to work or not to work... or when to go back to work?

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I work for a fortune 500 company, I work from home and have a very stressful job. I normlly work a minimun of 10 hours a day, ( once you get going it's hard to stop).  I still feel a great lack of interest and couldn't imagine working yet. I told my Mgr I need this week off too ( surgery was 2 week ago today).  How do you know when to go back to work?  I know I can't go back to not moving for 4 hours at a clip, I know I will need to get up every hour and walk around. I also know the moment I go back it will be full time and all sympathy is lost.  I know I still have zero interest in wor.  Any suggestions?? thanks Annette

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    I have been off 6 and am going to take another 2 as I'm not ready.  Are you sleeping ? Do you have any brain fog ?  I would hate to go back too soon and make a big mistake.  I think you need more time - your brain isn't ready let alone your body.  Don't rush back if you don't have to. X

    • Posted

      Thank you Sarah,

      Sleep sux, I got 5 hours last night woke up exhausted and depressed.  I am up way to late, I take a sleep aid and still cannot sleep. I think I am redy for bed then I am wide awke again.  I have never taken time off like this is 20 years, I guess I feel guilty but it seems to be  fairly slow time at work wich is good. What to do... still on the Diluadin meds for pain. thanks, yes I do think I have brain fog, it wold explin  lot. XO TY

    • Posted

      I wouldn't go back too soon. Wait until you are off all meds and sleeping better at night. I got off the pain killers after 2 weeks but didn't start sleeping better until the last few weeks and I am 8 weeks post op. Stress is not good for your recovery. After 20 years you deserve some tine!!!

    • Posted

      Thanks Sue, I appeciate it, I know with all the PT I still need the pain meds.  My mgr depends on me a lot I am the one she bounces things off of.  I am lucky she is a lovely person and smart as a whip, but a new Mgr this last year. Trying to think of my body, by the time I take, shower, take all my meds, one round of exercises, get dressed I feel like half the day is over. I think I know my decision.... thank you!!
  • Posted

    Hi Annette, I would listen to your body . I went back to soon and had to go back out on disability for me though my work was very physical turns out I can't do my job anymore I have sciatic nerve damage from my revision surgery.

    Hip surgery are major surgerys takes about good year to fully recover and everyone recovers differently.

    Take care


    • Posted

      WOW thnk you for your thoughts Jackie, it means a lot, i hope you will continue to heal.  I know I have ben told stress is very bad for my recovery, I hate tht the job is so stressful. ugh what to do..... thank you Jackie, wish yu ontinued healing.
  • Posted

    Everybody is different and you have to go back when you're ready.

    I went back to work about 3 months after the surgery for both my surgeries.  The first time full time right away, this time, I'm doing a progressive return (4 weeks at 2 days/week, now I'm at 3 days/week - probably for 4 weeks again and then I'll keep going until I'm full time.  I do not have a stressful job but do sit at a desk all day which I find is quite hard and I get quite sore.  I really have to make a conscious effort to get up every hour and walk around and that really helps not getting too sore and stiff.

    • Posted

      sounds like a pretty good way to ease back in.... thank you!!
  • Posted

    So what are you thinking Annette?

    There may be a pattern in these replies ...

    I hope you take the time you need - you will never get it back.

    It sounds as if you love your job and manager but ....surely there is a way to give you more time off and then ease you back in.

    I worked in senior roles building several major endeavours before I retired. I loved my work but worked very long hours and I am glad that I finally retired early to get my life back in balance. Please do what is best for you rather than what is best for your organisation.



  • Posted

    Dear Friend I would wait until good and ready. That is a lot of hours and a lot of sitting in one position. I couldn't imagine it. Sitting in my computer chair right now and haven't been here long all I can think about is getting out of it. Take time to heal and make sure you are feeling good enough to concentrate and give your job your full attention. Going back to soon would be very hard on you to say the least. It takes time to recover from this surgery. Hugs.....Barb

  • Posted

    Annette, you shouldn't even be thinking about work yet. I took 8 weeks off. At 4 weeks did some spreadsheets at home as was bored! Totally wrong thing to do as body didn't like it. I also had terrible trouble sleeping. Doc gave me sleeping pills didn't work.  Had very restless sleep until I went on a long haul flight last month. Cured my 3/4 hours a night. You have had major surgery you need time to recover xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Posted

    dear annette, 

    joining the choir darling .... try not to feel guilty ... you are so right, once you're back, all symphathy is lost - and that you have 0 interest in your job tells you a lot - It is nice to be wanted back but put your health as 1st priority ...

    not easy huh ... let it go for now as major healing is going on ..

    big warm hug



  • Posted

    One thing to be very careful with when you do decide to return to work is computer chairs. Our hospital says no swivel chairs for 6 weeks and after that use with caution as so many hippies fall off them apparently. Also your chair needs arms to assist you getting up.

    Take time to make sure you are fully ready before you return, dont do it too early.

    • Posted

      Honestly I will probably work from lift recliner chair, I bought a lightweight art type of board to set my MAC computer and mouse on.  I do use my office chair at the dinner table, so I can sit there for meals. I am very careful and lucky with the floor we have it hasn't tried to take off on me. I would like another couple weeks off for a total of 4. We shall see. You have all been very helpful. xoxo thnk you all!! Annette

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