difference. I think the key here, and others on this site have mentioned, is to acidify the vagina and maintain the healthy PH levels so i've stocked up on Acti gel and I'm going to be consistent with it for a few months as some have said to use between 1-2 months. Kinda expensive but I feel like I saw short term results when I was on it. I also have PH test strips to check. Both found online. Since I have been avoiding sex for about a year I don't think it's our partners that have the issue but maybe sex just throws off your PH even further while having BV in a dormant state. So my plan is to stick to diet and exercise (my acupuncturist recommends 3x a week of a minimum 1hr cardio to bring energy to repair the body, annoying but I think necessary), use the gel daily up to 2months, & check ph periodically to measure progress. If any news comes from it I'll send my updates.
saj72607 juneh16
saj72607 sol2017
What's the folic acid for? And does it help?
juneh16 saj72607
juneh16 sol2017
All sounds good. Hope it's all helping. Yes I use the balance gels too. They do work well but as soon as you stop them it comes back. I'm thinking of giving sex up too or maybe getting a different partner as I've only had this problem bad since I've been with my present boyfriend. Although I have had it on and off almost 18 years. Good luck with your regime. Really hope it works for you.
saj72607 juneh16
juneh16 saj72607
They don't usually let you use trademark names on here but it's a balance gel that is activ. You can buy it in chemists and some supermarkets. Google it and you will find the proper name for it 😊