Totally fedup!
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Hi all. I just received a phonecall from my gynae clinic. My date for admittance in Feb has been cancelled! Consultant not available, gone away for several months. I now have to wait until another consultant can be found to take over the list. Wonderful Christmas, mostly visiting "Looe" for number 2 I think.
I am totally fedup as I was just getting myself in the right frame of mind to go and get sorted. Well these things happen I suppose but........................
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angela36386 Ellie1943
What are you having done? I had a bit more than I thought I was getting so recovery is taking longer than I thought.
Let us hope you can relax a bit and enjoy your Christmas and maybe read some of these comments and be better prepared for your recuperation
Jan999 Ellie1943
So sorry to read this Pollyanna especially when you've been waiting and preparing yourself for February. Goodness knows how much disruption this has caused for the hospital staff but hopefully they'll get a locum urogynaecologist pretty quickly if there isn't anyone else already at the hospital able to take his list. I know gynaecology isn't often life threatening (fortunately) but gynae problems are usually inconvenient, uncomfortable and a damn nuisance! 😘
Ellie1943 Jan999
Hi Matron. I was very upset when I first had the call this afternoon. Then I started thinking, maybe he's ill and can't work! It surely is a big admin job as he has very big lists and the person who called me said she had lots of others in the same boat as me. I think I said once that he's very busy, always the most people in his clinic and running late. I never complained because he's very caring and listened to me. It won't be fun getting to know another consultant and learning the trust again. Fingers crossed he's OK!
Jan999 Ellie1943
I'm sure whoever takes over from him will be as good Pollyanna and he/she will be a urogynaecologist so they will have experience. I can only imagine just how upsetting it must have been and such a shock because we think doctors will always be there for us and yes he could be unwell and perhaps having to have surgery himself. You may be surprised and not have to wait too long 😘
Ellie1943 Jan999
Hi Matron, update on this thread. I've received my admission letter, I go in May now for the op. Saw new consultant, he's not so well known but has lots of experience working in this hospital. (No names)! He's doing the SSF and rectocele repair as previously arranged. If anterior needs any repairs after he'll look at it then so no poly mesh at the moment!
He said same as you, not life threatening but does affect quality of life especially when we're older. I just have to get my garden sorted now as he said it will be 3-4 months recovery at least! Not told my dog yet, he gets upset if I mention 'kennels'! lol so a surprise holiday for a couple of weeks for him.
Jan999 Ellie1943
Hello Pollyanna. I'm pleased you have a new date and you've now got time to prepare. I wouldn't tell your dog yet because it will only upset him/her. It doesn't matter that your consultant isn't well known, he's obviously very well experienced and intends to repair everything that has prolapsed which is a good thing because you will get it over and done with. You know how long recovery is going to take so that won't come as too much of a shock. May isn't too far away now and you'll be able to sit in the garden to recuperate. And obviously we are all here to share your recovery with you 😘
carole13806 Ellie1943
Hi Pollyanna I was due to have my op in September and had got as far as being in my gown and TED stockings with 5 minutes to go before the op when it was cancelled as they didn't have any beds!!! So frustrating so I know how you feel. You just want to get it over with in a way. I had mine after a 3 weeks wait. I hope they sort it soon for you
lynn17227 Ellie1943
Hi pollyanna my surgery was cancelled 3 times and the 4 th date was sent letter to come in at 10.30 light breakfast up to 6.00 am and sips of water, phone call at 8 am off surgeon asking where am I, said at home he said why my op is booked for 8.30 am explained my letter he said he would phone back, he didn't so went to hospital explained everything Inc past cancellations and said not going anywhere, asked if I had eaten said yes half a toast and they said Oh!! he ended up coming seeing me and booking another theatre and anethasist for afternoon, I had already complained to PALS over previous cancellations, anyway had my op 4 weeks ago, phew sorry for going on but it was horrendous x
Ellie1943 lynn17227
Your hospital admin must have had a lot of problems as mine did when my consultant left! Loads of patients had to be changed to a different urogynae surgeon and this is a big hospital so glad I wasn't part of the team who had to rearrange it all. It's been a bad winter for the NHS, so many problems and most due to lack of funding I think. So we all have to pay a bit more in taxes to pay for a better system if we want one I guess! I'm not complaining anyway, we do better than lots of other countries. Glad to hear you've had your op, hope it's successful. Just take care of yourself now and don't overdo things too soon. 3-4 months I was told for recovery but we're all a bit different. Best wishes.