Tomorrow starts week 9 since the last 7.5
Posted , 10 users are following.
7+ years on 45 mg, + 1 year on 7.5, now 56 days off the stuff. The 56 days have been awful, and I am still not out of the woods yet. I f you are considering an antidepressant, pretend that this stuff doesn't exist. I know, some people swear by it, but my research indicates that more swear at it. I feel like I have had the worse case of the flu that you could have, for 8 weeks. The severity of the wd symptoms haven't been the same the whole time, but even the "good" days were bad, just good relative to horrible. To all of you who are thinking about withdrawing, or are in the process and fighting it with all your might, I wish you well. And if you have made the trip, I salute you! Take care, David
2 likes, 97 replies
Fudgeybear1 david28533
david28533 Fudgeybear1
Calmer david28533
I hope you'll keep on posting on the forum, I've been following you every step of the way, I wish you a good nights sleep, energy renewal and peace of mind for tomorrow.
Best wishes
david28533 Calmer
Karl_-_UK Calmer
Focus on that tiny little light at the end of the tunnel David ...focus hard upon it're getting closer!
Much peace to all ...
Fudgeybear1 david28533
please don't give up,you have been so strong to get through this,it will get easier,take care
david28533 Fudgeybear1
Fudgeybear1 david28533
david28533 Fudgeybear1
Karl_-_UK david28533
.."Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"...
[Albert Einstein]
1. A person who is abnormally anxious about their health. They may have a simple muscle ache yet their mind convinces them it is something far more sinister (e.g. terminal illness, cancer etc).
Much peace as you David (wife) and everyone!
p.s. I too have had a dramatic weight loss since coming off Mirtazapine ...somewhere in the region of 14Ibs/16Ibs, nodoubt due to my poor appetite and lowered calorie intake.
david28533 Karl_-_UK
kathy56977 david28533
Hopefully, you are coming to the end of your suffering, David. I sure hope so. Always thinking of you. Hang on a little longer. You are closer to the end than you were a day ago!!
suzie78191 kathy56977
i mentioned it to me family dr and he said the same thing .. that it was easy to come off ...
david28533 kathy56977
Karl_-_UK kathy56977
david28533 Karl_-_UK
suzie78191 david28533
Karl_-_UK david28533
Now, with what you've described David either your mind/thoughts are conjuring up 'mirage' symptoms that to you are real OR your symptoms are as I believe them to be real actual events. Whether the former or the latter ..from the severity and longevity of just how long your terrible hellish pain has been been unrelenting YOU NEED TO BE IN HOSPITAL UNDER CLOSE CARE AND SUPERVISION. And yes it would be great if the makers of Mirtazapine funded the whole thing (if proven accountable).
Just how you get admitted in your City I have absolutely no idea. But I'd urge you ..or someone there who is able to help you to make some calls or get you to ER somehow.
What you describe is just far to graphic and heart rending to be ignored!
What makes this extra worse is the fact your dear wife must be under so much stress too.
A few days or a week in an appropriate clinical environment is what's needed now ...for you and your wife's sake.
I truly feel for your suffering.. Truly truly truly
suzie78191 Karl_-_UK
david28533 Karl_-_UK
Karl_-_UK david28533
I still maintain that you would benefit from being in a clinical environment ...but I truly am at a loss as to how that can be achieved.
I and I know a number of us on here are really concerned for you ..
Can anyone offer any thoughts?
QUESTION: David have you or anyone advocating on your behalf (your dear wife or a friend or familly member maybe) either asked or insisted upon you being admitted for a few days? ...if so, what precisely were you told?
PLEASE remind me and everyone (so there's absolutely no misunderstanding) listing from 1 - 5 in order of severity/pain and importance...EXACTLY what troubles you right now the most and what if solved/alleviated would see your health either totally or vastly improved and happy.
My only other thought is around the area of PAIN MANAGEMENT ...have you considered acupuncture, hypnosis or morphine/burprenorphine patches etc etc to help alleviate pain and allow peaceful sleep?
Best regards
London_ridge david28533
i hope you're feeling better. Mirt WD was the worst mental and physical pain of my whole life and im almost 60. Trying to get narcotic pain meds in US is like pulling teeth but I think it's something that would help anyone with mirt WD. Taken seriously and only when needed basis. I was finally admitted to the hospital after going in on a Thursday, with etrememe pain and then released. I was back the next day on a Friday. They weren't sure if it was kidney stones or pancreatic problems. So they did admit me. While I was there i have an IV the whole time and I think the hydration helped so much. I also has pain meds. I felt validated although I never brought up the mirt. Once you say you've been on an anti depressant, then people assume you have emotional issues. Also not one of the many doctors thought mirt would cause WD. It even seemed to make them angry the subject was mentioned so I have no idea! Even the makers of the AD say in their imformation not to stop taking this medication without doctors advice , which to me says it can cause problems. I've read it on all the AD's now so time to pull out the highlighter and shove the the papers somewhere on the treating doctors. BTW paxil has its own site and the people there are going nuts to get off. Some going back on and might be on for life. The reason they have such a big paxil site is because it is prescribed more often. Lots of people going through that site each day. So keep in mind you will get over this and each day the WD is less and less. There is an end. Go to the hospital if you think you need to go, sometimes the stress of the mirt WD can trigger other physical problems. So don't be shy about going to the ER. I did and they took me seriously both times, but I wouldn't mention mirt. Mention IBS and weight loss and the inability to eat. Make a mental list of physical problems before going. I think it's fair to say your physical problems has caused great stress ( naturally ) . Mirt can kick you so low you can develop a physical problem. I did. It's called hyperparathyroidism. I've had surgery now and I'm better. I know it was triggered by the mirt. So if something comes up physically don't think it's just may be something else. If your GP has no hospital rights might find another one or just go ER. It's gone on a long time if you don't see it waning then time to start complaining more loudly. And yes it could be something else. But mirt is the trigger. So get help. Keep going till you get the help you need and deserve, you didn't sign up for this kind of serious physical BS. Keep complaining and keep moving to the next guy/gal until you get results. Best wishes, I know it's hard to advocate for yourself when you are in such bad shape.When it's all over we can all try and prove it was the mirt but for now...don't mention it to the doctors in the ER. That's my take on it and hope it helps. All the best!!!!
david28533 London_ridge
Karl_-_UK London_ridge
david28533 Karl_-_UK
1. Abdominal pain, cramps
2. Fatigue
3. Nausea
4. No Appetite
5. Body Aches
6. General sick feeling
7. Anxiety
8. Depression due to the other things.
9. Lack of restful sleep
10. Feeling really weak
These come and go, as does the severity. I thank you for your concern, as I know that you wouldn't be on this site if you didn't already have your own cross to bear. David
kathy56977 david28533
Best wishes.
david28533 kathy56977
suzie78191 david28533
i am thinkingg of trying to get myself amitted to hospital andi don't have nearly as much going on as you. i just know i need help and i can't take it anymore. may god give us strength
david28533 suzie78191
suzie78191 david28533
david28533 suzie78191
Karl_-_UK david28533
I have done 2 things ...First I have considered my own personal experiences ..Second I have researched a number of online sources (inc. the array of member comments on here.
And I can say...
1.I am 99% convinced that ALL symptoms you've listed can and are often associated with withdrawal from Remeron/Mirtazapine (either directly or having been triggered by).
2. I have personally suffered with EACH AND EVERY ONE of the symptoms listed. The only thing that differs is the order of severity and longevity. I also am a hypochondriac and exhibit OCD behaviour.
Clearly you are having a worse time of it ..and we who have felt pain tremble when we read your updates.
I am letting you know this in the simple hope of helping to allay some of your fears and anxiety. Its so hard to remain positive when thoughts are running amok and only doom n gloom can be seen ahead. E.g. Am I dying? Do I have cancer? Is this ever going to end? etc etc etc etc. MANY of us have been there, done that and got the T-shirt to prove it!
Last week I felt like dying (and I mean that) ...the pain seemed endless. If I felt a pain in my chest or in my lower abdomen or in my head I thought the worst. I even began revising my Will. I didn't eat a crumb for 4days. And so much more! Today, although I've not slept much, and don't feel great and am dealing with tragic family/domestic issues ..I have managed to do 20mins of meditation, drink a litre or so of water, eat a banana and sit in the sunshine doing some deep breathing. And I don't feel like dying today!
I think its good that ER/Hospital have checked you out and eliminated anything you were fearing.
Just keep doing tiny baby steps anything positive today and this week etc even if you dont reap the rewards strainghtaway ...itll all count in the days to come and help bring the day of better health closer.
Look up and read for inspiration:
Serenity Prayer
Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)
Wishing you peace
david28533 Karl_-_UK
Karl_-_UK suzie78191
Wishing you much peace and strength!
david28533 Fudgeybear1