Tramadol overuse

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Hi I am new here and hope that someone out there may have some insight into my tramadol terror. A brief history 3yrs ago I suffered a back injury and was prescribed Tramadol 8x50mg a day. I have for the past 10mnths been taking between 16 and 20 50mg tablets daily. My consultant is aware of this my G.P too is aware of this . I have tried to taper off this horrendous drug but I am finding it almost impossible with the withdrawal symptoms yes the restless legs among many. I asked my G.P for help to reduce the amount I am taking and all she said was "just try to cut down" mmmm not very helpful. I am fully aware that I have got myself into this situation and I can,t find a way out from it. I am also taking 5 other prescribed meds all of which are taken as prescribed. Not once has my G.P questioned why I needed another prescription when she had only just given me 200. I was never told about the difficulty regarding withdrawal. Really at a loss about how to deal with this issue, withdrawal is a terrifying prospect, yet know its the only way to go...Apologies for waffling on. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I hope that this does,nt set you back in your courageous effort to withdraw.

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    I have given up tried to quit once and almost made it down to 50 mgs a day , but the lil tram monster kept calling my name , take 800 mgs per day , for roughly 7 years now , that's the limit , any more than that and I hurl. I've heard about a process called Rapid detox , supposedly you just go under and wake up , not addicted . Pretty costly , about 5000, I think but maybe the easiest way to go, no withdrawals, I mean that's the worst ,the chills etc. of course I'd hate to spend the 5000 and then relapse

    best of luck to. You

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply ive never heard of "rapid detox" and at that cost I don,t think its a viable option. I am considering mentioning morphine patches as an alternative to the tramadol. My tolerance to the trams is so high I only get moderate pain relief from such a large quantity, but i know I cannot continue to increase the dose.....cheers richieboy22
  • Posted

    Hi Jayne..... I feel your pain!  I have also been taking 400mg daily for 7yrs for back pain.  I came on here a couple of months asking for help after deciding I wanted to come off this med totally and recieved some great advice!  Realitstically i still need them at some level for pain relief but i now only take 1 x50mg three times a day through the day and 2x50mg at night.  Have a look at my previous post.  It really was reducing 1 tablet at a time and taking two weeks to let my boby adjust before the next reduction.  Good luckx
    • Posted

      Wow Cathy thats fantastic to hear I know this won,t happen overnight like you say one tablet at a time...I will have a look at your previous post and see if there is anything that may help..many thanks jx
    • Posted

      Also i have learnt not to be hard on myself if i need to take an extra one now and again if i am sore.... And if its only now and again u dont become dependent on that extra one again!  You will see that I was desparate to come off Tramadol all together as I was fed up being dependant.  I quickly realised that I still need a certain level for pain relief.  Now that I have been at this level for a few weeks now I will see if my pain levels can handle less soon.  
    • Posted

      Thanks for the great advice Cathy all I seem to do all day is take pills just to get by with the tramadol theres naproxen diazepam omprazole quetiapine sertraline the list is endless...What really freaked me out was two nights ago I chose not to have my last dose of tramadol that being 4 tabs 50mg each, anyway started to hallucinate throughout the night. Thankfully nothing upsetting or scary but still not real. I hate being a slave to these drugs, and the fact they are just being used to mask the pain...which after so long it,s no longer that effective hence the increase in dose. I know its going to be a difficult having to deal with withdrawal as well as the chronic pain....Thanks again Cathy jx
  • Posted

    i quit tramadol 30+ days ago i was taking 20x50mg a day plus 600mg codeine- i did it cold turkey i WOUD NOT recommend this method it is horrendous the best thing to do is to  talk to a doctor with experience in addiction(most GP's know very little about drug withdrawl's) you need to use another drug like librium to help you over the worst of the symptoms- or try to taper off them - the problem with this is the last 100mg thats when the worst of the WD's kick in and where most people relapse- it wont be easy no matter which method you chose- this drug is horendous to kick- you really have to tough it out- there is no easy option im afraid- wish you the best of luck-
    • Posted

      What an amazing achievement for you to have managed this. I have lost confidence in my G.P who seems too willing to dole out prescriptions for anything...The biggest problem is the interractions between all of the other meds im taking which are causing more harm than good. My liver is,nt coping too well, I suffer from chronic low blood pressure I pass out on average twice a week the last time actually at the G.P surgery. My G.P told the attending G.P that its because of the CNS depressants along with the rest of the meds ..I feel kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place whilst still having to cope with chronic you are no doubt aware, chronic pain gets you down sometimes, and those times I just want to walk out the door if my legs cooperate  and not return. Something that I could never do because first and foremost I am a Mum...So let the battle commence...Thank you for your honesty about how bad it will be. No one ever said it was going to be easy jx
    • Posted

      Hi Jayne,  do you mind me asking what symptoms are you getting of you liver not working?  Its just that I was at the drs getting blood results 2 days sgo and my liver results arent what they should be and because i also get pain round the bottom right side of my rib cage ive been refered for an ultrasound of my liver to see whats happening! 
    • Posted

      Hi Cathy I don,t mind at all... the obvious symptom is the pain in the right upper quadrant just at the tip of the bottom rib. This was attributed to gallstones....had the gallbladder surgery yet still had this pain. Had a LFT as another symptom was fatigue and very dark urine and the fact that acetaminophen can cause liver toxicity. When the test results came back all my G.P said was my liver is,nt working as well as it should be. I too had a liver scan when they did the scan for gallstones and nothing was mentioned by the sonographer about my liver. My G.P has just requested a urine sample.. Oh sorry just remembered another symptom was very pale in appearance. Do hope they find the cause of your pain jx
  • Posted

    As you have been taking such a large amount of the stuff I would think that your withdrawal will have to be taken over a long period of time. In reality it takes quite a long time to become addicted and at least twice as long to become unaddicted (is that a word?) Assuming your doctor will keep prescribing the Tramadol I would suggest that you try reducing each intake by a very small amount, say, 121/2 mg per time with at least weekly intervals between reductions As they only seem to issue 50mg caps in the UK I experimented with breaking them open and just taking the powder in measured amounts. It tastes bloody awful and is not easily disguised (I found lemmon curd worked best). I've been told that the caps should not be split in this way but I'm still around to tell the tale , perhaps it's available in another form. Ask your Doctor, she seems to be very free with issuing.


    • Posted

      Thank you steve 1 I can appreciate how difficult and long this journey will be...and as for breaking the capsules yep its disgusting but then really should,nt be introducing it by other means to our Yes my G.P will continue prescribing even when I have asked her to do a medication review as a lot of the other meds should,nt be taken if your taking xyz etc I will let you know if she has any suggestions but I would,nt hold my breath. thanks for the advise jx
  • Posted

    I have chronic arthritis in my neck that causes severe dental pain and a dull pain down both arms and across my chest ... At the beggining of the year I was prescribed 60mg of oxycodone a day , that was then changed to 240mg of dihydrocodeine per day with 8x500mg paracetamols .. eventually I became so immune to this drug that the side effects ( constipation / reflux ) began to out weigh the benefits . I am now on 8x50mg ot tramadol + 8x500mg paracetamol + 2x500mg naproxen +2x200mg pregabalin . I continually take the pregabalin as that is not only prescribed for pain but also for anxiety . The pain medication I only take when the arthritis flares up and I am in excrutiating pain . I have taken up to 800mg per day of tramadol when I have been really bad but strangely I have no problem stopping it what so ever , I sometimes go for weeks without any pain and have no desire to take it at all . I do feel that I am immune from opiate dependence . I am certain that not everyone is susceptible to this . My advice is a gradual reduction !0% per day , which is the method I used to get off of diazepam , I am very strong willed , but what I can achieve , anybody else can if they put their mind to it . I really hope this helps you
    • Posted

      Thank you txtmachine I found this very interesting  as I too just stopped taking Diazepam after 10yrs of use. I had no withdrawal symptoms what so ever. Since my injury 3yrs ago I have been prescribed 15mg a day of diazepam alongside my massive overuse of tramadol, also naproxen sertraline quetiapine omeprazole paracetamol. Tramadol withdrawal on the two occasions that I have tried to come off them was horrendous. Like you say a gradual reduction is really the only way to go..Many thanks jx
  • Posted

    Hi Jayne.  It has been a nightmare for me as well.  I was told in 1995 that it was not addictive and now we know that is a little white lie.  I as m down to one a day now after 15 years of use.  You should consider going to a drug rehab.  They c s n put you on meds that will help immensley like vistoral.  Jayne, you really hav err to want off tramadol, but you really need support.  Im not a doctor but I know you should not just stop.  You could have seizures Anza n x bad dide effects.  SEE A SPECIALIST AND DONT BE AFRAID.  They are great. Good luck Jayne
    • Posted

      Thank you jr10060, i definately want off these drugs having lost a family member through what was unofficially mentioned " it was probably the combination of the antidepressants and the other medication she was taking caused heart god she was only 42 and left two children behind. I don,t want to be a slave to these drugs..My G.P is not exactly offering any kind of assistance, other than to keep handing out the meds..Believe me I have seriously considered going cold turkey..Thanks for the advise jx


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