Totally off-balance in menopause

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Anyone feel totally off-balance walking? Like you're going to fall down but never fall.

A little like a 'drunk sailor'?

I'm sure it's hormone fluctuations....but what do you do for relief?


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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi yes I scared to go out today cause of thius

    • Posted

      Thx Debi! Do you do anything for it? Or wait until it passes? It's very scary, I agree
  • Posted

    I get this sat down too. Really bad today. I've been using a good multi vit and B12 spray and was doing really well but the last two weeks it seems to have reared its ugly head again sad x
  • Posted

    At times i feel this way like I am going to fall but i catch my balance 

    I feel like its the hormones with me and just being off balance 

  • Posted

    Yes like you say almost as if drunk. I'm getting it a lot less now I'm on HRT so it must be a meno symptom.
  • Posted

    I get this like the floor isn't quite where u think it is or on a small slope. I've been told my b12 I'd low so wonder if s symptom of that as been mentioned in this post,?
    • Posted

      I've been using a B12 spray, it worked a charm initially but now I feel dreadful again sad x
  • Posted

    Yes,me again, another lovely symptom I suffer from with this menopause , I have found it better since being on HRT patches, even though it's only been a month, but the list of symptoms of menopause is just getting longer and longer lol 
  • Posted

    Yes Jamie I have this too. I am trying to keep a journal to track when I get it. I usually get it right before my period and when I ovulate. I'm not sure what supplements might help, because I take so many and I still seem to get symptoms. I have some meclizine over the counter anti seasick medicine but I haven't tried it yet. Hope you feel better. I get really blurred vision too when I'm off balance.


    • Posted

      THANK YOU Ladies!!! This really helps. I'm not on HRT and does feel like jumping hormones having a party inside of me without me joining in on any fun.
  • Posted

    Yes, I have this too.  Feels like standing in a boat sometimes.  Been to ENT, had brain scans etc, oesteopath for possible neck probs, can't find anything, must be meno.  Symptoms alleviated marginally with mega B complex vitamins but some days they are as bad as ever.  I just sit for a bit and think "ok, this happened yesterday and I survived it, I can survive it again".  Can't wait until this bloody misery of menopause is OVER!!
    • Posted

      Oh, and I have had this for about 6 years now.


    • Posted

      How odd you've mentioned neck issues. I've noticed since I started my new job my neck is really painful, on the left side and I'm left handed. I'm in training at the moment and doing lots of writing, data input etc. This is my fourth week and my dizziness has been back with a vengeance for apx 2/3 weeks. Maybe it's something to do with my neck?? Thanks for raising the idea, I think I'll get it looked into x
    • Posted

      Davida, BEST description yet!!! Standing in a boat. People think I'm crazy when I try to describe it. And doing something simple - like crossing a street, scares the heck out of me. Can it get any better???
    • Posted

      I wish my husband would read some of these posts. He always gives me such a look and rolls his eyes when I say hang on a minute I just need to hold onto something. I used to think I had vertigo an inner ear problem or something.

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