Tongue tied and memory loss

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I've been going through the menopause for a couple of years now, I'm 52 and just about able to cope with hot flushes and my family put up with my mood swings! But I'm worried about this sort of memory loss, does anyone else experience this, can't remember the exact word I need and then sometimes I'm even tongue-tied and can't get my words out! Is this normal, because i am worried!

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Amanda

    yes its normal, been there, it gets better... you have brain fog 😃 

    its like the brain doesnt take it in, when people talk you listen but couldnt really care less, the brain just goes blur... 😀 caught me out alot, as you make out your listening then they ask a question, Dohhhhhh then i had to say, ummmm well just run that by me again so I get it right hahahaha. also when you want to say something, you cant het words out the brain goes blank... its a classic peri moment..

    get some Vit B6 down you... all that has gone for me now, and mood swings and anxiety... good luck hun... Jay xx

    • Posted

      Jayneejay, youve descibed exactly what I'm going through!!!!! I've always thought of myself as a good listener but now!!! Even my daughter tells me "you hear me but you don't listen!" Thank you so very very much, I shall try the VIt B6....much love to you x
  • Posted

    Hi Amanda I do hope it's normal as I am exactly the same! Horrendous I find it 👎have noticed that it's worse when I my achey joints due to menopause are bad - I feel I have been inhabited by another being lately and it sucks ... Tongue tied is weird gives my husband many moments of amusement - he has no idea how it feels - like you hot flushes and mood swings I can cope with it's the other stuff that is really quite depressing.
    • Posted

      Yes Susan, its so frustrating as well as worrying, lets try VIt B6 as suggested above, good luck to you, its just comforting to know youre not alone xx
  • Posted

    Hi Amanda, yes that was one of the first symptoms I had, can't think of the word or end up saying a similar sounding word with a completelty different meaning.  It's all part of menopause so try not to worry. x


  • Posted

    OMG me too..I actually attributed this to the sudden  loss of my mum 3 years ago but now I have put this down to the menapause. Believe me you are not alone...sometimes I find my friends finish my sentences for me too..which I hate smile
    • Posted

      Just the same for me, I too lost my Mum 5 years ago and wondered if this brought it on..... Great to know we are all in this together! Thanks so much x
  • Posted

    Yes ladies you are all right. I also lost my mother and very close cousin last July whilst I was in the midst of this state and couldn't figure out what it was. It comes in different forms and ways for everyone but one thing I know for sure is, it shall come to pass no matter the years of uncomfortably. Mine started exactly a year today and I can tell the many changes. Good luck to us all
  • Posted

    Get it all the time amanda,i cant remember words as well,and also get worried,but i think its just what we are going through.My head feels heavy,and sometimes i can feel like a running in my head,migraines more often,and im still regular with my period,and im 46,so wobbly and off balance sometimes,want my old life back ...
  • Posted

    OMG amanda, i'm just the same infact Jayneejay has discribed it just how it is.  I work in an office and have to write everything down or i'll forget what people have said on the phone or just as they leave the office i quickly scribble notes, its really not good.  I can't remember peoples names.  I noticed my husband is finishing words for me cos i must stop in mid sentence (he thinks i'm just crackers i'm sure) I was getting to the stage were i just gave up making conversation when we socialise as i'd forget what i'm taking about but i am trying to converse more now but iots embarassing i know. Don't be worried millions of us are just the same.  Keep chatting on here at least you can stop and try and remember what you were writing about without anyone knowing.  love and hugs x
    • Posted

      Yes, thanks so much, I feel so much better after this, a problem shared as they say is a problem halved! Good luck to us all and we just have to keep battling on together xxxx
    • Posted

      Those words are just so reassuring....I am so happy I found this forum xx

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