TOS Cervical Rib Removal and First Rib removal

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I (have) had Thoracic outlet syndrome. It took approx 8 years to figure out what I had. Finally found a doctor I could agree with. He found cervical ribs both right and left. Only had symptoms on my right side. Pretty sure symptoms were brought on by a car accident (whiplash). Anyway.. Had the cervical rib removed and the first rib removed along with the skaleen muscle that was in a spasm. It has been 5 weeks and I am still taking pain meds, although I am finally starting to feel some relief. Not ready to quit the pain meds though. Although I'm gonna have to since my dr wants me off them. Wish he could feel this pain.My chest is numb but it is painful underneath. It burns like heck and the muscles, or it may be the facia that runs from my neck to my chest that is so tight it kills me. I try to do my stretches but it hurts. Mornings are awful. Be prepared to not sleep at first. I am thankful to have found this site. You feel like you are the only one out there who has been through this since it is such a rare anomaly. If you are going to have this surgery perpare yourself for not only the pain but the mental challenge of being in pain for so long. You will have some really down days. Good luck

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    I am 3 months postop, I had arterial TOS on the right side, I was told it was from playing softball my whole life. My surgery only took 3 1/2 hours. I had a first rib resection and also an inch of my artery removed and a graft put in, due to an aneurysm under my collar bone from my subclavian artery being compressed for so long. I was EXTREMELY symptomatic. Blindness, deafness, fainting, extreme pain in entire right arm and upper chest/lower neck area and paralysis on left side of my body. Being 3 months post op, I'm now having thoracic spine issues. I cannot return to work ( have been out of work since April, it's now mid August,) I have no idea what to do. Our next step is cortisone shots to the spine and if that doesn't work, I have to go see a thoracic spinal surgeon. Not everyone's does this, but it is very very painful feeling. It's constant agony all day. It hurts to take deep breaths or even sneeze, it makes me cry. My doctor was perfect, one of the best here in the U.S. I went in on a Sunday and walked out on Thursday. Sunday for precautionary reasons, so they were able to monitor me before my surgery due to the fall risk. Has anyone had the spinal issues before?
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    I had ended up with a swollen lower arm with no pulse and dvt in my upper arm b4 they found out I had venous and neurogenicthorasic outlet syndrome. It was a horrible and long road, I ended up have surgery in September of last year they took out my right 1st rib and also removed muscle and scraped all scar tissue from the nerve in my neck. I still have the symptoms of the tightness in my neck no feeling from my chin to my chest and also partial peralisis in my arm and thumb and two fingers. They are numb and tingle very badly when I do too much like drive, walk, laundry, ect.... just daily life, I am now on complete disability until they can hopefully get things back to normal which the specialist told me could b a lifetime. Good luck and I hope you heal soon
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    I am ten months past my surgery. Mine was extra complicated because they  punctured my lung during the procedure. The pain where the rib was removed was awful. Took a good six months to say that I could stand it. It's a very des pressing process and I'm not a depressed person in the least because the recovery time is so much longer than you expect. But ten months later I feel great. No more pain. The numbness is still there slightly. That took forever. And where the muscles and nerves would almost harden for months. That was the strangest thing. But nothing more than a bit of nerve pain here and there. I had permanent damage from 0 blood flow for a couple of years. I now have a strong pulse which I didnt have before at all. And the awful pain I was in for almost two years is 95% gone. It's worth it in the long run. It's just a very long process! It will get better!
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    My 21 year old daughter is about to have first rib resection for venous thoracic outlet syndrome She broke her collar bone at 18 months old and the calcification is now pitching on her subclaVian vein which caused serious blood clots in her right arm The blood clots have been resolved and now she is having the first rib removed Can anyone tell me their experience with recovery timeShe runs track in college and her vascular surgeon has told her 2 weeks
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    Hi all,

    I have a cervical rib on my right side thats causing TOS and pinching on my atery if the arm is elevated... Im due for surgery in the next 6 week and im a bit scared and don't know what to expect... they are going in under the arm to remove the cervical rib and the first rib... how are all of you coping recovery wise? And any suggestions? Im glad to find that im not the only one going throw this pain and whole experience... any comments, advice and info will be much appreciated!

    Many thanks

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      Hi Janine

      i can only tell you about my surgery but this may not be identical for you.  I don't have cervical ribs, my sublavian artery and vein were/are being compressed between my first rib and clavicle. Three weeks ago I had a first rib resection and medial and anterior scalenectomy on the right side where the majority of my symptoms are.  I have recovered from the surgery very quickly as I went back to work yesterday but I am still experiencing symptoms in particular occipital headaches when I lean back on my head or lie flat.  I have had TOS symptoms for over a year so a lot of damage has been done so I am fully prepared for it to take 3/4months to settle and for the pins and needles to go away.  I am now having the left side done next Wednesday as sometimes referred pain from the other side can be the cause but ther are no guarantees.  For now I know that I have very little surgical site pain and that I have a radial pulse with my arm in any position on my right side.  The incision is about 4cm subclavicular but I was warned that they may have to make two incisions the other being under my armpit if they could not free up the blood vessels and my pulse was still vacant!  I really hope this helps, I william etc oh know how the left sided goes.  Where about do you live as I am based in the midlands in the UK.  Take care

    • Posted

      I am scheduled to have a first rib resection next month. Two questions - is the recovery unbearable like it seems most people are saying? And, do you have an idea of the total charges, including hospital, surgeon, anesthesiologist, etc?
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      Hi, I am based in the Uk So I am afraid that I cannot give you an idea of charges etc as based by your question I am guessing that you are in the States. My recovery has not been unbearable at all.  a few days of taking the stronger pain killers and then back to work after two and a half weeks. I still have sharp stabbing nerve pains that I had before but I have had symptoms for over a year so it is going to take a few months for this to go.  I am a glutton for punishment and having the left side done next week, just four weeks after my last surgery on the right.
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      Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to me. I hope your next surgery goes well and I will definitely say a prayer for you.
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    I have to find a Doctor or Doctors that know of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and can start me on the journey. I also, have had recent neck trauma that has spiralled me into the seemingly TOS painfull disability. In as much as this sharing was posted over a year ago, I would love to know how you are doing post op now. Thank You!
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      If you are in Phoenix, AZ I would highly recommend Dr. Randall Grace.   I do not know anyone else.  He did my surgery and was amazing.
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      I am in Augusta, Georgia and need to find someone a little closer. Thanks for the referral of Dr. Grace. He might have a collegue. Thanks again Sharis.
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    How are you doing now? My dr is looking into doing this procedure. I have had a bad case of whiplash and they are thinking of doing this to help. Does it really help? Is it worth going through? How long are you in pain before you are able to go back to work?
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      Hi! I have not had the surgery yet. Mine is scheduled for June 24th. There are so many different recovery experiences on here that I am not quite sure what to expect. Best wishes to you.
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      If you don't care post on here as soon as you can after your surery. I see alot of bad with alot of good on here and I hopefully will be back in with my dr this week. He wants a mri of my shoulder before he makes his decision of removing my rib and my decision to let him.
    • Posted

      Hi there, I am seven weeks post op on the right and nearly four on the left.  My right side is now great.  I seem to have 90% function back bearing in mind I could barely stir a saucepan, I am very pleased.  My left was a more extensive release of the brachial plexus and subclavian artery and vein but I am back to work today and did go back to work for a week in between ops.  Yes, I am still taking paracetamol and Diclofenac three times a day and occasionally something stronger at night as I am still suffering with headaches.  If the blood supply to your arm is compromised it should be an easy decision to make.  I felt fairly rough for the first week and a half post op both times but the combination of GA and painkillers will do that so just wait that out and sleep a lot.  Physio will be very important as you need to keep all your muscles moving - mobility is the key to recovery (not weightlifting though!).  My incisions are sub clavicular but this seems to vary on here from person to person and have healed well.  I still have pins and needles at night but this could take three months to go.  So my general thoughts of my outcome are positive as my blood supply and function are restored from the procedure and the brachial plexus has been released so this was a necessary operation for me.  I am now just playing the waiting game for the rest of my symptoms to settle down from the operation and to work hard myself with my Physio exercises to get the muscles all doing as they should.  Please ask if you need to know anything more and I will do my best to answer. I am UK based so our healthcare systems differ which is why some people will have a lot more scans - hospitals bill insurance companies for them! Take care and I hope it goes well for you.
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      How was your first rib resection surgery? How long it takes to be able to be independent. I am thinking of doing it but very worried as it seems like there are many things that cannot be done after surgery even for showering. Can share with me?

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