Tonight programme on itv
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Just watched a programme on itv the truth about menopause.
I cried all the way through it, not sure why. Think it was hearing women talk about it and admit to having problems.
1 like, 36 replies
kerry17951 maisie05
I was so pleased to watch this tonight. I think I am experiencing the on set of the menopause and watching this confirmed some of my symptoms. I am currently an emotional wreck and need some hints and tips on how I'm going to get through this. My manager had a conversation with me today about taking some time off work to sort myself out. I'm beside myself!
maisie05 kerry17951
Hi Kerry. Yes the programme was so good. My husband watched it too and I feel better knowing that he realises it's not me imagining my feelings.
This forum is amazing and has helped me so much. There is always someone experiencing the same symptom as you and can offer support and sympathy. No matter how silly the symptom seems.
What is your worst symptom at the moment?
christina57619 kerry17951
what channel and time was the programme on?
sounds worth watching!
this forum is great!
maria101 maisie05
Hi Maisie, I watch it too, but they did not talk about the horrid symptoms we go through just hotflashes....that's not good it des not help.
maisie05 maria101
They did discuss dry skin and hair and fatigue and black despair, mood swings, and the 'change', never being the same. There was positivity too, one lady said she felt she blossomed after menopause.
It's a big subject, too much to cover in half an hour, but at least more people should be aware now x
maisie05 maria101
I think it was hearing other women saying they don't feel good enough anymore, self doubt, low self esteem, shame at not coping that got to me.
The insomnia and fatigue don't help x
brendababy maria101
I agree Maria, no one spoke about the weird severe symptoms only talking about the obvious symptoms of menopause, I was disappointed and left feeling even worse cos I've yet to meet anyone who suffers from similar symptoms as me such as dizziness balance problems, severe anxiety, strange body sensations like buzzing etc
Hope your having a good day xx
Fairy28 maisie05
I watched it too and yes it was woth watching BUT they didn't discuss many of the horrid symptoms a lot of us have, aching joints, gastric issues, nausea, there are over 66 symptoms and most of them were ignored as usual. Not that impressive, more detail and more severe symptoms discussion would have been more helpful.
maisie05 Fairy28
Fairy28 maisie05
Agree , but it was meant to be the truth about the menopause and I think half an hour wasn't long enough, maybe two hours more realistic ! Never enough time given to women !
sabrina1971 Fairy28
The Tonight show is also fluff TV. Poorly researched topics and never covered in any depth. And yes, this was glossed over because it's a female problem.
Fairy28 sabrina1971
maisie05 sabrina1971
The programme is only 20 minutes long, 25 at most. I think it was a good starting point and I'm sure it will encourage more to talk about menopause and admit they are suffering.
sabrina1971 maisie05
Women have been going through menopause since year dot. By 2016 if the Tonight programme (shoddy, scrappy throwaway 'journalism'
was a starting point we should be throughly ashamed that we have only managed to get this far. Show like this p*ss me off. They don't bring about awareness of any great depth. Dedicating twenty five minutes to such an in depth and complex topic could make employers even less sympathetic to women, not more so. It's the equivalent of running an article about menopause in the sun newspaper.
sabrina1971 maisie05
I got moderated because I used the P word!
Forgot to to copy my response before sending so I can't be bothered to type it all out and actually remember it all.
Basically, women have been going through menopause since year dot, and if we have come to this programme as a starting point in 2016 we should be ashamed and angry about it. Dedicating 25 minutes to such an in depth and complex subject is exactly what has been happening to women since the year dot. We're not important, and we don't deserve the air time. It may make employers even less sympathetic, not more so. When they don't cover the real issues that we have to deal with it's like they don't exist because they were not covered on this dumb programme. They may as well have written the article for The Sun newspaper because it took that much 'research' and 'journalism' to write it.
i understand it touched you, but the bigger picture is using fluff TV to report a serious subject often hurts the subject, not enhance it.
maisie05 sabrina1971
Sorry if I sounded confrontational then, I didn't mean to. I'm enjoying our friendly discussion, it's good to hear other view points.
Fairy28 sabrina1971
Oh Sabrina I so so agree with you, it's the same old same old - were not important enough to have longer than 25 minutes, yes I felt sorry for Michelle Heaton as im the same, but why wernt the 66 symptoms discussed - they skimmed over the top and some us us have very serious life changing complications through surgical meno , a group of women sat giggling about their symptoms was no help whatsoever.
Fairy28 sabrina1971
sabrina1971 maisie05
You were not confrontational, Maisie, and I hope I am not coming across as attacking you or being too aggressive. I am not annoyed with you, but I am annoyed with flimsy 'journalism' and how women are portrayed in the media.
It's a bigger issue than needing longer documentaries as I am sure you are aware. If it were men going through this important stage of life there would be all kinds of health care resources and available paid sick days etc. Like fairy mentions, there are therapies, supplements, etc that bring us huge amounts of help, but unless we have money to find that help we are screwed. Because I live in a state where I can get a naturopathic Doctor as my GP, and have good enough insurance to pay for it, I can get relief. But millions of women can't and the government and drug companies just let them sit and suffer. That is what we need to address. The Tonight programme won't raise awareness or start some new initiative that is needed. But yes, I guess if some husbands got to see it and it helped them realise something, it was something. Not enough, but something.
Sorry for the ramble and incoherent thoughts. Nothing new at my age. Hah!
Jokey sabrina1971
You were certainly not incoherent Sabrina, you raised some good
points. I haven't watched the programme yet but I am sure I will
have something to say about it when I have lol😁
I am a bit jealous that you can get a naturopathic doctor as your
GP, we are lucky if we even get to see a GP here! (UK).
I am not entirely sure what one is but it sounds very healthy😊.
Keep up the good work, all the best to you.
maisie05 sabrina1971
No I don't feel attacked Sabrina, not at all. It's good that we are able to express our opinions together. I understand how frustrating it is, especially when women feel ashamed to admit to each other they aren't coping and don't know where to turn for help. This forum is great for all of us.
sabrina1971 Jokey
Jokey -- A naturopathic doctor has all the same training as a GP, but also has extra training in other therapies like herbal medication, acupuncture, nutrition and all kinds of stuff so the patient is treated holistically. The other big difference is that my appointments always last from 30mins to an hour depending on the issue. My doc can give me prescription meds when absolutely needed, or if I want them, but mostly will turn to herbal meds and supplements which have been custom built to my symptoms so I don't get hot flashes or mood swings any more. I am so very lucky and feel very fortunate that I have her, and so annoyed that so many can't get this level of care and attention. This is not normal in the US as these docs are only registered as GPs in certain states. It's one of the main things that keeps me living here as opposed to going back home to living in the UK!
For or anyone reading in the US that can't get insurance to pay for naturopathic doctors, call around and ask what their fees are as you could be surprised!
Jokey sabrina1971
Thanks for the info Sabrina, I am going to look into this. I wouldn't
blame you for staying in US for that one reason, I would be tempted.
Where are you from in UK? ?
sabrina1971 Jokey
Jokey sabrina1971
Wisbech in Cambridgeshire. Lived here since birth (56years).
Yes shopping is all a bit different here isn't it?
I have been to Oklahoma about 15 years ago, my Aunt who is
British lives there with her family. It was certainly a different
way of life there but nice to visit.
Nice to chat to you😊😊
sabrina1971 Jokey
Jokey sabrina1971
Ah yes heard of it. 😊