Tramadol overuse

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Hi I am new here and hope that someone out there may have some insight into my tramadol terror. A brief history 3yrs ago I suffered a back injury and was prescribed Tramadol 8x50mg a day. I have for the past 10mnths been taking between 16 and 20 50mg tablets daily. My consultant is aware of this my G.P too is aware of this . I have tried to taper off this horrendous drug but I am finding it almost impossible with the withdrawal symptoms yes the restless legs among many. I asked my G.P for help to reduce the amount I am taking and all she said was "just try to cut down" mmmm not very helpful. I am fully aware that I have got myself into this situation and I can,t find a way out from it. I am also taking 5 other prescribed meds all of which are taken as prescribed. Not once has my G.P questioned why I needed another prescription when she had only just given me 200. I was never told about the difficulty regarding withdrawal. Really at a loss about how to deal with this issue, withdrawal is a terrifying prospect, yet know its the only way to go...Apologies for waffling on. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I hope that this does,nt set you back in your courageous effort to withdraw.

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi jayne. Hope your well. I was on tramadol for 2 years and for the latter 6 months of that I was on 15-16 50mg tablets per day. Sometimes the odd couple more. I had a councillor tell me to go from 800mg to 600mg then 400 then 200mg 1 week at a time. But thats a killer. Once dropping off the 200 to 0 thats when sh*t got nasty. 2 weeks of hell,you know the symptoms I dont need to go over them. After the 2 weeks things picked up day by day. I had a lot of support from my partner, who without I wouldn't of got through it. Make sure when you come off completely to get rid of your tablets because with them infront of you it will get too hard to say no. Take things easy and just remember things get worse before they get better. But they will get better and the day will come youll be tramadol free. Good luck
    • Posted

      Thanks for the advice I know I have a serious problem with this drug I can,t see a way to get off the blasted things, or maybe theres a part of me that does,nt want to come off them. Not just for the pain relief it gives but the times that I have tried to detox it has been hell. I know that tapering is the only option and I know what you mean about completely getting rid of them if I ever manage to be tramadol free. I need to make a choice and stick by it , no one said life was a bunch of roses just like no one said tramadol is addictive..many thanks for your advice much appreciated.  I congratulate your courage to beat the devil.. jx


    • Posted

      Their was a part of me that didn't want to, and theirs still a part of me that wants to take them everyday. I'm anxious and them tablets make my head straight. Sane. Not worry about things. Im not sure if they make you feel this way or just pain relief? Thats right life's all on your own choice, if you do go for it you can do it. And if you need advice im a message away. 
    • Posted

      Thanks and yes I suffer from chronic anxiety due to complex ptsd ,but thats another tale..The tramadol helps my mind to get off the treadmill of thinking and overthinking (if thats a word lol) just posted a new thread that I don,t feel now is the right time, again I could just be looking for excuses to continue abusing this drug. It definately is a bit of a head spin..Thanks for your offer of advice its hard fighting a battle alone..Thank you jx

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