To Menopace of not to Menopace: That is the Question!!!
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Hiya Girls
I thought I'd just start a new thread as I've this overwhelming feeling that I'm going to be approached very soon by Vitabiotics to be the new 'Face of Menopace' - due to my constant 'plugging' of their produce!!
I think I should just say that I wax lyrically about it for a number of reasons:
(a) it was the first 'menopause' product I saw that I recognised
(b) it had all the Vits/Min supplements that I recognised might help me
(c) it was great for me, a real Medicine-phobe because it was a 'One a Day' pill
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Part II
(d) I tried it and found that my aching joints and general mood were improved
(e) most importantly, I could get it cheap '3for2' in Superdrug or '3 for £10' in Asda - result!
But I hope no-one feels pressurised or overly-influenced to run and buy some just because I keep rattling on about them. I honestly believe that they work for me personally and probably want to share my experience of the 'Elixir of Life' with you all!
I appreciate that they are many ladies who have nasty, underlying health issues and have to rely on prescribed meds for these ailments. I am very fortunate in that I have never had a major illness in my life nor do I take any meds at all.
I can only assume that I was very low in all the vits/mins that Menopace contains, hence my feeling the benefits so much.
Sorry if I've given anyone the impression that its got to be Menopace or nothing: I just wanted to 'share the love' really!
Besides, before I started taking then on 1st Jan, I hadn't even bothered too much about researching things to help me during this rotten time. Surfice to say that I've learnt so much just from reading the really informed posts from some fantastically knowledgeable women on this wonderful forum!!
I can't guarantee that I'll stop 'pushing' Menopace: I just think for me personally its really helped, and I hope just by suggesting a try, it might make someone else feel better too!
Oh, and its a big Oh, don't forget if you're taking any of the vits/mins seperately, please make sure you don't exceed your Recommended Daily Allowance! (I have this fear of everyone continuing with their individual doses THEN O/D-ing with Menopace, all because of me and my bigging-up this stuff
margaret04348 shaznay96184
natalie_63922 shaznay96184
BellaRubia shaznay96184
shaznay96184 natalie_63922
I'm not taking HRT - yet. But I have started using Bioidentical Progesteone Cream so have to agree to a large degree, as was pointed out to me, that I probably am in a way!
I don't know whether that's doing 'it's stuff', again for me personally (don't want to stop just yet in case its actually working brilliantly and I end up feeling like cr*p!)
I'd have a good look at the posts of others who've gone truly 'commando' = natural. There's some awesome women posting on here with an encyclopaedic knowledge of all-things herbal/ natural.
You should start a new discussion mentioning your impending Hyst'y, and ask advice on how to 'do' natural. You're sure to gettons of advice.
Should I feel the need/pull to go get HRT I'd tell my GP what I'm using, but I'd imagine the Menopace being vits/ mins would be OK(?) - but to stop with the Progesterone.
Good luk with your surgery :-)
shaznay96184 BellaRubia
No doubt if I hadn't seen and recognised Menopace it, I'd have had anything that had the mins/vits I thought would do me good: Vits D/B6/B12/Calcium/Magneium/a bit of iodine/poss a bit of iron (wary of this due to constipation). In fact most supermarkets/chemist chains do their own brands!
Maybe have a look on their website, see what they contain, and save yourself some $$ on shipping by buying a similar brand! (On a good day I can pick them up for equivalent of $4 - there, how's that for Anglo-US relations:-) ?!)
barbara49965 shaznay96184
natalie_63922 shaznay96184
BellaRubia shaznay96184
fofoma shaznay96184
shaznay96184 fofoma
Don't have a big issue with the hot flushes - yet!
But although not 'classic' insomnia, my sleep's still really interrupted - just that I have to visit the loo up to 4-5 times a night. Even stopped drinking at 7.30pm lat night to see if that helped - still got up 3 times grrrr!
But amazingly i never feel tired/ fatigued during the day now, other than for a day or so when I get a Period.
Who knows: that could all be down to dear ol' Menopace?!!! :-)
lol64 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 lol64
For me, who hates taking meds anyway, this 'One a Day' pill was perfect for me to try. And it seems to work...for me.
If you're feeling OK, whatever you're doing is working for you, and I'd be loath to change that.
There's no way I want to go back to how I felt at Xmas, and no doubt by now I'd have started to get other symptoms to deal with too.
Have a good day:-)
Bug180 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 Bug180