Totally had enough of this!!
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I am seriously fed up with these never ending symptoms that seem to change from day to day at times! Just as one subsides another pops up! I have never been anxious in the past but now am suffering from awful health anxiety because of all these symptoms. I seem to have begun this rollercoaster of misery 6 years ago.....HOW MUCH LONGER????!!!!!
I sometimes sit and cry and think I can't do many more days like this.
I only carry on for my lovely children.
I was once a happy outgoing sociable soul but now spend most of my life holed up at home avoiding social situations as I never know how ill Im going to feel.
Every twinge has me googling and worrying even more.
Ive had enough of this!
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Takingtime sarahonadowner
I I am in the same boat as you, however it's been about 4 years since I noticed things changing. I have had so many things tested, heart, lungs, ovaries, uterus, bladder, kidneys, gall bladder, liver, pancreas, I have has many urine cultures, blood tests, and fecal testing and mammograms...all have come back normal in the last four years. Despite all this, I suffer back pains, anxiety, acid reflux and sometimes burning down below. I have seen many doctors and every one including the natural path all away hormonal. I didn't think I have a hormonal imbalance because my period is regular and on time, however I have noticed some changes with it stop and starting or taking a while to get started....I find I have to keep social to keep my mind off off it all, either that I have to keep myself busy otherwise I will dwell on these symptoms that pop up. What I have found to help is keeping a diary of the symptoms, ironically most of them happen when why hormones fluctuate, so either right before or right after my period, or at ovulation time, all these symptoms come at different times, the newest ones for me is hives, and acid reflux where it feels like there is a lump sitting in my throat, that too comes and goes, but seems to be the most frequent. The test for that is endoscopy or an is so frustrating your right.
mary27278 Takingtime
Are you taking anything for any of your symptons? My symptons also seem to be center around hormonal fluctuation. In my case , all symptons are two weeks before period, ( the whole 2 weeks) ovulation week, (the whole week) and week of period. In my case , symptons are all month, and daily. It has taken such a toll on my body whereas my anxiety had hit the roof. If I eat, anxiety, if i sit anxiety, and not to mention the palpitations, and stomach is very nervous.
You mentioned you went to a naturopath, I am planning to see one this week. Were they able to help at all? The only thing that seem to benefit me is this concentrated food where it feeds your cells to regenerate new healthy cells. It brings body into balance. I must get back on it!
Are you still having your periods?
sarahonadowner Takingtime
I too have had umpteen tests in the past all of which were normal so I dont bother going to the doctor anymore as all she wanted to do was give me Prozac! X
Takingtime mary27278
Hi Mary, I still get my periods yes. Although each month can be different, some heavier than others, longer, shorter, slower to start, etc......The reason I decided to go to the natural path, is for the fact that the doctors did the tests to go with the symptoms and when they came back normal they didn't look any further. How can one have pain, and constant discomfort and be sent away, but I guess they are limited with testing. The natural path did a ton, and I mean a ton of blood work, checking hormone levels, thyroid, iron, cholesterol, vitamin deficiency, sugar levels complete blood counts...etc......It was then that we discovered that my hormone levels were dropping and that this could very well be the cause of my troubles, I was also low in iron. We started supplementing, and I did a bioidentical progestrone cream, and I will say for the first few months I felt awesome, my PMS improved, I had shorter periods, and I had more energy, but it lasted short term as then I started back getting back, nerve pain, then started getting acid reflux.....and here we are. I am now seeing a physio therapist for my back, a physio therapist for my pelvic floor, AND I also am going to an acupuncturist, all this costs a lot of money, and on the days I feel awesome I feel it is worth it, on the days I feel crappy, I think what a waste of Basically the gynocologist told me it is a phase that we have to go through, but trying to find what works to eliviate the symptoms is key, and trying to stay calm and relax your mind as much as possible.......not easy to do when your body is screaming at you.
mary27278 Takingtime
Hi Linda
?Just want to give you an update on the naturopath I went to on yesterday. It was a very lengthy consultation which last for 2 hrs. So very different from a western doctor. My health assessment consist of 25 pages of information to fill out. He went over every page with me. But the only drawback, it is too expensive, I cannot afford to pay what he ask. My husband and I was very impressed. He did say my gut is the problem to everything. The gut is like a second brain. It controls hormones, etc. The first thing is getting the gut healed, in which this is what ive heard from many other natural health consultants. He checked my zinc and it is low, at least I got something out of it yesterday. He also has some type of exercise to do with the brain to help with anxiety, and negative thoughts. It was very very impressive but I cant afford it. So I will keep looking for one that I can afford. I am making an appointment to a cardiologist because these heart palpitations are getting a bit too much for me. I will have peace of mind ruling another thing out. I did take a zantac this morning and I noticed the heart palpitations decreased a lot. I'm wondering if the acid reflux are triggering the palpitations? I've been really having acid reflux really bad lately,sometimes feels like a lump in throat and chest.
?Anyone know if acid reflux triggers heart palpitations?
mary27278 sarahonadowner
Sarah, my ?goes out to you. I am so sorry that you have gone through this for so long. Though, I can understand how you feel being tired of feeling this way day in and day out. Believe me, I am in the same boat as you. But I can't imagine 6 years!
I was just telling my husband that it's been 7 months of feeling this way daily non stop. ...I pray that you get relief real soon. I imagine it has to be very hard on you. Have you tried going on HRT? Or anything that may help with your symptons?
I have also gotten anxiety really bad while going through this . I completely understand...i sit and cry out to God to help me, stop this agony I'm going through. Know that you are not alone in this....this too shall pass , we all hope and pray real soon.
sarahonadowner mary27278
Its awful Mary. Now dont get me wrong there have been 'respite' periods over the last 6 years where Ive felt more like me again but I have been feeling particularly rubbish for pretty much 6 solid moths, day in, day out. Its neverending and makes me wonder how much more I can bear x
mary27278 sarahonadowner
Sarah, my ?goes out to you. I am so sorry that you have gone through this for so long. Though, I can understand how you feel being tired of feeling this way day in and day out. Believe me, I am in the same boat as you. But I can't imagine 6 years!
I was just telling my husband that it's been 7 months of feeling this way daily non stop. ...I pray that you get relief real soon. I imagine it has to be very hard on you. Have you tried going on HRT? Or anything that may help with your symptons?
I have also gotten anxiety really bad while going through this . I completely understand...i sit and cry out to God to help me, stop this agony I'm going through. Know that you are not alone in this....this too shall pass , we all hope and pray real soon.
pinkcatfairy sarahonadowner
Dear Sarah
I know how you feel about everything. The health anxiety was awful I had gastitis in peri and it was awful because nausea etc came with it and loss of weight so I imagined the worse! The weight loss made me think something bad was happening. I was too scared to shower to see myself thinner! Then of course it emphasised my bones more so I then thought Oh it's a lump and so it went on. Of course every symptom you feel is the worse case scenario! The anxiety made me too scared to do anything. I'm two years post meno but on the odd occasion I have the odd health anxiety it aeems to come out of the blue. The horrible thing with this meno thing is not knowing for definate is it the end or is it going to drag on for years! Everyone seems to be different but I have noticed that we all seem to have alot of the same symptoms! At the moment I feel OK free of the health anxiety but never too sure it's the end of symptoms totally x
sarahonadowner pinkcatfairy
maisie05 sarahonadowner
Hi Sarah. I too have felt like you. It's so hard when everyone around you is oblivious to how you are feeling. But remember it's ok to cry, allow yourself this. Either alone or with someone to comfort you. I keep going for my gorgeous grandchildren.
I too used to love going out, happy go lucky, onto the next party, never turn an invite down. I've even abandoned the shopping trolley as I couldn't face going down another aisle!
One thing that helps me is to have an escape route if I do have to attend a social gathering. I plan in my head how I'm going to leave early if I need to. Search out a quiet room if you need a timeout, (I did this at a wedding) have a taxi number to hand for a quick exit. Tell yourself you'll just go for an hour and it's your decision when you leave.
Bachs rescue remedy, pastilles or gum, helps me when facing a stressful situation.
sarahonadowner maisie05
Mars777 sarahonadowner
Hi, so this is how it was with me, I had all these horrible symptoms for many years! I just put up with them as didn't really know it was all to do with the menopause. It was only around 7 years back that the bad anxiety hot sweats & real bad aches & pains hit me! Looking bk over many years I now know all my symptoms b4 was menopausal. Nausea often migraines just generally not right. I started on HRT when the anxiety hot sweats & not wanting or feeling I could function as I should started. I can honestly say I now feel so different, it's great, they work for me as had to come off them for a short while ugh! not good. I do get regular checks since being on HRT I do feel for you worst symptoms ever for many of us. Good luck hope you sort it soon.
sarahonadowner Mars777
Mars777 sarahonadowner