Tonsil Stones/Tonsiloliths and Bad Breath

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I'm really surprised there isnt anything on this forum about tonsil stones. I've suffered with them for years.

They are little yellow or white stones that form in the cavity of your tonsils. Some people have really big tonsils that have holes and food and saliva mix together and form these stones which smell foul and cause halitosis or bad breath.

People suffer from these for years without knowing what they are. You can cough them up or you sometimes may feel like there is something stuck down the back of your throat.

I used every mouthwash on the UK market and even used to try and poke them out using a cotton wool bud. I googled tonsil stones and found a company in the US called Therabreath and they treat people with tonsil stones. They also have a product range and these products can be used at home.

In the UK, the main company selling these products is inpeakcondition but over here they are called California Breath. Basically the products claim to suffocate the bad bacteria and even though the products are a bit pricey, but tongue is now white and my tonsil stones occur less and less.

There are other products out there too, one is based on pro-biotics (its all about having the right bacteria). Think one of them is called Bliss or Blis12 or something, worth googling.

Hope this helps someone.

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    Thankyou for the reply i am going to give it all a try anything is worth a try as long some good can happen from it and i really hope it does work for me as well as it has worked for you as it would be such a relief,would be great just to brush and rinse and be done in the morning and evening so hopefully it will happen soon.Also yes i totally agree as of why doctors and nobody can find a treatment for these stones is amazing how its always classed as just food when all us are suffering like this finding our own treatments in life,i feel its wrong and study should be done on this and treatments should be invented but for now i shall i do as we all are try and find my own.Thankyou very much again and i shall let you know how i get along.
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    Im going to try the califonia breath deluxe tonsil stone kit priced at £47.99 for this price i am hoping that a miracle has been created and it will work and help me with everything crossed i hope so,will let you know it contains the mouth wash,toothpast,nasal spray and mint and a thoat spray,i shall be 1 happy lady if this works lol so will let you all know.Hope you are all well.
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    I have just noticed KJJ mentioned about the Blis12 as well. The good bacteria has helped me a lot too. I have also made great progress in finding exactly what is causing the problem. I noticed that not only did i have smell on the on the tonsils but also very very very far back on my tongue. The only thing that had similar symptoms is post nasal drip. I have already had steroid sprays from the doctorf for this that you can use long term but they did not help at all. I have however at least now confirmed the thing causing my tonsil stones, tongue coating and bad breath is definatley that by using a oral decongestant for 2 days. Tonsil stones, bad breath, tongue coating, smell on very far back of tongue completely gone when using them.  I believe the mucos from the drip causes food and bacteria to get stuck very far back in the mouth leading to my problems. The only problem is now, how do i stop the post nasal drip long term? you are not supposed to take oral decongestants for longer than a week as there are serious side effects so i need to find a natural long term solution. I have already tried sinus rinses and eventually this seems to make me produce more mucus. If anyone has any suggestions for natural remedies or remedies safe for long term use to stop post nasal drip please suggest. I have also tried antihystamines but they dont work. The only thing working is oral decongestants and they totally clear up the whole problem alone. Typical that it is not a long term solution!

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      I know Claire its so frustrating.   Actually my post nasal drip isn't as bad as it used to be.  I have wood flooring in most of my rooms at home, particuarlarly my bedroom so that makes it a lot easier to keep dust at bay which I know aggrevates my post nasal drip. Also dairy does too, so I try to be careful what I eat.  Post nasal drip doesnt just happen, it is aggrevated by something so you need to find out what, then avoid it.  Easier said than done I know. Decongestants and flu remedies are not good for you at all.  One of the ingredients in Lemsip Flu strength is also found in Ecstacy tablets!  Cheap night out!  Seriously, post nasal drip and tonsil stones are a huge problem.  At the moment we only have California Breath that seems to work but there must be other remedies out there.  Will keep looking!
    • Posted

      Hi Claire. I registered soley to thanks you for your input on this discussion.

      I'm 28 

      My morning breath is horrendous. 

      Once i've woken up, brushed my teeth, used mouthwash, eaten something, then my 'daytime breath', although still not nice, is manageable. 

      With a mixture of mints, drinks and occasional nasal drops I've never had many comments or seen any signs in peoples reactions.

      For a long time, I thought the problem was my tonsils, since that's what my BB smells like, and I occasionally get tonsil stones. 

      However, recently since i've spent a lot of time in the mirror digging around and using a syringe to blast them, I think maybe that's not the cause. No matter  how much I dig around and blast at them, I rarely get any out. Just the occasional tiny one.

      I also know people who occasionally get tonsils stones who have breath as fresh as a babies! 

      My tongue is always a little bit coated/yellowish. 

      So I'm now thinking that problem could be from post nasal drip? 

      I've been flushing my nostrils out with saline solution but It hasn't helped the smell or the tongue colour. I am tempted to try adding some grapefruit seed extract solution to the saline solution, as i've heard of some success stories with that method.

      Another thing I kept reading about was candida. Seemed worth a shot considering my coated tongue. 

      I am recently finished a day 5 course of fluconazole medication and I've noticed NO IMPROVEMENT so i'm guessing I can rule candida overgrowth out.  

      Before I even saw your posts, I also tried metronidazole.

      I'm only on day 3, but my 'morning breath' (which is pretty damn bad) was a fair bit better this morning! I'm not sure what to make of that.

      However, from reading around, most people who notice improvement on this antibiotic, tend to revert to their normal bad breath once they stop taking the medication! I keep thinking that the fact that it cures lots of people whilst they're on the drug must be a big clue as to what the underlying problem is and possible cures!!? 


    • Posted

      Yes I think the problem for many people is post nasal drip mucus causing the food to stick and hang around in the throat giving bateria something to feed on. I think this in turn worsens the tonsil stones and other problems.

      I think that the antbiotics help in the short term because they kill off some of the bacteria living far back in our mouths but because we dont fix the actual post nasal drip problem it comes back.

      Have you tried anihystamines for allergies as maybe if you have post nasal drip it could be allergies? I'm taking a hayfever tablet on a night and noticed that it is having nearly as positive effect as using the decongestant. I'm using Cetrizine now but before I was using a different type of antihystamine and it didnt work at all. I think some antihystamines dry the nasal passages as a positive side effect.

      Maybe with our problem being worse on a morning we could be getting blocked noses in the night and mouth breathing, or maybe we are allergic to the dust mites in bed? I'm sure I wake up in the night with a blocked nose sometimes.

      Another thing I should mention is I think things were much worse before I visited the dentist. As I think any teeth that arent ok add to the problem that we already have.  I have also started flossing really carefully everyday as I think getting rid of as much bad bacteria in the mouth as possible helps.

      I'm not tonsil problems at all at the moment by staying on top of what is clearly coming from further back in the throat.

      I'm also trying these excercises I found on another website, the first one I was already doing for the last couple of weeks as its meant to be really good for relaxation

      Anulom Vilom - Close your right nostril with thumb and deep breath-in through left nostril  

      then – close left nostril with two fingers and breath-out through right nostril  

      then -keeping the left nostril closed  deep breath-in through right nostril

      then - close your right nostril with thumb and breath-out through left nostril.

      This is one cycle of anulom vilom.

      Repeat this cycle for 20 to 30  minutes twice a day(maximum 60 minutes in one day).

      You can do this before breakfast/lunch/dinner or before bedtime or in bed.Remember to take deep long breaths into the lungs.You can do this while sitting on floor or chair or lying in bed.

      Bhramri Pranayam -Close eyes. Close ears with thumb, index finger on forehead, and rest three fingers on base of nose touching eyes. Breathe in through nose. And now breathe out through nose while humming like a bee.

      Duration : 5 to 10 times

      I dont do the first one as long as required as I dont have as much time as that but have been doing it several times a day for a few breaths when i remember. Maybe it is helping or maybe it is the hayfever tablets...who knows?

      I've ordered some natural hayfever nose spray which you can use long term so i will let you know if that helps

    • Posted

      Yes, it makes sense that, like you say, antibiotics kill off the bacteria causing the problem, but without fixing the post nasal drip, the bad breaths comes back.

      I have heard of some lucky people who seem to have been cured with the antibiotic (although most people revert back once they stop using)

      I'm hoping i'll be one of the lucky ones!

      I used the nasal drops from california breath a year or so ago. They were very good, but it cost me a fortune and the bottle was tiny!

      Yes, I've tried antihistamines. I suffer from hayfever, on-and-off. These pills don't improve my breath at all in my experience.

      I'm pretty certain that I don't mouth-breath when I sleep.

      I am due a dental check-up, but i'm confident that my teeth are not part of the problem. I've had the same breath for years, and it's always the same after a clean bill of health from the dentist and the hygenist.

      Keep us updated on everything!!

      i'm off out to meet friends, and make the most of my nice breath whilst it lasts!!!

  • Posted

    yes, dairy definatley makes things worse. I think it also feeds bacteria making bad smell and taste a lot worse.

    Post nasal drip probably aggrevated by me constantly poking around in the back of my mouth! hahaha probably wasnt there until I started poking.

    At least finding exactly what the problem is helps. I will be trying all the safe natural remedies over the next few months so I will keep you updated. 

    I will also try cutting out different possible allegens as you suggest and alsonsleeping with my head higher as heard thats meant to help. 

    I also noticed some breathing excercises on another site that looked good and people were rating them so gonna try them.

  • Posted

    Hi KJJ ( and Claire)

    What form does Blis 12 take and how do you take it?  Is it part of a CB12 range available from Boots? I take chewable Acidophilus tablets each day but they're chalky and coat the tongue which doesn't seem ideal. I'm not sure if they're the right kind of friendly bacteria we need for our problem. 

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      Im using oralbiotic blis K12, think i got it online after reading reviews. They a kinda crappy strawberry chalk flavour. They work best when allowed to dissolve in the mouth straight after brushing. The bacteria in them is called streptococcus salivarius and it is one of the good bacteria usually found in the mouth. I also read somewhere you are supposed to keep pro-biotics in the the bacteria dies in heat! They did not cure my bad breath but have made it much easier to manage.

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    I forgot to mention, I find keeping the mouth really clean as much as possible and using the pro-biotics helps as the mucus needs bacteria to feed on it before it starts to smell

    • Posted

      Many thanks for the info on oralbiotics Claire. The Acidophilus I've been taking has bacteria called Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium animalis also a chalky strawberry lozenge to suck. I remember now I started taking them because I read Dr Katz had said our problems could sometimes be a result of having taken too many antibiotics in the past which destroy the friendly bacteria in the gut and to take a supplement to replace that. I've imagined that because I bought the tablet form to suck it qualified as an oralbiotic. That's obviously not the case as the bacteria are different. I'm sure they will have made my gut healthy though haha!
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      just found this online: Lactobacillus acidophilus is found naturally in humans in the mouth

      So I think you do you have some friendly oral bacteria tablets after all. I think there is probably supposed to be loads of different types of good bacteria in the mouth.  Only in my mouth its 90% the same bacteria found on wet dogs and things that wet dogs leave on pavements. haha 

      Your so right about the antibiotics, they are a nightmare! Good luck with your healthy bacteria quest. smile


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      Thank you. Great reply, informative and hilarious! It's good to laugh.
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      I am glad I found this thread. I have had this issue for a few years now and it has gotten to the point where I am considering having my tonsils removed, mainly because I typically lean towards a permanent fix to an issue.

      My question for all of you, because of these tonsil stones I typically have this feeling that something is in the back of my throat and it causes me to swallow a lot, which in it self is bad becasue I can not burp, so I typically get a stomach ache due to bloating. I went to the ENT doctor and he said it wasn't the stones but it was a post nasal drip causing the throat issue. I tried the nasal spray for a few months and no improvement. Do any of you also have the feeling that there is something in the back of your throat causing you to constanly swallow or clear your throat? Also, has anyone noticed that this feeling goes away if the tonsil stones are removed?

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      That feeling may not be strictly because of tonsil stones. I actually had my tonsils removed 2 years ago, because of chronic swelling, and about a year after my surgery I started to notice this weird feeling of something being stuck in my throat. For me, at least, I think this feeling is excess mucus stuck in my throat. It only seems to be on the left side. Is that what yours is like? AND I also, am unable to burp, which seems rare. Do you think that may be related? 

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