TOS Cervical Rib Removal and First Rib removal

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I (have) had Thoracic outlet syndrome. It took approx 8 years to figure out what I had. Finally found a doctor I could agree with. He found cervical ribs both right and left. Only had symptoms on my right side. Pretty sure symptoms were brought on by a car accident (whiplash). Anyway.. Had the cervical rib removed and the first rib removed along with the skaleen muscle that was in a spasm. It has been 5 weeks and I am still taking pain meds, although I am finally starting to feel some relief. Not ready to quit the pain meds though. Although I'm gonna have to since my dr wants me off them. Wish he could feel this pain.My chest is numb but it is painful underneath. It burns like heck and the muscles, or it may be the facia that runs from my neck to my chest that is so tight it kills me. I try to do my stretches but it hurts. Mornings are awful. Be prepared to not sleep at first. I am thankful to have found this site. You feel like you are the only one out there who has been through this since it is such a rare anomaly. If you are going to have this surgery perpare yourself for not only the pain but the mental challenge of being in pain for so long. You will have some really down days. Good luck

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    I am a 16 year old swimmer who is a junior in high school. i got surgery on February 12 and i recovered very quickly. I was out of the hospital within 5 days. There was about 75% compression of my artery and they could barely even find my vein because it was compressed so much. I have lived with this my whole life. i got my first rib removed and i am not going to lie and say that it wasnt painful. Since i am a smaller girl there was one complication during my surgery, not too major. They punctured my lung cavity but it healed on its own. The one thing that i was not prepared for was the muscle spams in my rib area, it was painful and unexpected, but otherwise it wasnt too bad. It is now 4 months later and i went back to swimming, driving, and lifeguarding. I have to admit that the numerous tests throughout the year were exhausting and annoying. i got an MRI (with contrast), a venogram (with contrast), an MRArthogram (with contrast), a CAT scan (with contrast), and numerous x rays. All the contrast was either injected directly into my shoulder or into my bloodstream. I have heard many negative things about this surgery on this website, but my experience was not all that bad...
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      Can you share more the post effects and the recovery after your first rib resection. I am considering but is very worried after sighting many had the intoreable pain and long healing time

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      As i might be doing the first rib resection and is rather worried as many complaint about the horrible pain and the long healing process. can share more with me

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    I am about to have this surgery done on my left side, does it actually help? Is it worth going through?


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    Did you get better? Just went thru right Thoracic outlet decompression and resection 1st rib. TOS was caused by severe whiplash injury. Severe burning of my skin of Right arm and chest. Right hand is much warmer than left hand. Just hoping you got better.
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      May i know if its true that after surgery is horrible? I heard many cases compaining of the terrible pain, the burning sensation, the inability to do many things even shower. Some worse cases have complications. How long will this pain be improved after surgery?

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    Hi there everyone. Just thought I'd join this discussion since I'm going under for my first rib resection on the 14th September. Worried about the pain and recovery time. 

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      Hello Jas

      Kathy and Monica here. Just thinking about you and hoping your surgery went well.

      One day at a time...

      Sending well wishes and blessings for a speedy recovery!

    • Posted

      Hello Kathy and Monica! I am so releived. Everything went really well. Today is Friday. My surgery was on the Wednesday morning. Tomorrow I am being discharged. My surgeon removed about 90% of the left rib. I felt pretty fine the day of the surgery shortly after waking up and most of that day. I was a little nauseous, light headed with more pain the morning after the surgery. But by the time the afternoon came around I felt comfrotable on pain killers. I have been stretching my left arm on the hour. Moving my arm up in the air, out to the side, rolling my shoudlers up and around. The only bad news is that it looks as though my subclavian vein is pretty damaged due the the compression and scarring from past clots. So I will likely need a stent. But am going to have an ultrasound next Thursday and follow-up with my surgeon to confirm all this. How are you feeling? Sending you all my good vibes :-) 
  • Posted

    I understand completely! I am months post surgery. They removed my first rib and repositioned Lot of muscles and nerves when they opened me up they found alot of scar tissue. I was on the operating table 51/2 hrs. I'm still in alot of pain. Scar, neck feels so tight that it almost chokes me sometimes tramadol doesnt help at all. My family dr finally gave me hydrocodone. I thought by now I would feel better and be back at my job. Now I dont know when I'll get to go back or ever.I'm thinking about trying to get disability. Has anyone triied to get it since this surgery? I have 2 more surgeries to go thru for other issues.

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      Are you doing any physio at all, in between?  Stay strong. Your health and well being are what's most important. 

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    Wow, the intro of your story sounds exaclty like mine :-) 2008 first clots. 2016 first rib out :-) Except I only had symptoms on the left. Agree with mornings being tough sad Stay strong!  

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      Hey how are you feeling? Poor Kathymonk is struggling now with chest pains. Hopefully along with the pain killers a bit of physio might be helping? Says me with no idea as yet lol but I do hope you're ok!

    • Posted

      Thank you for your well wishes!

      Monica will be calling the doc tomorrow. Her best pain is pretty bad and is possibly from this cold she has. Coughing fits do not help the cause I am suresmile

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